Modern women do not have enough time for needlework


Russia has always been famous for folk crafts and handicrafts. Peasant women were spinning, weaving, weaving and sewing. Noble girls embroidered, sculpted and painted. Needlework for modern women is not only an aid for the family, but also a great way to communicate with children, the development of taste, and the realization of their own ideas, and the ability to create their own fashionable image. Portal "Women's opinion" decided to find out how often Russians do something with their own hands, and conducted a survey: "Do you do handicrafts?"

16.9% of the beautiful half of humanity admitted that they are constantly doing something. These women do not just love creative work, they believe that handicraft is an integral part of their life, which not only creates a good mood, helps to create a special microclimate in the family, but also serves as a powerful support for the family budget. "I like it very much when clothes and household items are made by hand. My whole family walks in knitted and felted hats and mittens. Recently, with my husband, I made two large bamboo lamps for myself, they are put on the floor. They look great, give a nice soft the light in the bedroom, and this pleasure cost us 300 rubles. ", said one of the Russians. And there are many such skilled workers. "I always sculpt something! I cross-stitch and bead, sew, I can knit. Now I want to try to make a decorative hat, so small, on a hoop. And also bracelets weave beads. I think I can make a necklace whole ... I also want to learn sculpt from cold porcelain ", - told the woman, who was not enough that they already know how.

29.9% of Russian women do this "Sometimes." This category includes ladies who love and know how to do needlework and only the lack of free time limits the flight of their imagination and creativity. The main types of training were called knitting, sewing, embroidery and weaving of beads.

22.5% of respondents answered that they were absolutely not interested in needlework. Probably, either these women have absolutely no creative mind, or in childhood they were not engaged in any kinds of needlework.

19.3% of Russians admitted that they would like to do something with their own hands, but there is no time for that. “I used to knit a few hats for the season, but recently I abandoned this business, somehow it’s not up to it,” the interviewees said in a breath. Others added: "In the past, she loved to create. Now the rhythm of life does not allow." Unfortunately, Russian women are really so busy that sometimes there is no time left for their favorite activity.

11.4% of respondents answered that, with all their desire, they simply cannot do anything with their own hands. “My hands are hooks, I don’t know how to do anything else besides the cook’s business, I once tried to knit and sew, but nothing happened,” the ladies complained. Most likely, the point is not in the hands, but in the fact that there was no good teacher who could both engage in the creative process and teach the craft.

Unfortunately, fewer and fewer Russian women are engaged in needlework, but fascinating people who can turn their creative ideas into reality have not yet been translated into Russia.

3470 people took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 113 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Flosstube 01 Meet the Needleworker Save the Stitches Collector Library Inspiration and Haul (June 2024).