The benefits and harms of oatmeal cookies. About the production of oatmeal cookies, its benefits, harm and features of consumption?


Both adults and children love oatmeal cookies. The soft, unobtrusive taste of goodies will delight anyone who tries it. The opinion that sweets are harmful to health is absolutely not suitable for oatmeal cookies. But why? Why is it so beneficial to eat oatmeal cookies? Consider the main useful properties of this delicacy and find out to whom such cookies are contraindicated.

History of Oatmeal Cookies

The first mention of oatmeal cookies dates back to the 17th century, but this delicacy became truly popular only in the 19th century. The homeland of oatmeal cookies is Scotland, since oats are the most common grain crop in this country. Such a treat was popular for several reasons:

· Easy cooking

· Simple and affordable ingredients

High nutritional value

Oatmeal cookies were famous for their easy cooking and the most affordable ingredients at that time. In order to cook oatmeal cookies, only ground oats and water were needed. The discoverers of oatmeal cookies prepared it this way: they heated the stones to a hot state, made a cake of dough (oats and water) and baked on the surface of a hot stone.

During the First World War, oatmeal cookies were in dry ration of many armies of the world, because this delicacy was of high nutritional value. Long enough, oatmeal cookies were called "soldier's".

Oatmeal Cookies: Composition and Nutrition Facts

The caloric content of oatmeal cookies cannot be said specifically, because there are a lot of options for its preparation. Moreover, various additives are often added to this delicacy, which can greatly increase the calorie content of the product. On average, the calorie content of this product is about 400 kilocalories. For maximum benefit, just eat a few pieces of cookies.

By the way, about the benefits. What are the beneficial ingredients in oatmeal cookies?

· Iron





· Proteins

· Cellulose

Also, oatmeal cookies are rich in vitamins of group B and vitamin E.

The benefits of oatmeal cookies

Due to the fact that oatmeal cookies contain many useful substances and vitamins, it naturally has a lot of useful properties. Consider them:

· Normalizes bowel function

· It has high energy value

· Prevents acne, blackheads, various skin rashes

· Improves cognitive function

· Cleanses the intestines

· Promotes the production of serotonin

· Gives a charge of energy

The main advantage of this delicacy is its positive effect on the intestines. Oatmeal cookies cleanse the intestines, removing toxins and toxins, normalizes and stabilizes its work, thereby preventing constipation.

Oatmeal cookies perfectly destroy cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels, due to the content of inositol in it. Home-made oatmeal cookies are also useful for people with diabetes, as it lowers blood sugar. But you need to pay attention that cookies made on an industrial scale can even harm those to whom sugar is contraindicated.

What harm can oatmeal cookies do to human health?

Like many food products, oatmeal cookies can be harmful and have their contraindications. It must be said that industrial producers of this delicacy are often inclined to save money and instead of healthy and sparing products, oatmeal cookies contain margarine and a huge amount of sugar.

That is, it is better to cook oatmeal cookies on your own, adjusting the composition of the goodies for yourself. For example: replacing sugar with fructose and margarine with honey.

So what harm can oatmeal cookies do to the human body?

· Negative effect on the figure

All good in moderation. This statement is great for oatmeal cookies. Abusing a delicacy in large quantities, you can easily gain extra pounds, which are not the best way to affect the figure and human health.

· Harmful composition

Few people now bake oatmeal cookies on their own. This is the harm of goodies. Industrial manufacturers of this product abuse various chemicals: dyes, preservatives, flavorings. Moreover, as mentioned above, in large-scale industries, in order to save, margarine and a large amount of sugar are added.

· Allergic reaction

An allergy to a particular component of the product is common and applies to almost all food products. Some ingredients of oatmeal cookies can be irritating to the human body.

People with diabetes should not eat oatmeal cookies. Also, people with problem skin: acne, acne, and various rashes will have to abandon oat treats for breakfast. Of course, you should pay attention to the fact that cookies have such contraindications, it is prepared on an industrial scale.

Homemade oatmeal cookie recipe

Oatmeal cookies are a tasty and healthy treat. Of course, in our time there are many manufacturers of this product, but everyone knows that homemade cookies are much tastier. Cooking homemade oatmeal cookies is not difficult, and its products are cheap and affordable. In order to prepare a delicious treat you will need the following ingredients:

Egg (2 pieces)

Flour (200 grams)

Sugar (150 grams)

Butter (190 grams)

Oatmeal (160 grams)

· Baking powder (15 grams)

Vanillin (5 grams)

Put butter in a bowl. Leave on for 30-60 minutes until the oil melts. After the butter is soft, add vanillin and sugar. The contents of the bowl must be mixed.

Next, break two eggs into a bowl and stir with a whisk, gradually adding to the baking powder. At this stage, you can add the filling: nuts, dried berries and more.

The next step, pour the sifted flour into the resulting mass. Knead the dough and let it brew for about an hour. It should be noted that the dough must be placed in a deep container and tightly covered with a towel or cling film.

After that, we heat the oven to 180 degrees. On a baking sheet we line the food foil. Grease the surface of the foil with olive oil. We make cakes from the dough and put them on a baking sheet, observing a distance of 5 centimeters between them.

The treat is baked for approximately 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. After removing the pan from the oven, let the cookies cool. So it is better to move away from the surface of the pan and keep a pleasant appearance. The cooled cookies must be carefully removed from the baking sheet with a knife and put on a dish before serving. Homemade oatmeal cookies are ready.

In conclusion, we can say that oatmeal cookies are, of course, a tasty and healthy product, but in everything you need to observe the measure. The best option is to eat a few things for breakfast with tea. To avoid the harmful effects of oatmeal cookies on the body, you should carefully read the contraindications for use.


Watch the video: What Will Happen If You Start Eating Oats Every Day (July 2024).