Mirabilis - we grow the night beauty of the garden. We achieve the full bloom of mirablis: planting secrets, cultivation and care


Mirabilis - the mysterious name of the flower, which is translated from Latin as "amazing." Gardeners love him for his unexpected coloring and unpretentiousness in care. The combination of flowers on one bush is really amazing. It is enough to plant several plant varieties nearby, as in the second year, as a result of pollination, it will be simply impossible to predict the color gamut of flowers. From snow white to purple, all on one small bush.

Another amazing feature of this plant is night flowering. For this, mirabilis is called "night beauty" or even more romantic - "one thousand and one nights." Flowers bloom in the evening and bloom until morning, exuding a sweet aroma. In a day, new flowers will appear. They will decorate the garden until the first frost, creating a unique atmosphere of the southern night.

Despite the exotic appearance and transatlantic origin, mirabilis is successfully grown in temperate latitudes. Only one of almost 600 species of mirabilis is adapted to weather conditions. This species is Mirabilis Yalapa, it includes many varieties, providing a huge variety of colors and sizes.

Mirabilis, reproduction methods

At home (on the American continent), mirabilis lives for several years, sprouting in the spring from a wintering root. In the more severe winters of Eurasia, the root most often dies from frost. Therefore, the night beauty in conditions of frosty winters is cultivated as an annual.

There are several ways to propagate a flower:

1. Division of the bush.

2. Cuttings.

3. Planting rhizomes.

4. Growing from seeds.

The division of the bush can be done when the plant is sufficiently developed and its varietal characteristics are fully manifested. The bush you like is shared with the rhizome in half (for example, with a sharp shovel or knife). After that, two independent parts are planted as separate plants.

Cuttings are not the easiest way to propagate. They resort to it when there is no other way to save the variety. This will require a semi-lignified shoot. The cut on the shoot is dried, dipped in a rooting solution and allowed to take root in the soil substrate or ordinary water.

Planting rhizomes suggests that in the fall, after flowering of the aerial parts, the root was dug up and stored all winter in wet sawdust or sand. Then in the spring it can be planted in the ground. It can be difficult to keep track of optimal humidity and storage temperature. As a result, the root dries or rots on the contrary.

Reproduction by seeds gives the most stable result. In the southern regions, mirabilis can propagate by self-sowing, growing each year independently from fallen seeds.

Fine plants can be obtained from seeds every year following simple rules.

Mirabilis, growing from seeds

Surprisingly large and durable seeds are formed in place of the fading tender flowers of mirabilis. They can be stored at room temperature, maintaining germination for up to three years.

It is permissible to sow seeds immediately in the open ground, as soon as the ground warms up and the threat of night cold weather passes. But only in the southern regions does this method guarantee the full flowering of marabilis. Planting with seeds can provide healthy seedlings in advance, extend flowering from June to the coldest.

Seedlings are grown in a greenhouse, a greenhouse, but you can do this in an apartment on the windowsill. The end of March is the time to start sowing.

To increase germination, several tricks are used:

1. A hard amniotic box is filed with a regular nail file, so that it is easier for the sprout to break out.

2. The seeds of the night beauty before planting can withstand from 6 to 24 hours under a wet towel.

3. The best temperature for germination of mirabilis is + 20 ° C. But, if you heat a container with planted seeds from below to + 24 ° C, it will grow even faster.

Prepared mirabilis seeds are planted in containers, pots or glasses with soil. Capacities should be deep enough for the full development of the root system.

Mirabilis, planting, photo shoots

For seedlings, a standard soil mixture is suitable, light and loose, and most importantly not acidic. The embedment depth is 2 cm. After planting and watering, the containers should be covered and placed in a warm place.

With proper seed treatment, after a week you can expect the first shoots (as in the photo). Mirabilis care at this time needs the most basic - watering and light.

Mirabilis, seedling care and transplanting

Developing plants are not demanding care. There are only a few factors that can destroy mirabilis:

• stagnation of water;

• hypothermia;

• acidic soil.

For a change to the street, they choose the time when the danger of night cold weather is over. Usually this is mid-May. The place is allotted as sunny as possible, although the penumbra mirabilis also transfers well. In lowlands where moisture accumulation is likely, the root may rot.

The plant responds well to loamy fertile soils. To reduce acidity, lime can be added first.

When planting, it should be borne in mind that mirabilis is grown, as in the photo, by large branching bushes.

Depending on the variety, its height can range from 25 to 100 cm. The approximate diameter of an adult bush will be the same. For tall varieties, a distance between plants of at least 40 cm should be maintained. This will give the flowers the necessary space for development.

Mirabilis care for full bloom

The birthplace of the night beauty is Mexico, where it grows without cultivation on the rocky mountain slopes. This explains the resistance to drought, increased demand for the sun. But in order for the plant to show itself in all its glory, it still needs to be watered. The frequency of irrigation is determined by soil moisture, the presence of rain, the state of the plant itself.

With temporary drying, the plant stops in development, stops flowering. Resuming watering, even after a long time, you can return the bushes to their former beauty. Deprived of care, mirabilis does not die. He is able to wait for the attention of the owners, after their long absence.

Fertilizing with complex fertilizers stimulate the growth and development of mirabilis. For abundant flowering of bushes, it is enough to produce 3-4 dressings per summer. It is better to use ready-made mineral fertilizers for flowers from the store. Organic, in most cases, acidifies the soil. For mirabilis this is not permissible.

In the evening and all night, the flowering of mirabilis fills the garden with an amazing sweet smell. Bright flowers cover the bush from the top to the ground, do not require picking withered buds. There is no need to form a bush. Regardless of size, mirabilis without care and pruning acquires a harmonious rounded shape. In cloudy weather, flowering does not stop all day, adding bright colors to the garden.

Tall varieties are successfully used to create green, flowering hedges, and low ones are decorated with flower beds and borders. Mirabilis is also good in that every beginner gardener, without special skills, can achieve abundant flowering and a variety of colors. It is enough to once grow this amazing plant, and you will not want to part with it anymore.


Watch the video: NO-115 How to care Mirabilis4 o'ClockGul AbbasGula bassi Beauty of nightperennial HindiUrdu (July 2024).