Chicken meatballs in all its diversity! Recipes of juicy and delicious chicken meatballs with cheese, mushrooms, rice and cream sauce


Chops are not cutlets. They are distinguished from ordinary cutlets by more than just the name.

A wide variety of ingredients can be added to this dish.

From which only it is not cooked! One popular option is chicken. It's time to taste it!

Chicken meatballs - general principles of cooking

For meatballs, you can take breast, trim from other parts of the carcass or already prepared stuffing. It all depends on personal taste, as well as the selected recipe. To please the dish, spices, onions, garlic are always added to the minced meat. A chicken egg is used to hold the mass together.

What else can be added:

• various vegetables;

• boiled and raw cereals;

• cheese, butter;

• fried, salted, boiled mushrooms.

The mass for meatballs can be diluted with absolutely any products, the main thing is that it does not turn out liquid. If the forcemeat is flowing, you can correct the situation with flour, semolina, bread crumbs. By the way, all this is used for breading formed products in the form of round and flattened cutlets.

The meatballs are fried in a regular frying pan or baked in the oven. But you can use both of these types of heat treatment. Often the dish is browned to a beautiful crust, then warmed up to bring it to full readiness.

Chicken meatballs

Breast is the driest meat in chicken, but it can also be juicy and tasty. If you do not know what to cook from it, then feel free to make chicken meatballs according to this recipe. It uses a kilogram of fillet, but you can take less, one breast of a small chicken weighs about 0.5-0.6 kg.


• 1 kg of chicken breasts;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons sour cream;

• 2-3 cloves of garlic;

• pepper, salt;

• a glass of crackers, roasting oil.


1. Twist the breast through a meat grinder along with the onion heads and garlic, add sour cream, mix. You can use heavy cream.

2. Beat the eggs into foam. Add spices to them, salt, stir until dissolved, pour into minced meat, stir again.

3. Cover the base for the meatballs with a lid or pull on a film, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, let the forcemeat infuse.

4. Get out the mass, divide into pieces of 100 grams, but you can even smaller, form the washers.

5. Roll the cue ball in breadcrumbs.

6. Put in a frying pan with warmed oil, fry over medium heat until browned, first on one side, then turn over.

7. Put the meatballs on paper napkins so that the excess fat is absorbed. Then put on a plate, serve with any side dishes, vegetables, sauces.

Minced chicken chicken meatballs

Purchased minced chicken often has a weak consistency, as the composition contains fat. But this is not a reason to refuse delicious meatballs.


• 500 g of chicken meat;

• 2 eggs;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• salt with pepper.


1. Grind the peeled onion and garlic, add them to the minced chicken.

2. Enter the eggs, mix. To taste, put salt, pepper, mix with a spoon.

3. Heat the oil.

4. Scoop the minced meat with a spoon, put it into the warmed butter, form round pancakes or cue cakes.

5. Fry until a beautiful crust.

Juicy chicken breast meatballs

Another version of chicken meatballs that are tender and juicy. This dish can be fried immediately after cooking the minced meat, it does not require ripening and marinating.


• 500 g fillet;

• 1 onion head;

• 1 egg;

• spices;

• 80 g of drain oil .;

• flour, butter.


1. Cut the butter with oblong slices, you should get 6 pieces. Sent to the freezer, let it freeze.

2. In the meantime, twist the chicken and a small onion. Immediately add spices, egg, mix well. If suddenly the cutlet mass turns out to be liquid, then add 2-3 tablespoons of wheat flour.

3. Divide into 6 parts, you get 6 servings. You can make 8 chops, but they will be smaller. In this case, the oil also needs to be cut into 8 pieces.

4. Flatten one part of the minced meat in the palm of your hand, put a piece of chilled oil, cover with the same minced meat. Carefully smooth out, forming a cue ball.

5. Immediately roll in flour, transfer to the board. We sculpt the rest of the meatballs.

6. Heat the oil, spread the stucco products, fry until golden brown for 2 minutes on each side.

7. We shift to the form, cover with foil. Put in the oven for 15 minutes to warm the meatballs. The butter inside will melt, making the fillet tender and juicy.

Chicken meatballs

There are 2 ways to prepare chicken meatballs: with mushroom filling inside and with pieces in the total mass. EU bookmark inside everything is clear, you can put any stuffing and dazzle. Cook with pieces in the total mass.


• 500 g boneless chicken;

• 200 g of champignons or other mushrooms;

• 2 onion heads;

• 2 eggs;

• 3 tablespoons of semolina;

• crackers, spices and butter.


