Rare indoor plants and ways to care for them


Perhaps it is difficult to find a house where there are no indoor plants. They not only bring comfort, positive energy and benefits, enriching the air with oxygen, but also are the aesthetic pride of every hostess. Tradescantia, cacti, rubber plants, geranium ... - the usual list for gardeners. And how nice it is to replenish your "green collection" with some rare exotic plants. But, as you know, they are very capricious and require special care throughout the year.

Takka. This ornamental plant is also called the "devil flower" because of the almost black inflorescences. However, despite the ominous name, it is rather peaceful. Being from the tropics, Takka needs careful care. He needs constant warmth, good lighting and moderate moisture. In the summer season it is better to transfer it to the balcony, in the winter you can use a special ultraviolet lamp.

Spathiphyllum (or "female happiness"). This flower is associated with a beautiful belief. If you give it to an unmarried girl, then soon she will find love and happiness. The plant also comes from the tropics and has an unusual botanical portrait: sprawling long leaves and inflorescence in the form of a white leaflet, under which the ear of small flowers hides. Of all the exotic plants, it is less capricious. It suffices to have a constant temperature (18-25 ,С), the absence of drafts and moisture. For irrigation it is better to use soft, separated water. Wet microclimate can be maintained by moistening the leaves. The longer the "female happiness" blooms, the greater the impact of its magical energy.

Adenantos. This green giant in indoor floriculture settled relatively recently. He brought from Western Australia and reaches one and a half meters in height. Due to the thin long leaves it resembles an ornamental conifer. He likes diffused lighting, so it is best to place it near the eastern or western windows. Adenantos is very thermophilic, but also transfers drafts normally. Needs moderate watering and annual spring transplant. It is necessary to add leaf soil, peat, dust of pine bark and gravel crumb to the soil.

Fuchsia. Bright ornamental plant with white, purple or purple flowers. Due to the variegated and long flowering, fuchsia has become a favorite of professional gardeners. She personifies luxury and refinement, originally fitting into any interior. The plant is afraid of direct sunlight. Therefore, it is better to hide it deep into the room. The air temperature should be moderate or cool. In summer, fuchsia should be sprayed with water three times a day. The soil should always be wet, but not turn into a swamp. Fuchsia also loves vitamins. It must be "fed" with nitrogen, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and other mineral fertilizers.

In addition to lighting, watering and transplanting, any plant needs a calm atmosphere, love and respect. With this approach, indoor plants delight their mistresses with rich flowering and comfort.

Text: Katerina Pchelnikova


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