Treatment of herpes at home with medication. Is it possible to treat herpes at home with folk remedies?


Many are familiar with the vesicles on the lips, which are called colds. The disease can occur in people of different ages.

With the help of traditional medicine, it is possible to get rid of the manifesting symptoms, but it is not possible to completely recover.

Why does herpes appear

Herpes on the lips begins to appear when a person is infected with the herpes virus of the first type. Often people encounter this pathology at a young age. Infection can occur from infected relatives through bodily contact or the use of one dish. It is also possible to get this disease through coughing and sneezing.

With a primary rash in children, not only the lips, but also the skin around them are usually affected. The manifestation of herpetic stomatitis is possible. Herpes is present in almost every person, but it only manifests itself in different ways. In some, the pathology is activated from time to time and is accompanied by rashes.

The main factors causing a relapse of the disease include:

• hypothermia;

• injuries;

• menstruation;

• excessive enthusiasm for sunbathing;

• stressful situations;

• severe fatigue;

• colds and other infections of a bacterial or viral nature.

This virus can infect any area of ​​the epidermis and mucous membrane of the human body. But usually with repetitions of the pathology, the mucous membranes of the lips and nose are at risk.

Treatment of the disease with folk remedies

The treatment of herpes at home with folk remedies is becoming increasingly popular, since many recipes are more effective and harmless than medicines. But it is recommended that a full treatment of the disease. There are many recipes for treating an ailment:

1. White wormwood. In order for the treatment of herpes at home with folk remedies to be effective, it is necessary to brew dry grass, like tea, and use the remedy a couple of times a day. Convergence over time will begin to go away, and new bubbles will cease to form.

2. Gum resin. An effective method of treatment is a recipe using gum resin. If you use the prescription at the very beginning of the disease, then the rash may not appear at all. Uncoated paper is required to produce the resin yourself at home. It should be carefully folded into a cone, put on a saucer and set fire to the edges. When the fire goes out, paper must be removed. Under it, the necessary healing resin is formed. It will help to cure the disease, if you lubricate your lips with it.

3. Tea made from clover or burdock. Such a drug reduces the time course of the pathology. Brew grass, cool, filter and drink.

4. Herbal harvest. The symptomatology of the disease can be alleviated with the help of herbal collection. At home, you need to mix herbs such as 2 tablespoons of thyme, motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile, juniper fruit, raspberry leaves. Also add 1 tablespoon of St. John's wort and wormwood. Brew the mixture as tea, in the ratio of 2 cups boiling water to 2 tablespoons of the collection. Allow to cool and then filter.

These are far from all herpes recipes, but these are as effective and safe as possible.

Baths, massages and compresses against herpes

At home, baths can also be the treatment of herpes with folk remedies. There are several recipes that are actively fighting the disease:

1. Bath with salt and soda. When taking such a bath, the skin on the lips softens and the uncomfortable sensation of blisters is eliminated.

2. Bath with essential oils. You can use such drying oils as bergamot, geranium, lemon, eucalyptus, tea tree. Drying oils have an antiseptic effect. A total of 6 drops of oil are needed. Take a bath for at least a quarter of an hour.

No less effective is massage. An important role is given to the bioactive points of man. If you correctly act on them, then you can quickly cure not only herpes. A large number of such points are on the feet of a person. Every day for 10 minutes, you need to massage your feet. Thanks to this, you can activate the immune system.

Compresses and lubricants are also actively used.

The most popular recipes are:

1. Lemon juice. The juice of this fruit must lubricate painful places.

2. Celandine juice. For the treatment of this pathology, it is necessary to use canned celandine juice. To prepare it, you need to pass a fresh plant along with the roots through a meat grinder. After squeezing the resulting mass. Pour healing juice in small containers so that it does not reach the lid for a couple of centimeters. Close the containers tightly. Wait a week for the fermentation process to begin. During this period, it is necessary to open the lid from time to time so that gases escape. To cure the disease with the prepared juice, you need to lubricate the bubbles every 5 minutes three times in a row. Repeat manipulations 4 times a day.

3. Kalanchoe juice. The juice must be squeezed out of the garlic press and applied to the affected area.

For a complete cure, it is very important to perform all the procedures regularly and follow all the advice of a doctor.

Other home therapies

There are also many other ways to treat herpes at home with folk remedies. Very effective recipes are:

1. Alcohol tincture of calendula or propolis. Such formulations can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy. The drug lubricates the painful parts of the skin.

2. Onion and garlic. Onions and garlic are composed of substances that are characterized by an antibacterial effect. Even at the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to smear the juice on the painful parts of the lips. Continue therapy until complete recovery.

3. Sprigs of raspberries. The shoots of this berry have a polyphenolic substance that negatively affects this virus. The branches must be washed well, cut into small pieces and beat with a mixer. The result should be gruel. The resulting mass is applied to the bubbles.

4. Honey and apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to mix honey with the second ingredient in a ratio of 1: 1. With the prepared composition, soak your lips three times a day. Vinegar can be used at home.

5. Cold compress. You can use ice cubes to reduce swelling and eliminate itching. Such a compress will significantly speed up the patient's correction. Ice must be wrapped in cloth and applied to the bubbles. In no case should you just put ice. In this case, you can get frostbite.

All recipes are very easy to prepare.

Recipes for oral administration

There are also many herpes recipes for oral use. Effective are:

1. Beet. All the important substances that are in this vegetable strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to various infections. Beets must be cleaned and cooked over low heat for at least 2 hours. Drink such a drug in half a glass a couple of times a day. You can also squeeze juice from a vegetable, two carrots and add parsley. Such a composition should also be taken a couple of times a day.

2. Dog-rose fruit. They must be put in a thermos and pour hot liquid. Allow to stand for several hours. Drink an infusion of half a glass a couple of times a day.

3. It is good to take Eleutherococcus infusionand a couple of times a day. This will help strengthen immunity. Drink 40 drops in the morning and afternoon. The duration of therapy is a month.

4. Cranberry fruit drink. A drink made from cranberries and honey is also beneficial. A liter of liquid will need a glass of berries. Put this mass on fire and simmer for 10 minutes. Add honey to the slightly cooled broth. The resulting product is used a couple of times a day. According to the same recipe, you can make a delicious and fortified composition of viburnum.

5. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water in which a teaspoon is added honey and as much cider vinegar.

All folk remedies against herpes are very simple and have been used for a sufficient period of time. All the ingredients that make up the products are natural and harmless. They will not cause harm and will quickly help to overcome this virus.


Watch the video: Herpes oral & genital - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).