What are hemorrhoids: is it possible to treat them at home? The best folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids


Hemorrhoids - one of the most unpleasant diseases, in addition, quite common. According to statistics, about 85% of the population encounters it. We will talk about the treatment of hemorrhoidal nodes at home.

Features of the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women

As the causes of the disease for hemorrhoids are different for men and women, its treatment is somewhat different. In women, most often these are the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth, diet, in men - hard physical work, professional sports.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women. During pregnancy, such issues are resolved individually with a gynecologist and proctologist. It is not recommended to choose drugs for treatment on your own, since many of them have contraindications during pregnancy. In addition, suppositories and ointments in the first trimester of pregnancy can not be used.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in men. Important in the treatment is the elimination of factors contributing to the development of the disease: diet, alcohol consumption, sitting position while working in the office or driving a car, training in the gym and the like.

Who is at risk?

Hemorrhoids are the same varicose veins, but they occur in the rectum. And soreness occurs because the nodules are pinched by the intestine.

The cause of hemorrhoids is a violation of the outflow of blood in the pelvic and rectal regions, the formation of blood clots.

The catalyst for the appearance of hemorrhoids are:

· Staying for a long time throughout the day in a sitting position;

· Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;

Obesity, eating disorders, eating spicy foods;


· Frequent use of alcoholic beverages, coffee;

· Heavy physical work, sports heavy loads;

Anal sex

Stress, depression;

Frequent diarrhea;

Tendency to constipation and straining during bowel movements;

· Tumors in the rectum, intestines.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Initially, hemorrhoids appear in the anus with the following sensations:

· Itching, especially after going to the toilet "for the most part";

· Periodically, hemorrhoidal nodes become inflamed, resulting in acute, sometimes unbearable pain.

This acute period can last a long time, sometimes up to a month. The situation may worsen when the nodes begin to bleed and fall out with part of the rectum.

Diagnosis of the disease

Doctors diagnose the disease with an outpatient examination of the patient. At the same time, its degree, the power of bleeding, is revealed. After a thorough examination of the anus, the doctor prescribes treatment. Examination of the surface of the rectum and sigmoid colon is necessary to exclude the possibility of cancer.

Is it possible to cure hemorrhoids at home

Before you begin to treat any disease, you should be convinced that you really have it. Hemorrhoids are often accompanied by other diseases of the digestive tract and rectum. The fact is that at an early stage of the disease they all have similar symptoms. Therefore, you should forget about shame and consult a specialist to establish a diagnosis.

And it is necessary to run to the specialist already with the appearance of hemorrhoidal nodes, without waiting for the complication of the situation with the appearance of ulcers. Then a trip to the surgeon will already be necessary.

Is it possible to treat hemorrhoidal nodes at home with the complete exclusion of drugs

Home remedies will benefit in the first stage of the disease, in the later they will be weak, will not produce a result. A complete refusal of medical treatment at this stage is unacceptable, since the use of herbal treatment is possible only when the patient is not impaired in metabolism and has strong immunity.

Traditional medicine is a good way to treat hemorrhoidal nodes at home

Traditional medicine will offer you many recipes for treating hemorrhoidal nodes at home. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this disease was considered shameful, so patients were in no hurry to consult a doctor. Today we have recipes for the use of herbal infusions, candles made at home, baths.

But not the last place in the treatment of hemorrhoids is the strengthening of the vascular wall, as well as the removal of inflammation and stopping bleeding of hemorrhoids.

Frozen decoction candle

One woman after the birth of a child was simply exhausted by the consequences of hemorrhoids: constant pain, bleeding nodes, inability to wear white tight clothing. And so she was advised by ice candles.

For this procedure, you will need chamomile grass, which you can buy at the pharmacy, or you can pick it yourself. Fresh will even enhance the effect.

You will also need the little finger of a surgical glove or fingertip. Make a decoction of the grass: take a tablespoon of grass, pour 250 ml. boiling water. After the broth is infused, it must be drained, filled with gloves or a fingertip, placed in the freezer for freezing.

When the broth freezes, the candle must be pulled out and put in the anal passage. Keep until completely melted. Such procedures must be carried out every other day.

Two months later, the woman forgot about pain and bleeding. Hemorrhoidal nodes do not resemble themselves.

Potato candle

If hemorrhoids are inflamed, ignoring this problem is unacceptable. A candle from raw potatoes will help relieve pain and inflammation. Its size should be about a finger, smooth, without sharp corners. Enter before bedtime. To facilitate the introduction process, it should be dipped in sunflower oil.

When defecating, the candle will come out with feces. It's okay if you have to go with her the next day. But the procedure must be performed daily. The course is considered completed after applying ten of these candles. Before applying the next candle, it is better to apply cold douching.

The use of such suppositories is justified, since raw potatoes have an anti-inflammatory effect, antispasmodic, starch provides an enveloping effect.

Do it yourself ointments for hemorrhoids

At home, you can prepare ointments for the treatment of hemorrhoids. You can apply them to both men and women. Consider the recipes for the preparation of such ointments.

1. Relieve inflammation, anesthetize and stop bleeding herbal ointment. To do this, use the following ingredients:

· Oak bark;

Water pepper;

Flax inflorescences.

Herbs must be taken in equal proportions, mixed, placed in pork fat. After that, having stood in a water bath for a couple of hours, the ointment should be drained, drained into a container. In ointment, it is necessary to soak a swab of gauze, enter for 5 hours.

2. If the main goal is to relieve pain, you can prepare the following composition. Beetroot Carrot on a fine grater grind to a state of gruel, then make a compress on the anus.


With exacerbation of hemorrhoids, relief comes after taking sedentary baths. What components are used in this case, we will consider further.

1. A bath with hypertonic salt solution. For 900 ml of water, you need to take 100 g of salt. The temperature of the water must be brought to cool, so the vessels will be able to tone. But it should not be cold, since this can provoke cystitis, but not hot, because in this case the situation can only be aggravated.

Note! You can not use this procedure if there are cracks in the anal passage, as well as damage to the hemorrhoidal nodes for the reason that the salt can corrode the wounds and the pain only intensifies.

2. A bath with a decoction of burdock helps well. To do this, the leaves of the plant must be washed, finely chopped. For 900 ml of raw water, take 6 tablespoons. On low heat, you need to boil everything for 15 minutes, strain.

3. A decoction of the root of the celandine. It is necessary to use dried and ground root. You need to take 30 g per liter of water, boil for 15 minutes over low heat, strain. A decoction can be used.

Treatment of hemorrhoidal nodes at home with camel barb smoke

This method has long been successfully used in Persia. But this plant is there at every step, and it’s not easy to get it from us. But you can replace with ordinary garlic.

To carry out a similar procedure, you will need a brick. It must be heated on fire, put on the bottom of the can. Put spikes or mashed garlic on top. After it starts to smoke in the can, you need to sit on it and sit until the smoke stops going. You can repeat the procedure daily until the hemorrhoids pass.


Watch the video: Hemorrhoids. Piles. How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids Treatment (June 2024).