I found a husband’s love correspondence with a woman: what to do !? 5 possible behavioral strategies


90% of modern women sooner or later discover their spouse's correspondence with girls. This is a dating site, Viber, SMS or chats - the options are varied. The reaction to such a discovery may also be different.

Last resort: divorce and maiden name!

To equate acquaintance and correspondence in the network to treason. Deal with him as an insidious traitor. So that it would no longer be so painful and insulting, to break off all relations and begin to build a life without it. Just to be proud of loneliness is sad, and the probability that the “next” man will not do the same is only 5%.

Scandal and demand for indemnity!

Immediately put everything in his face.

Depending on the temperament: shout and beat plates, sob, “pin up” you, shame him, write on his behalf to all his “subscribers”: he is married, long and forever, hands off, shameless, we have children!

As a result, you seek remorse, a promise that "no more" and .... something for yourself as compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

A fur coat, a car, a ticket to Bali, a diamond ring and even just a subscription to a beauty salon will do!

And so we do it every subsequent time ... in 50% of cases. after some time, the man will resume his online adventures.

Observational strategy: I'm a spy!

We pretend that nothing happened.

We carefully observe, select passwords, read to whom and what he writes. We register where he "leads the hunt" and enter into virtual flirtation with him.

Purpose: to understand what he lacks, how serious his intentions are.

In 50% of cases it turns out. that there is nothing seriously, was not and is not expected.

A man is having fun ... someone is playing “tanks”, someone is fooling the girls.

Knock the wedge out with a wedge!

We ourselves begin to actively communicate with other men. Not really hiding it. Let him find your correspondence.

You can, but I can’t?

Most likely, the husband will offer a compromise: neither to me, nor to you.

Or maybe you like it? He will share with each other "victories" on the virtual front and together giggle over "correspondence idiots."

Understand, forgive and ... not attach importance

You love your husband. He is you too.

You are confident in each other and your relationship is stronger than diamond. Who knows who and what he writes there and promises. Well, he needs it - for God's sake. He will play and get tired of it. He will certainly understand. what is better than you is not in the world.

We live, go about our own business, hobbies, family and husband are often attracted to common interesting things.

Or maybe you don’t like him at all? Then, all the more - let him seek a replacement and be happy. If only you did not bother to live.

There is no universal advice on what to do after discovering the correspondence between a husband and a woman. Each wife goes her own way. The main thing to understand: nothing terrible, supernatural and catastrophic has happened.

Nowadays - this is a variant of the norm.


Watch the video: Following the Blueprint: A Husbands Love - Ephesians 5:25-32 - Skip Heitzig (June 2024).