Research: taking pain medication leads to obesity


Medical specialists do not recommend taking over-the-counter or prescription analgesics for a long time. Medicines often cause not only an upset stomach, but also a heart attack. Researchers have found that chronic pain medication can also double the risk of developing obesity.

How do painkillers increase your risk of obesity?

Researchers at the University of Newcastle have found that frequent use of analgesics doubles the risk of obesity. Regular use also leads to sleep disorders of varying severity. Experts published a press release on the results of the study.

Over the past decade, the number of prescribed opioid drugs and some antidepressants for the treatment of chronic pain has increased dramatically.

Researchers point to serious side effects of these medicines. They emphasized the need for the use of such painkillers to be necessarily reduced.

Experts analyzed data from more than 133,000 people

In a study, doctors found that medications used to treat pain - gabapentinoids, opiates - double the risk of obesity. Eating also negatively affects the structure of sleep.

In the scientific work, scientists analyzed the relationship between cardiovascular diseases and metabolic disorders in more than 133,000 subjects. The study used data that was in the so-called "British biobank."

Experts compared body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, and blood pressure of patients. The effects of conventional painkillers on these indicators were evaluated. Researchers explain that people with migraines, diabetic neuropathy, and chronic back pain often get analgesics.

The number of opiate prescriptions doubled in 10 years

In 2016, 24 million opiates were registered in the UK alone, which is twice as much as in 2006. Two years ago, 11,000 patients were hospitalized due to an overdose of opiates, the researchers say.

The results of the study show that 95% of patients taking opiates and over-the-counter analgesics are obese. 82% had a very high waist circumference and 63% suffered from hypertension.

The results also show that analgesics should be prescribed for shorter periods of time to reduce the risk of complications.

When people take opioids, their health suffers

The largest study for the first time examined the relationship between commonly prescribed analgesics and cardiovascular health. Scientists already know that opiates are addictive. However, the study also found that people taking opioids suffer from very poor health. Obesity rates are much higher, and patients report poor sleep.

Researchers say opioids are one of the most dangerous painkillers since they are addictive.

Patients may need to continue to take these medications to feel normal and avoid withdrawal symptoms. Long-term use of such medications is controversial because it can cause sleep disturbances and accidental overdoses.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also increase body weight?

According to large studies, ibuprofen and diclofenac are able to slightly increase body weight. However, the potential for causing obesity is much lower than that of opioid agents.

The most severe side effects that are characteristic of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are gastrointestinal bleeding. In rare cases, the risk of developing peptic ulcer is increased.

How much can any analgesics be taken?

According to WHO recommendations, with acute pain, analgesics are allowed to take no more than 3 days in a row. If symptoms persist, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. The regular use of drugs causes significant harm to health.

If chronic use of drugs is required, patients are encouraged to reconsider their own lifestyle. Increase physical activity and stick to a balanced diet.


Watch the video: Obesity: Its More Complex than You Think. Fatima Cody Stanford. Radcliffe Institute (June 2024).