5 hot ideas for this season's hairstyles! Is the color of the season coffee and all its shades?


The change of seasons is a time of changes in mood and appearance. Fall 2018 will bring bright and courageous girls hairstyles that stand out from the crowd in gray everyday life. We have been waiting for new trends in hairstyles all summer, and are ready to share with you the bright ideas of this season.

Play of color

We waited for natural shades of hair that we are ready to meet them already this season of 2018. And the first hot idea is to change the color of the hairstyle.

Stylists determined the hair color of this season - brown-coffee. For brunettes, stylists suggest using balayazh color, adding a touch of brown to the image.

The second hot idea is suitable for representatives of fair hair - to use in their image natural shades of blond from platinum to wheat.

Haircut style

The third hot idea in the hairstyles of autumn is the return to fashion of bangs. It is not necessary to follow fashion trends from magazines; find a suitable bang that will create your own style.

The fourth hot idea is suitable for lovers of short haircuts this season - an extended square to the chin, which is suitable for any look of this season.

Hairstyles for long hair

Owners of long hair this season are waiting for a variety of hairstyles that stand the test of headgear and at the same time do not lose their charm.

The fifth hot idea of ​​the season is the use of accessories in the hairstyle, which preserves it and creates a style for the image.

Accessory we choose suitable for your style: headbands, scarves, hairpins and headbands. Hairstyles will surprise you with their variety with accessories: bundles, braids and tails.

We believe that the trends of the fall season will attract more and more attention from amateurs to surprise girls with conservative views on style.

Autumn - it's time to find out your stylish desires. Remember that only the appearance of well-groomed hair will help any girl become a center of influence.
