Planting pepper seedlings in "snails" from A to Z (photo). How to properly care for seedlings of pepper "in the cochlea", a way of picking pepper


Planting pepper seedlings according to the Karimov method, which is popularly called planting in a "snail", the method of "self-roll" or "rolls" is far from a new, but little-known method.

Recently, it has gained particular popularity, since it is problematic to grow good seedlings in a small apartment.

How to plant pepper seedlings in a "snail" and what to do next? This will be discussed.

The advantages of planting pepper seedlings in a "snail"

One of the strongest arguments when planting pepper in the "snail" is to save space. That is why many gardeners, having tested this method, abandoned the seedling boxes that are occupied by all window sills. In addition, seedlings grown in this way stretch less and practically do not get sick. Believe me, these arguments are already enough to try out the method that has become popular, especially since it is inexpensive. For planting seeds, you do not need to purchase expensive materials, the "snail" is prepared from improvised means.

Among the remaining positive characteristics, gardeners noted the following:

• it is easy to control the germination of seeds and reject weak ones already at the stage of biting;

• just monitor the moisture of the soil, so the seedlings ceased to hurt the "black leg";

• Picking can be carried out painlessly without injuring the root system of seedlings.

In addition, consumables are reused, which significantly saves the budget.

Important! In one convolution "snail", whose diameter does not exceed 20 cm, experienced gardeners grow up to 100 healthy plants.

What is required for planting pepper seedlings in a "snail"

To create a self-roll for seedlings The following materials will be required:

• a thin substrate under the laminate, not more than 2 mm thick, otherwise the "snail" will turn out to be voluminous, it will be difficult to twist it;

• two-layer toilet paper;

• substrate for planting seedlings;

• rubber bands for fastening a "self-roll";

• syringe for watering plants;

• tweezers, so that it is convenient to spread pepper seeds;

• package for the greenhouse;

• any container where seedlings will "live";

• few sawdust to create a microclimate.

As you can see, the materials used are simple, which allows us to call the method economical and affordable.

Preplant planting of pepper seeds

Before planting, seeds need to be prepared so that they germinate faster. To do this, use proven techniques.

First, the seeds are soaked on a cotton pad in ordinary warm water until they swell. Then they are tempered by placing in cold water for a day. Water in a container with seeds is changed every 4 hours.

Then the seeds are soaked for 10-12 hours in a solution of a growth stimulator. This allows you to grow seedlings of high quality. After that, the seeds are laid out under an ultraviolet lamp or immersed in a 1% potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes. After all the procedures, the planting material is dried to a loose state.

Preplant planting can be omitted if you are confident in the quality of the material or if you have already purchased seeds. Processing information is indicated in the seed bag.

The technology of planting pepper seeds in the "snail" with a photo

First you need to cut strips from the substrate under the laminate. The recommended strip width is 10 cm. You can cut wider stripes at your discretion, but it’s more difficult to work with them. The length of the strips is made over the entire width of the substrate.

Prepare toilet paper. It needs to be laid out over strips from the substrate. Moreover, the upper edge of the substrate should be 1-1.5 cm higher. This is the required planting depth for pepper seeds. After that, the entire surface of the paper should be moistened with water or a solution to stimulate growth.

Seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from each other, stepping back from the edge of the 4 cm strip. The "snail" is rolled up from the same edge. Fix the skein in the middle with a rubber band for money and install it in the container with seeds up. Cover the container with a bag to ensure high humidity and clean in a warm place.

For germination, the seeds of pepper need 5-7 days, so after this time the bundle is carefully unfolded and the germination rate is assessed. Those seeds that did not bite must be removed, and in their place put new ones. Further, over the entire width of the tape, it is necessary to evenly distribute the soil mixture with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Compact the substrate slightly and moisten slightly. Roll the backing up again and secure with an elastic band.

Cover the bottom of the container with a thin layer of sawdust, set the "snails" and pour them abundantly from the top of the syringe. Cover the planting with foil. As soon as the seeds germinate, gradually remove the shelter and accustom the seedlings to the surrounding temperature.

With this planting, seedlings develop well until the pick. Caring for her is watering. Initially, plants are watered from above, and as they grow, they switch to lower watering.

Advice! In order not to accidentally fill the "snail", the lower edge of the roll does not need to be twisted so that excess liquid flows onto the sawdust. If you did everything right, then you should get something like a glass without a bottom.

How to dive pepper seedlings from a "snail"

It is better not to rush with the pickling seedlings, there is enough space in the roll for the development of a full-fledged root system, as well as nutrients. Seedlings need to be planted as soon as they get stronger and grow enough. What is needed for this?

• Food bags;

• Soil mix for seedlings;

• Rubber bands for money.

To pick out seedlings, you actually need to additionally purchase packages, everything else is already there.

Lay the bag on the work surface as shown in the photo. Stepping back from the edge 3-4 cm to put a handful of earth. Carefully unwind the seedling roll, get one sprout and put it on the bag. Cover the root system with a spoon of soil. Moisten and slightly compact the soil, roll up the pipe and pull with an elastic band. So do with all the plants. Place the rolls back in the container. Pour pepper seedlings into the pan.

This method of picking is less traumatic for plants, since no manipulations with the root system occur. In addition, peppers take root well after a dive, develop well and grow.

Important! Carefully pull the roll with seedlings over with an elastic band, trying not to pull it too tight in the middle, otherwise the root system will not develop well.

Mistakes by gardeners when planting pepper seedlings in "snails"

Inexperienced gardeners make a number of mistakes that affect the quality of seedlings.

1. Pepper seedlings in a roll are drawn. This is because the package was removed too late. It is necessary to remove the shelter as soon as the seeds hatch, otherwise a protracted greenhouse effect provokes the rapid growth of seedlings. This adversely affects further productivity.

2. Plants were too early. You need to start picking only when the roots appear from the bottom edge of the "snail". No need to be afraid that the plants will not have enough nutrition.

3. Seeds do not germinate well. If the roll is not folded tightly, then the seeds move down, which complicates their germination and further growth. Spread the seeds clearly according to the instructions, and make the "snail" dense.

4. Seedlings grow poorly. To create a roll use only the substrate under the laminate. The material retains moisture and heat well, very soft. If you use other materials at hand, the growth of seedlings will be much worse.

Be sure to try to grow pepper seedlings by this method, following all the instructions. Believe me, even beginners can do it.


Watch the video: A Complete Guide to Starting Peppers Indoors: See Description for a Digital Table of Contents (June 2024).