1. Twist one onion head along with chicken pulp.

2. The second head is cut into small cubes, it will be fried with mushrooms.

3. Wash and cut mushrooms. If you do not take mushrooms, then boil in boiling water for about half an hour, then chop.

4. Mix the mushrooms with onions, put in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil, fry on low heat for about five minutes. Then you need to cool a little.

5. Combine minced meat and fried mushrooms, add eggs, introduce semolina. We season the base for the meatballs with spices, be sure to salt and mix.

6. Leave aside for thirty minutes, so that semolina swells, makes the mass thicker and more convenient to use.

7. With wet hands we sculpt ordinary meatballs, cover with breadcrumbs.

8. Fry in a frying pan on both sides, cover at the end, remove the fire to a medium level, warm the dish so that the products are steamed inside.

Chicken meatballs with rice

Rice sticks can be prepared in many ways, but they are especially successful on a meat basis. This recipe uses minced chicken.


• 150 g of rice;

• 450 g of chicken;

• 1 onion;

• spices;

• 1 egg;

• crackers and butter.


1. Rinse the rice, add 420 ml of water and cook porridge. Add salt. Leave for a while to cool the base.

2. Add the egg to the porridge, stir.

3. Twist the chicken and onion. You can also add a couple of cloves of garlic.

4. Combine rice porridge with minced chicken, carefully mix the warm mass, leave for another ten minutes, so that it becomes thick.

5. We sculpt the cue ball of medium size with wet hands.

6. Pour crackers in a bowl, immediately sprinkle the formed products.

7. Fry in a skillet with butter until cooked. After turning the cue ball on the second side, you must cover the dishes with a lid. Or simply fry until crusty, then heat in the oven.

Natural chicken meatballs

This variant of the meatballs is not like the others, since nothing is added to the minced meat, except for spices. You can use any filling cheese. Vessels suitable hard varieties, processed cheese and even brine cheese. All of them go well with chicken.


• 900 g of chicken thighs;

• salt, paprika, black pepper;

• 1 tsp dry dill;

• 1 egg;

• 150 g of cheese;

• breadcrumbs.


1. Trim the pulp from the chicken thighs, twist. Of course, you can use the breast, but with these parts the dish is tender.

2. Add the egg and spices, mix. Refrigerate for an hour.

3. Cut the cheese into squares that fit inside the meatballs. Pieces should not be very thick.

4. We take the minced meat from the refrigerator, re-mix. We divide by as many biscuits as how many pieces of cheese have turned out.

5. We put two bowls: one with water, the second with breadcrumbs or use ordinary flour.

6. Wet the hands, flatten the minced meat in the palm of your hand, put the previously prepared cheese and sculpt the meatball, level it.

7. Immediately put it in a bowl with crackers, sprinkle on top, transfer to a cutting board.

8. We fry the cue ball for two minutes on each side on the strongest fire. Immediately shift to the baking dish. The oven by this moment should already have warmed up to 200 degrees.

9. Put the meatballs in the oven, warm for a quarter of an hour and immediately serve, while the cheese in the nutria is melted and tender.

Oven chicken in cream sauce

The recipe for chicken meatballs, which are prepared quite simply and quickly, as they do not require frying in a pan. Turn on the oven 200 degrees immediately.


• 700 g minced meat;

• 300 ml cream 10-15%;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 1 yolk;

• 50 g of cheese;

• 1 onion head;

• a little flour;

• 1 tablespoon oil for the mold.


1. Grind onions and garlic, combine all this with minced chicken. Add one chicken yolk or a small egg. If the consistency is not satisfactory, the mass is liquid and spreads, then you can add a little wheat flour or semolina.

2. We sculpt the little balls of the classical form, sprinkle with flour, but not much. Now put in one layer in a greased form.

3. Put in the oven. Bake until golden brown on top.

4. Combine the cream with finely grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste, but not much. Stir.

5. We take out the browns toasted from the oven and pour each one on top with cheese sauce. We just pour the leftovers.

6. Bake another ten minutes and you're done!

Chicken meatballs - useful tips and tricks

• Minced chicken is often liquid, as unscrupulous manufacturers add a lot of fat and skin. For thickening, it is not necessary to use semolina or flour, you can add ground hercules or buckwheat to the mass. They are healthier, absorb moisture well, make the taste more interesting.

• Chips should only be placed in well-warmed oil. Otherwise, they will quickly absorb fat, taste will suffer, calorie content will increase.
