Secrets of skin care in the neckline


Despite the relatively young appearance of the face, the age of a woman is easily determined by the loose, wrinkled skin of the neck and chest. Hard diets, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, too tight bra - all these factors that adversely affect the delicate skin. In order to have beautiful skin in the neckline, you should know some of the features of caring for her. First of all, care must be constant, conscious and timely. What should be the main procedures?

To care for the decollete area, they use inexpensive products containing microelements and extracts of medicinal plants, which are always applied from bottom to top with light massaging movements.

It is strictly impossible to apply a thick layer of foundation on the open areas of the chest and shoulders in order to disguise the traces of improper care. It is enough to use a placer of terracotta powder to disguise individual spots and reddened areas. Wrinkles can be perfectly veiled matte powder, it will cover the skin with a silk film, hiding irregularities and pores.

For the skin in the neckline is very effective massage with a cold shower. Not many are able to stand for a long time with ice streams, however, you need to gain courage and hold the shower in the direction of the clockwise 10-12 times. By repeating this procedure daily, you will very quickly notice a positive effect. Cold water increases blood circulation, and the skin after it becomes elastic and pink.

A light massage with ice cubes of milk also perfectly tones the skin in the decollete zone. Simply pour the milk into the ice molds and leave in the freezer for a while.

As with the face, the skin of the shoulders, chest and back areas requires careful attention. If an inflamed rash has formed on it, salt procedures are recommended. For this, a tablespoon of salt is stirred in two glasses of warm water. Having taken a bath, just wipe with a cotton pad moistened in the resulting solution, the necessary areas of the neckline. Salt can be replaced by soda, and in the presence of strong inflammation, potassium permanganate is added to the bath.

Exfoliating procedures and masks are very helpful. Body scrub is used as a chemical effect, and a bathing brush complements the cleansing process. White clay, sold in a pharmacy, produces very useful masks. Rejuvenating lotion of fruit vinegar, a teaspoon of dry mint and a glass of water heals the skin and nourishes it with oxygen. Wipe them neckline and shoulders twice a day.

A mask of a tablespoon of cottage cheese, regular nourishing cream for 20 minutes or rubbing the shoulders, chest with sour milk or sour cream will add to the skin elasticity and radiance. Often, masks use extracts of ginkgo biloba, arnica, chestnut, they stimulate blood circulation, tone up, slow down the aging process. For loose skin, paraffin modeling masks are suitable, as well as water treatments based on temperature contrast.

After active actions, it is recommended to make cool compresses of black tea and chamomile, which will close the pores of the skin, prepare it for going outside.

Severe weight loss leads to the formation of skin folds, which are removed only by surgical intervention. It is better to lose weight slowly, so that the skin has time to tighten. Do not forget to wear a bra, it helps to preserve the shape of the breast, which in its natural state is pulled out under the weight of the mammary glands.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid of Dark Neck in 15 Minutes. Fast and Quickly (June 2024).