Herbs for weight loss - we improve a figure by means of the nature


You can lose weight in full accordance with nature. The easiest and most popular way is to use medicinal herbs. Before using them, you should consult a doctor to rule out contraindications, since some plants can affect the body very much. Herbs for weight loss are also an easy way to heal because they can be bought very cheaply at any pharmacy, from local herbalists, or prepared on their own. Best of all, they act in combination therapy as an adjuvant. Sorcerers and herbalists believe that the best remedy is those plants that are grown in the area where you constantly live. The genetic information about food inherent in the body extends to plants used in food.

Herbs for weight loss: groups

Getting into the stomach, different means and act differently. For weight loss, it is best to use those that suppress the feeling of hunger. Some envelop the stomach, cause true satiety, while others only deceive for a while. For example, spirulina, flax seeds, medicinal angelica can cause "false" saturation. A thin mucous layer is formed on the walls of the stomach, which can block the feeling of hunger.

A whole group of plants removes excess fluid from the body, which accumulates in fat cells. They are usually taken in the form of a powder, which, when it enters the stomach, swells and absorbs moisture, increasing significantly in the stomach. Such an effect is characteristic, for example, of lingonberry leaves, bear ears, burdock, and horsetail. Ordinary anise, dill, caraway seeds work well - they cause not only weight loss, but also easy recovery. Corn stigmas and duckweed accelerate digestion. It should be noted right away that such decoctions should not be used by people with renal pathologies.

The third group of herbs for weight loss stimulates the elimination of bile. These are barberry, volodyushka, corn columns, dandelion, immortelle and many others. As a result of their intake, the work of the gallbladder is restored, the liver is cleaned, food begins to be digested more fully and as a result, the weight gradually normalizes.
The last, fourth group of herbs is laxative plants that cleanse the intestines, which normalizes and stimulates digestion.

Harvesting herbs for weight loss - how to cook?

If you choose the right composition of herbs for the collection, then the effect can be much greater. Ready-made drug charges are sold in pharmacies, but you can leave them yourself. Properly brew herbs need in a water bath. Mix the required ingredients in equal amounts and take two tablespoons of the mixture. Pour boiling water and hold in a water bath for about 10-15 minutes. Then insist 40 minutes, strain, add a little water and take in a warm form. Herbal therapy for weight loss has its own peculiarity - decoctions and infusions only help if you use them for a long time. For two to three months, you need to drink medicines, then take a break.

In pharmacies, you can also purchase slimming tea based on medicinal herbs. The composition of herbal teas is balanced and verified, and although such drugs are sold without prescriptions, you need to carefully study the instructions. Simple and affordable herbal teas are convenient to drink not only at home, but also at work or on the road, just do not bite with buns and cakes, otherwise the victims will be meaningless.

Herbs for weight loss - dosage, method of preparation

Senna for weight loss

Some women, dreaming of getting a quick effect, begin to increase the dosage, especially of laxative herbs - for example, senna. You need to be very careful with laxative herbs - due to leaching of the necessary substances from the body, the laxative effect can lead to diseases of the kidneys or intestines. Senna can be taken no more than one week. By the way, the instructions for pharmaceutical preparations based on this herb (Senadin, Senadexin, etc.) indicate that these drugs are addictive. With prolonged use, the body ceases to work itself at full strength, hoping for help.

Hellebore slimming

Another herb for weight loss - hellebore, also has a laxative effect. In its action, it is very gentle and delicate, and in addition to weakening the intestines, it also acts as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent against atherosclerosis and hypertension. As a result of hellebore action, salts of heavy metals are excreted. You need to take it only during the day, then move or perform physical exercises that are feasible. Hellebore has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates the body, but as in the case of hay, overdose and prolonged use are prohibited.

Sage for weight loss

Fresh sage can be used as a green supplement in soup, meat or salad, but you can also prepare tea for weight loss, so that in between meals a dull feeling of hunger. Many people like its pleasant aroma, and you can sweeten sage tea with a small amount of honey or sugar substitute. Sugar itself is not recommended. It is better to wash the grass under cold water, to brew only leaves. Dry leaves need to be taken less than fresh leaves, in case of an overdose there may be too much stress on the heart, which causes an accelerated heartbeat or dizziness. Drink before or after meals, in hot weather you can add ice.

Angelica (angelica, grass of angels) for weight loss

A true doctor, angelica is used as a mucolytic, relieves insomnia, removes bad cholesterol, and for losing weight its ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is important. It must be used in a complex manner, with physical activity and diet. This is a great remedy "from nerves", and as you know, we seize problems just when we are nervous. The most effective tincture of angelica is alcohol. For its preparation, dry angelica rhizomes need to be mixed with vodka or wine and taken 10-15 grams (1 spoon) before meals. The course of treatment for this herb for weight loss is 1 month, three times a day. You can apply no more than 3 courses throughout the year.

Althea root for weight loss

The beneficial substances of this plant are concentrated in the roots. For weight loss, a large amount of polysaccharide of mucus is important, which, when it enters the stomach, envelops the walls and creates a protective layer in the form of a thin film. Appetite is reduced, with the systematic use of this herb for weight loss, weight is reduced. Use the marshmallow root for weight loss in the form of a decoction. For 2 tablespoons, you need to take 200 tons of hot water, boil for 30 minutes over low heat. Cool and strain the broth. Drink several times a day, 100 grams before meals (20-25 minutes).

Fennel slimming

This herb uses seeds to reduce weight. Fennel stimulates the metabolic processes in the body, delicately and very gently launching the cleansing processes. Appetite is reduced, and the body receives a lot of energy, vitality. Its seeds have a sweet taste, they can simply be chewed to muffle appetite, during its use sugars and fats are properly absorbed, and, consequently, weight is reduced.

To summarize. Do not exhaust your body with hunger strikes, just go to the pharmacy and select the appropriate herbs for weight loss. Your weight will gradually come to order, if you take care of yourself without putting off the matter in a long box. Be beautiful and healthy!


Sveta 03.25.2016
I used flax seeds, they really cause saturation and I don’t want to eat. I bought some other additives, but I didn’t really like them - the seeds are better. And you can be sure that they will not harm you.

Natasha 03/25/2016
Cool! Something I did not come across with herbs for weight loss. I will try. It's just super, you can eat whatever your heart desires, washed down with grass and that’s all))) I, in principle, have no excess weight, but I always need to keep fit.

Camilla 03/25/2016
I used angelica, just as a means to calm the nervous system. And she herself did not understand why she had lost weight. Thanks, now I know. And it is very useful for the intestines, my mother drank it with me, and it helped her. Yes, there are a lot of good herbs, you just need to know what they are from and not to overdo them.

Diana 03/25/2016
I hear about fennel for the first time, thanks. It is very important that it is not the strong laxative effect that is the main reason for losing weight, but nevertheless the metabolic process as a whole is accelerated. In general, I think that all secrets are inherent in natural resources, both for weight loss and beauty. And all kinds of pills only poison the body.

Katya 03/25/2016
I don’t even know, because all the herbs need to be collected at a certain time so that they are effective. And in the pharmacy fees, it seems to me, the grass is sold, which was collected when it was just convenient. Maybe I'm wrong. Somehow I bought a collection from inflammation and it helped me.


Watch the video: Reignite Your Metabolism (June 2024).