The unique properties of walnuts: health benefits and harms. Walnut: the benefits to the body are simply stunning


Walnut is the most beloved and easily accessible delicacy.

He has won many fans around the world thanks to his unique useful properties.

It is used for cooking various dishes.

From childhood, everyone is taught that walnut is simply an indispensable product.

Walnut: what are the benefits for the body?

There are many types of nuts, but only walnuts can boast a wealth of minerals, fatty acids, protein and vitamins necessary for human health. So what are the beneficial properties of a walnut?

1. Increases the protective function of the immune system. In a nut there is a huge amount of vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, doctors advise him as a prophylactic against colds, especially in autumn and spring.

2. Helps to improve the condition of a person suffering from anemia. This is possible due to the presence in this product of iron, zinc and cobalt, which increase the level of hemoglobin.

3. Useful for people who have a weak cardiovascular system. Vitamins A and E improve the functioning of all internal organs, including the heart. These substances strengthen the walls of blood vessels, purify the blood.

4. Have a beneficial effect on men's health, increase potency.

5. Improves the gastrointestinal tract. The protein that is contained in the nut normalizes the microflora of the stomach, eliminates problems with constipation or dysbiosis.

6. Tincture of walnut partitions is an excellent sedative.

7. A huge amount of vitamins and minerals make nuts a real energy product. After all, they accelerate the metabolic process in the body, because of which a person feels much better and more cheerful.

8. Tincture from the walls of the shell - an excellent tool to lower blood sugar.

Useful properties are possessed not only by walnut kernels, but also by its other parts. For example, the leaves of this plant contain carotene, vitamins, alkaloids. They have the ability to heal damage to the skin. If you take a decoction of the leaves inside, then you can achieve a diuretic effect.

But the decoction of the partitions is an excellent tool to increase immunity, as well as a cure for many female diseases. Still partitions contain a lot of iodine, which is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Walnut shells are also used for medicinal purposes: the broth makes an excellent remedy for skin diseases, for example, depriving. And the juice of this product will help to remove worms from the body.

Walnut, the use of which has been proven by time, is recommended for children, pregnant and lactating mothers. It is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe the rate of use of this product. In order for the benefits of walnuts to be even greater, it needs to be slightly fried.

Cosmetology is also an area in which walnuts are actively used. The presence of vitamin F in them makes it possible to add this product to various creams, tonic and skin cleansers. Such cosmetic products improve the work of the skin, remove excess fat, which gives the skin an unpleasant glow. Walnut is also used to make very resistant paint.

Walnut: what is the harm to health?

An interesting fact is that, in addition to the benefits, walnuts can also be harmful.

This applies to certain categories of people. So to whom exactly is the use of this vitamin-rich product contraindicated?

First of all, it concerns those who are allergic to proteins. In especially severe cases, eating walnuts can lead to anaphylactic shock. Therefore, before you eat a few pieces of nuts, you need to make sure that it will not cause an allergic reaction in you.

The high calorie content of this product makes it undesirable for people who are overweight. Such diseases can also worsen:

• eczema;

• psoriasis;

• neurodermatitis.

With serious intestinal disorders, you should also not eat nuts, despite their benefits with simple indigestion.

Doctors warn against exceeding the daily intake of the product, because this can lead to inflammatory processes in the mouth.

But nuts that are spoiled even emit toxic substances that are dangerous to human health.

Walnut: composition, calorie content, types

Walnut has a very high calorie content: 650 kcal per 100 grams. In addition to this important property, there are a number of impressive indicators. Walnut has many biologically active substances in its composition, which favorably affect the work of the whole organism, and also help in the treatment of many diseases:

1. Potassium.

2. Magnesium.

3. Iron.

4. Phosphorus.

5. Copper.

6. Calcium.

7. Zinc.

Also, walnuts contain almost all the vitamins necessary for the human body: C, vitamins of groups B, A, E, K. An interesting feature of this product is that its composition can vary depending on how ripe the fruit is. Dried walnut kernels fully retain their beneficial properties.

Among the types of walnut, I distinguish four main ones:

1. Carpathian or English: most often can be found on store shelves in free sale. The shell of an English nut is thin, it can be easily opened.

2. Black walnut: it has a fairly thick shell, which is not so easy to open. On top of the nuts is covered with a so-called shell, which has the consistency of a film. This film gives off juice with a pungent odor, and it also has the property of coloring everything it touches. This type of nut has excellent taste.

3. Gray Walnut: This is a rare plant whose population has been greatly reduced due to the disease. The taste of the fruits of this tree is sweet with an oily flavor.

4. Japanese nut: distinguished by its very sweet taste. This plant is not very tall, so it can be grown in your garden. In addition, it easily takes root on any soil.

These are the most famous types of walnuts. This tree is not picky at all, so any beginner gardener can grow it without practically any effort.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the benefits of walnut

Pregnancy is the most important stage in the life of every woman. Therefore, the nutrition of the future mother should be balanced and useful. She should eat foods containing essential vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Walnut is exactly the product that is simply necessary at this stage of a woman’s life. It positively affects the process of fetal development in the womb due to the high number of trace elements.

The main thing is not to exceed the daily norm recommended for use. It is not more than 5 nuts per day.

After a little man is born, a woman should feed him with her milk. It is it that forms the future immunity of the child.

With milk, all the necessary substances get into the children's body. The use of lactating mothers of walnuts makes breast milk more fatty, as well as useful.

In addition, this product gives milk a special sweet taste, which in any case will like crumbs.

Walnut for children: harm or benefit

The child's body needs fatty acids, they are vital for him. They, as well as healthy proteins, are found in walnuts.

Only this unique product contains a balanced amount of minerals and vitamins.

Walnuts are also rich in iodine, which stimulates brain activity and positively affects the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Thanks to this property, walnuts can be eaten even by children who have a few extra pounds. Vitamin C contained in this product has a strengthening effect on the immune system of the child's body, protects it from colds.

Already from the age of two, walnuts can be introduced into the baby's diet.

Walnut only benefits the body if consumed in moderation.

It is strictly forbidden to eat nuts only to people who are allergic to this product. Those who have increased blood coagulation should limit themselves in the use.
