How to cook a lung (beef, pork), recipes with it. How much to cook light pork, beef, what can you cook from them


Lung is a dietary by-product that contains proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Boiled light is mainly added to the filling for pies with liver, but not everyone knows that a huge number of tasty and interesting dishes can be prepared from this product.

The main thing is to know how to properly cook the lung and what to do if it pops up.

How to cook a lung - the basic principles of preparation

Before you start cooking the lung, it must be soaked for two hours in water. In this case, it is advisable to change the water a couple of times.

Then the lung is cut into pieces. If the offal is boiled whole, it will take at least two hours.

Pieces of the lung are put in a pan and poured with water. In this case, the water should be twice as large as the volume of the lungs.

To answer the question of how much to cook the lung, you need to decide for what purpose you are preparing it. If the offal will be used in the salad, it is cooked for about 50 minutes. It should be borne in mind that the lungs of a young animal are brewed much faster. If you are going to fry or stew the lung, then just boil it for half an hour.

When the lung is boiled, the offal is completely cooled and the trachea is removed.

How much to cook light beef. This offal is cooked from half an hour to an hour, depending on further use.

How much to cook light pork. They cook the same way as beef, but it takes a little less time to cook the pork lung. If you continue to fry or stew it, it is easy enough to boil for 20 minutes.

To determine the readiness of the lung, just pierce it with a fork. If light juice stands out - the lung is ready.

First, second courses, salads are prepared from the light and used as a filling for pies.

Recipe 1. Flower Waltz Salad


200 g of boiled beef lung;


two tomatoes;

two cloves of garlic;

100 g Korean carrots;


large bell pepper;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

80 g of cheese;

2 eggs;

a bunch of fresh herbs.

Cooking method

1. Light boil, as described above. Cool it completely and cut into small pieces.

2. Korean carrots slightly chopped with a knife.

3. Rinse the bell pepper pod, wipe and cut the tail with the core. We clean the seeds and chop it into cubes.

4. Beat the eggs and fry the omelet from the egg mixture. Wrap it with a tube and completely cool. Cut the omelet into thin strips.

5. Cheese finely three. We rinse a bunch of greens and slightly dry. Finely chop the greens.

6. All the components are laid out in a deep bowl. Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a garlic squeezer directly into the salad. Salt and add mayonnaise. Mix well. Put the salad on a serving dish "ring". Wash my tomatoes and wipe. We cut one tomato into cubes, and the second into thin strips. In the middle we spread the tomato chopped into cubes. We lay out the strips on the salad.

Recipe 2. "Karavashek"


kg of beef lung;

salt and spices;

kg of beef liver;

100 g of cheese;

kg of beef heart;

300 g of onions;

6 eggs;

500 ml of milk.

Cooking method

1. Wash the heart, lung and liver under the tap and lightly soak in a tissue. All offal cut into large pieces and put in a pan. Pour boiled water over everything and put on fire. As soon as it begins to boil, remove the noise and cook offal for about an hour.

2. Drain the water, and completely cool the boiled lung, liver and heart. Grind offal in a meat grinder.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs and beat them with milk, salt and season with spices. Pour the milk-egg mixture into a mass of offal and mix well. Put this mass in a greased form.

4. Peel and finely chop the onion. Sauté it in hot oil. Put the onion frying on top of the offal mass. Sprinkle all over with cheese and place the pan in the oven for forty minutes. Remove the casserole, cut into portions and serve with sour cream or sauce.

Recipe 3. Beef Lung Soup


kg of beef lung;

four liters of drinking water;

300 g of parsley and celery roots;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

100 g of buckwheat;

a pinch of pepper peas;


three bay leaves;

two bow heads;

three potatoes.

Cooking method

1. Wash light beef under the tap and dry with a towel. Cut the offal in portions, cutting off all the excess. Transfer it to the pan, pour boiled water and boil. Remove noise and continue cooking for two hours.

2. Peel the carrots and onions, wash and crumble into thin strips. Put the vegetables in hot oil and fry until golden brown.

3. Peel the roots of parsley and celery and wash. Cut them into strips and put in the broth.

4. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into small pieces. Ten minutes after adding the roots, put the potatoes in the pan. Cook for ten minutes.

5. Wash buckwheat in several waters and put in the broth.

6. Now add vegetable frying to the soup. Season the broth with pepper, salt and put bay leaves. Thoroughly mix everything and cook the soup still crumple 20. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Recipe 4. Strudel with a light


400 g of boiled beef lung;

500 g of puff pastry;

200 g of minced pork;




celery stalk;



four sprigs of rosemary;

clove of garlic;

olive oil;

five champignons;

50 g of frozen peas.

Cooking method

1. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Peel, wash and chop all the vegetables in small cubes.

2. Put vegetables in warmed olive oil. Remove rosemary leaves from the twigs and add them to the pan. Stir and fry all together for about eight minutes. Vegetables should become soft. Add frozen peas to the vegetable mixture and continue to fry for some more time. Put the vegetable fry in a bowl and cool completely.

3. Cut the boiled lung into small pieces or twist in a meat grinder. How and how much to cook light beef is described above. Add chopped lung to minced meat and mix. Put the mixture of minced meat and offal to vegetables, salt, pepper and mix well. Pour the beaten egg into the mixture and mix again.

4. Sprinkle the table with flour. Put thawed puff pastry on it and roll it into a layer. Put a filling of vegetables and meat on the edge of the formation. Grease the edges of the dough with a beaten egg. Gently wrap the filling in the dough in the form of a roll and tighten the edges well.

5. Put the strudel on a baking sheet covered with parchments and bake for forty minutes until golden brown. Remove the strudel from the oven, cut into slices and serve with sweet hot tea.

Recipe 5. Light cutlets


vegetable oil;

400 g of the lung;


400 g of minced meat;

4 eggs;

3 cloves of garlic;

2 cream cheese cakes.

Cooking method

1. Boil the lungs as described above, cool and grind it through a meat grinder along with peeled onions.

2. Mix the ground light with minced meat, add the egg, passed through the press garlic and season everything with spices and salt. Mix well with your hands and form cutlets.

3. Beat the remaining eggs with a whisk and mix them with finely grated cheese. Roll the patties in flour and dip in the egg-cheese mixture. Fry the patties in hot oil until brown on both sides.

How to cook a lung - tips and tricks

  • To prevent the lung from popping up during cooking, cover the lid with a smaller diameter than the pan in which it is cooked and press down with a small load.

  • Cool ready lung under a press. Due to this, the offal consistency will become more dense.

  • Soak the lung in water for at least two hours before boiling, periodically changing the water.


Watch the video: How to Make Meatballs (July 2024).