Is fibromyalgia home treatment possible? Consider the causes and symptoms of fibromyalgia, a diet for patients


Fibromyalgia is rarely diagnosed. Treatment is based on suppressing the symptoms of pathology, since the complete elimination of the disease is almost impossible.

Causes of pathology

Doctors often agree that fibromyalgia is not a disease, but chronic pain that causes systematic stress. Patients have low activity of opioid receptors. They, in turn, are responsible for the emotional aspect of the discomfort.

The disease also develops as a result of changes in the brain, under the influence of stressful situations. In studies of patients with fibromyalgia, several disorders in the substances of the brain were found. For example, the value of serotonin in patients turned out to be abnormal. It, in turn, helps a person to rest during sleep and regulates the degree of susceptibility to pain.

Nor can we say anything about the genetic factor. In a family where family members suffer from fibromyalgia, the chance of developing pathology among relatives increases several times.


The main signs of the disease are pain. They are localized depending on the individual characteristics of the body of each patient.

Initially, pain is felt in the neck and shoulders. Then it is localized in almost all areas of the body. Rarely, patients with fibromyalgia complain of joint pain.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia from the nervous system

Common symptoms of fibromyalgia are sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue. Patients have poor sleep, after which they also feel tension.

Patients have frequent cramps and other disorders of the limbs.

In the clinical picture, the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be pronounced in the form of a bad mood, similar to a state of depression. Common are poor concentration and memory impairment.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia from other systems and organs

Symptoms of fibromyalgia also manifest themselves on the part of other organs and systems in the form of:


Dry mouth

Imbalance in the body,

Numbness and tingling in the limbs,

Frequent urination

Regular menstruation with pain,

· migraine.

The pain with the pathology under discussion changes under the influence of weather conditions and the nature of physical activity. The sensations of pain are aching and cause a burning sensation at the site of localization.


When determining the diagnosis of fibromyalgia, the doctor specifies the neurological status. Investigates the level of concentration of attention and refines the trigger points. Carries out palpation of painful places with the same pressure force, accompanied by the study of other parts of the body.

Diagnostics is also based on the use of laboratory tests performed to exclude other pathologies. When examining blood, you can notice a low concentration of serotonin and L - tryptophan.

The specialist prescribes a tomography to exclude the following pathologies:

Intracranial hypertension,

· Cerebral tumors,

Degenerative processes

· Slow infections in the central nervous system.

It should be noted that the disease is established quite difficult, and only a qualified doctor with extensive experience can do it.


Therapy of fibromyalgia is mainly aimed at stopping pain and eliminating its other symptoms.


Drug treatment includes drugs with analgesic and antidepressant effects.

Antidepressants can relieve the patient of symptoms of depression and improve sleep quality. Effectively normalize the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine amitriptyline and duloxetine.

Due to the ability to improve the quality of life of the patient, anticonvulsants are prescribed by the doctor. They also reduce symptoms and help normalize sleep.

The specialist prescribes the use of central analgesics to eliminate acute pain. They are often prescribed along with paracetamol. Their use over time leads to the adaptation of the body to drugs and subsequent addiction. Adverse reactions in the face of nausea, vomiting and dizziness are also possible.

Topical anesthetics are also effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia. A course of treatment is prescribed with the introduction of infusions. They have a pronounced analgesic effect.

It is important not to use drugs without a doctor's prescription in order to prevent complications.

Fibromyalgia treatment at home

Treating fibromyalgia at home involves lifestyle changes. You must follow a diet and avoid stress.


As such, there is no specific diet for patients with fibromyaglia, but there are recommendations that will significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

First of all, you should avoid products with additives based on nitrates and glutamine sodium. The necessary refusal on the ability of these substances to affect pain receptors in the body, and accordingly cause an aggravation of uncomfortable sensations, is caused. Chemical additives of this kind are found in certain types of sausages, ham and bacon. And also, frozen foods and oriental dishes often contain glutamine sodium.

Experts recommend refusing a large amount of coffee and tea. Caffeine is mistakenly considered a source of energy, but it quickly ends its action, and then there comes a period of greater fatigue. This process is extremely undesirable with the pathology under discussion. The positive impact of failure can be seen after a few days.

Some studies have shown that gluten and yeast affect pain perception. A large number of these substances in the diet affect the development of yeast. He, in turn, makes muscles and joints more vulnerable. Elements are found in flour products.

The list of undesirable products can always be checked with your doctor, since the scheme of restrictions and permits for use is built exclusively on an individual basis.

Herbal Treatment

Herbal treatment of fibromyalgia at home always requires a consultation with a doctor. Improving the health of the patient contributes to:

Chinese Schisandra


· lilac.

Chinese magnolia vine contains useful substances that can improve memory and normalize coordination. Also, an important action is the restoration of appetite in depressive states manifested as a result of fibromyalgia.

A plant called Leuzea preserves and activates the quality of muscle work. Also, the culture favorably affects the work of the liver and heart, which is of great importance for any pathologies involving taking medications. Dosage is prescribed exclusively by a specialist.

Speed ​​up the healing process infusion of lilacs. Dry flowers of the plant, infused with alcohol or vodka, eliminate pain.

Physical therapy for fibromyalgia at home

Physical training has shown great effectiveness in the treatment of fibromyalgia at home. With a pain syndrome and a negative mental state, they are able to fight:

· Stretching exercises;


· power training.

Exercise in the pool will help overcome the symptoms of the disease. The doctor can prescribe the level of the load, since with enhanced training the opposite effect is possible.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Treatment with cognitive - behavioral therapy involves the determination of destructive reactions to a specific situation. Correction, which should occur as a result of the joint work of the patient and the doctor. The therapist finds a way to replace a behavioral response with more correct behavior.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict the development of a serious pathology. But there are measures that will reduce the chance of occurrence.

· Regulate stress and treat it differently;

· Allocate time to rest, the recommended amount of time to sleep eight hours a day;

· Strive for regular moderate physical activity, for example, doing yoga and swimming;

The quality of life is always influenced by human habits. If something is changed for the better, the moment of reckoning in the form of recovery will always come.

Health to you!


Watch the video: Fibromyalgia: Mayo Clinic Radio (June 2024).