On the benefits and harms of green tomatoes: composition, especially consumption. Why green tomatoes are harmful and how they are good for health


Russia is the birthplace of the lukewarm tomato ... Who and when thought up to use unripe tomatoes? Is it possible to poison green tomatoes?

What vitamins are green tomatoes saturated with?

Retinol or Vitamin A, increasing immunity and body resistance to various infections, normalizing the activity of the sex glands. Retinol also has a positive effect on the health of the skin, hair and bone strength, improves tissue regeneration.

Alpha Carotenepreventing cancer.

Beta carotene, necessary to restore vision, strengthen the enamel of teeth and bones, the healthy work of sweat glands, cell growth, to maintain the health of the skin, as well as hair and nails.

Thiamine or Vitamin B1, which plays a key role in maintaining the proper functioning of the heart, in the course of the metabolism process, as well as for the growth and development of the body as a whole.

Riboflavin or Vitamin B2involved in the formation of blood cells and in the production of antibodies. Riboflavin is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, the regulation of hair and nail growth, and for the health of the skin as a whole.

Choline or Vitamin B4, which is needed to regulate the metabolic processes in the body and to maintain the healthy functioning of the brain, kidneys, and liver.

Pantothenic Acid or Vitamin B5involved in the regulation of nerve cells and intestines, is necessary in the production of acetylcholine, which transmits nervous excitement. With the help of pantothenic acid, it is possible to alleviate the effects of antibiotics, accelerate skin regeneration and restore immunity. In addition, vitamin B5 is involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and in the production of red blood cells.

Ascorbic Acid or Vitamin C, supporting our immunity in the cold season, and protecting against flu, colds and other infections. Ascorbic acid is involved in all types of metabolism, can increase the effect of hormones, regulates cell growth, and promotes the speedy tissue regeneration.

Pyridoxineinvolved in the metabolism, as well as in the production of hemoglobin, adrenaline, serotonin.

Alpha tocopherolnecessary for normal blood coagulation and the full functioning of blood vessels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis. Alpha-tocopherol has antioxidant properties, so it is used for diabetes and Alzheimer's disease. This vitamin reduces the risk of colds and is a first aid in case of vision problems.

Phylloquinone or vitamin Kdirectly involved in all processes occurring in the body - strengthens tissues, supplies cells with energy, helps restore skin and blood coagulation.

Niacin or Vitamin PPnecessary for energy production and for the exchange of proteins. Participates in the organization of cellular respiration, in the normalization of the gastric and pancreas. Niacin is involved in maintaining healthy skin, improving blood circulation and reducing blood pressure.

They are saturated potassium, calcium, aluminum, sodium, phosphorus, iron and other macro and micronutrients. Green tomatoes contain many useful substances that enhance the health of our body involved in the metabolic processes. After heat treatment, most of the beneficial properties are not lost.

The use of green tomatoes during cooking is also beneficial for the body - the risk of cancer is reduced, the overall tone of the body is increased, and blood clots are prevented. Green tomatoes help with various kinds of inflammatory processes, eliminate muscle atrophy, prevent the occurrence of a heart attack and provide high spirits. Unripe vegetables are also recommended for cancer prevention.

Green tomatoes, due to their low calorie content, are also useful for losing weight - the chrome present in the composition contributes to speedy saturation, which allows you not to gain excess weight and maintain body shape throughout the year. We advise girls to use green tomatoes to cleanse the skin, which becomes elastic and young.

Harmful properties

For a long time, people believed that tomatoes should not be eaten. They were grown as purely decorative plants. An American R. Johnson, who ate a bucket of tomatoes in front of the courthouse, was able to prove the opposite. Residents, seeing that the colonel was not poisoned, began to use tomatoes in cooking. Unripe vegetables, despite a large number of useful elements, can also cause harm to the body. Raw fruits should not be eaten - they contain corned beef, tomato, lycopene.

Solanine - poisonous glycoside, which can cause severe food poisoning and, in rare cases, fatal outcome - solanine is useful for the body only in very small quantities. If you feel acute pain, cramping in your stomach or intestines, you have a fever and shortness of breath - these are signs of solanine poisoning. Symptoms include vomiting, headache, salivation, dilated pupils and arrhythmias.

Therefore, raw vegetables are best consumed in canned form - corned beef is neutralized in brine, or a washing procedure can be carried out - how to treat tomatoes with warm water, after which they will not do much harm. If you still get poisoned, then you should rinse your stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and activated carbon, be sure to call an ambulance. Do not self-medicate, which will have irreversible consequences.

Tomatin - A specific, toxic substance contained in small concentrations, so it is difficult to get serious poisoning.

Lycopene - a substance that affects the color of the fruit. With excessive use, a change in skin color is possible, however, eliminating unripe vegetables from use, you can quickly restore its normal condition.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a list of situations in which raw vegetables are undesirable to eat in large quantities.

  • Firstly, green tomatoes should not be consumed if you have kidney problems - swelling or stone formation is possible, especially for older people.
  • Secondly, pickled and salted tomatoes lead to edema in people with cardiovascular disease.
  • Thirdly, we recommend reducing the number of unripe tomatoes to people who are prone to allergies.
  • Fourth, you should not eat green tomatoes with bread, eggs and fish - this leads to bloating and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • Fifth, with an ulcer, pancreatitis or gastritis, it is also worth minimizing the use of tomatoes.


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