Why do butterflies dream of interpreting different dream books. Why butterflies dream of girls and married women


Butterflies in dreams - the image is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is a symbol of fragility of feelings, windiness, transitory beauty.

On the other hand, it is a symbol of joy, a harbinger of a long-awaited meeting or love.

The interpretation of a dream should be based on its circumstances, details, and sensations after awakening.

What butterflies dream of in a family dream book

If a butterflies fly overhead, in the near future the dreamer will receive pleasant news. The brighter the coloring of insects will be, the more surprising and joyful the news will be. A particularly favorable concomitant circumstance of sleep is the bright sun. If one of the butterflies can be caught, then you need to wait for a love victory.

Why dream unsightly butterflieswith pale wings fluttering over the dreamer's head? To worry, disappointment in love, domestic troubles. But if the butterflies are beautiful, expect news from friends you have not seen for a long time.

Hurt or crush butterfly in a dream - a bad omen. After such a dream, it is necessary to wait for the onset of a period of grief, failure, and their inadvertence will become the cause of the dreamer himself. He will only have to blame for what is happening. Another interpretation of sleep is betrayal of a lover.

What do butterflies dream about in Freud’s dream book

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book symbolically connects the image of butterflies with children. How to interpret the dream depends on the details of the dream. If the dreamer simply admires the butterflies fluttering around him, this reflects his secret burning desire to have his own children.

If one of these butterflies sat on a dreamer, it means that the children easily make contact with this person. He is simply given communication with his own offspring, and with other people's children. But if the dreamer himself tries to catch a butterfly, this indicates hidden pedophilia.

Why do butterflies dream of Miller’s dream book

If butterflies fly around the dreamer, this means that news will soon come from relatives or friends who have long been absent. It can be a letter, a telegram, a phone call or just a message that common relatives or acquaintances bring.

Why do butterflies dream of young women? Sleep portends a strong mating soy. Young girls can hope to meet with their future spouse, which will end with a wedding of great love.

A bad sign is the appearance of an insect with white wings in a dream. Such a butterfly portends a disease, and if it sat on some object in the room, someone from the close dreamer will soon become ill. In general, a butterfly flying into a house means that desires will not come true.

If butterflies fly in the wild, among flowers and herbs, this is a very positive sign. Sleep portends a bargain or worthwhile investment. After such a dream, you can make investments, buy large expensive items, plan a budget.

Why do butterflies dream of Wang’s dream book

Big beautiful butterflies that appeared in your dream mean that fate can unexpectedly change, and for the better. If you have done some bad deed, after such a dream there is every chance to rectify the situation, find peace of mind and forgiveness. The greater the wingspan of an insect, the more unique will be the chance of fate. The main thing is not to miss the opportunity.

If the dreamer unsuccessfully tries to catch a butterfly, then he will find disappointment in his lover or spouse. Such a dream will tell you that next to you is not at all a close and beloved person, but a wrong partner.

The dream in which the insect was nevertheless managed to be caught is not good. The dream speaks of the dreamer himself, and, alas, characterizes him not from the best side - as a person who is windy, capable of betrayal, inconstant.

Why do butterflies dream of flying candles on fire and burning in it? This is a very bad dream. He portends a serious illness or even death of the dreamer himself or people very close to him.

Seeing butterflies sitting on you is good. Such a pleasant dream means that very soon you will receive important news or a pleasant surprise. Both that and another will completely change life, will make it better, richer, more interesting.

Why do butterflies dream of Longo's dream book

If the dreamer dreamed of butterflies, then in the near future he will have a calm, joyful and happy life. All hardships and troubles will disappear by themselves, the black stripe will be replaced by the bright one, plans and hopes will come true.

A completely opposite meaning is the dream of dead insects. Why do butterflies dream in this case? To troubles and disappointments. It is possible that ill-wishers are actively working behind the dreamer: they set traps, prepare tricks, and spoil the reputation. One must be extremely careful after such a dream. In no case should you take on dubious matters or difficult assignments that initially seem impossible. It would be nice to resort to the help or advice of a wise person.

If the dreamer sees himself playing with butterflies, then very soon he will hear from the authorities an interesting proposal. Sleep bodes higher, long-awaited career growth, higher wages, better working conditions.

Why do butterflies dream about Hasse

The butterfly dream matters if the insects were with black wings. Such a dream indicates that the dreamer is tormented by some fear, sometimes unclear to himself, or even a premonition of trouble. After waking up, you need to put everything in order, especially if the dreamer knows about some violations of the law. If you do not take preventive measures, it can end in depression due to major troubles.

However, if someone brought a black butterfly into the dreamer's house and released it, then luck should be accepted. The tangled business will unravel, hard times are over. Seeing a lot of black butterflies or one large one is a symbol of serious changes in your personal life. If there are no other symbols of sleep, and the mood after awakening is light, then the changes will be good.

What do butterflies dream of in the dream book of Nostradamus

This interpreter views the butterfly dream as a symbol of the dreamer's inner rebirth. After awakening, he should change his views on what is happening, at least try to take a different point of view, and also take up a serious matter. Very well, such a thing is in the plans: it is worth it to set about implementing them, success will definitely come.

If there is a dream about a butterfly that the dreamer holds in his hands, then in reality he will help a person in need of help.

Why do butterflies dream of which the dreamer lowers to freedom? Beautiful insects characterize the dreamer as a kind-hearted, rational, able to forgive and accept, ready to help in word and deed, in time to give the right advice.

Why do butterflies dream of Loff's dream book

The dream of the multitude of butterflies flying next to the dreamer portends him to receive good news. If they are colorful and it is pleasing to the eye, then in the life of the dreamer there will be many pleasant sensations and happy moments. It is possible that in the near future he will end up in the company of reliable friends, whose relations he considered to be broken.

Why do butterflies dream of which someone is chasing in your dream? To the fact that your ideas will be attributed to yourself or used by another person. This insidiousness will bring great grief, so you should not share your best practices with anyone, even friends. Chasing a butterfly itself means catching luck. It will turn out well. it doesn’t work out - you won’t see any luck in reality.

Why butterflies dream of a combined dream book

To see butterflies descending on bright beautiful flowers is a harbinger of prosperity, wealth. A very bad dream is in which the dreamer kills a butterfly. This is an omen of the troubles that the dreamer himself incurs. Seeing butterflies flying from flower to flower is to an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance.

If the butterflies in a dream have an unbearably bright color, you need to carefully consider the possible symptoms of the disease. Especially bad butterflies are yellow, gray or snow-white. Sleep signals a disease that can be fatal if you do not pay attention to it.

Seeing insects that fall on the shoulders of a familiar person reflects the anxiety that the dreamer feels for him. And concern is not unreasonable: most likely, this person faces a disease or serious troubles.
