Trout ear: body benefits and flawless taste in one bowl. Best trout fish soup recipes


You can talk about the taste and benefits of trout for a long time. Many dishes are prepared from this fish and all of them turn out really tasty. One of such dishes includes trout fish soup: juicy fish, fragrant, rich broth - it’s difficult to resist, and it’s not necessary, because this soup is easy and easy to prepare, and there are so many recipes that they are all varied that you can choose the recipe for your taste preferences are not difficult.

Trout ear - general cooking principles

First, the broth is cooked, it is prepared from fish cleaned from scales. You can use fillet, fish with a head or only components: heads, ridge with a small amount of meat, tail. Trout is cooked for 10-20 minutes, a whole head of onions, carrots are added to the broth, if desired. But you should not use a lot of spices, so as not to interrupt the taste of the fish itself.

Next, add vegetables and, if used, cereals. Usually a standard set is put in a trout ear: potatoes, onions, carrots. Of the latter, you can optionally make a frying with the addition of a minimum amount of vegetable oil. Less often put tomatoes, celery and others. Saturation and special taste will be added by the cream added at the end of the preparation.

Trout fish soup before serving is insisted, sprinkled with herbs, seasoned with sour cream, cream or butter.

1. Trout ear with potatoes


• 300-400 grams of trout;

• 400 grams of potatoes;

• parsley root;

• onion;

• black pepper;

• allspice;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• half a bunch of tarragon greens.

How to cook:

1. Fish is cut and peeled, washed, cut into small pieces.

2. Peel and coarsely chop the onion.

3. Wash the parsley root.

4. Peeled and gutted trout is poured with 1-1.5 liters of cold water. Add salt, parsley, onions. Cook the ear for 15-18 minutes on low heat.

5. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into a medium-sized cube.

6. The finished trout is removed from the broth. The broth itself is filtered, getting rid of onions and herbs.

7. Black and allspice, coarsely chopped potatoes are added to the broth. The soup is boiled for about 22 minutes with a slight boil.

8. At the end, add trout, mix, remove the pan from the heat.

2. Finnish trout ear


• 500 grams of trout;

• 1 liter of water;

• onion;

• 4 potatoes;

• 200 milliliters of cream or milk;

• half a tablespoon of flour;

• a teaspoon of salt;

• leek;

• Red pepper;

• dill.

How to cook:

1. Fish are cleaned and the fillets are separated from the bones.

2. Onions are peeled and chopped coarsely.

3. Add bones, coarsely chopped onions, salt and black pepper to the water. Cook for about 20 minutes.

4. Potatoes are peeled, washed, cut into thin slices.

5. Onions leek cut rings.

6. The broth from under the fish is poured into another pan, leaving all the ingredients used for cooking at the bottom.

7. Add chopped leek and potatoes to the boiling broth. Cook for about 15 minutes.

8. The fish fillet is cut into pieces. Add to the ear, cook for 5-10 minutes.

9. Mix flour with cream or warm milk. Stir until smooth. The mixture is poured into the ear.

10. Cut washed greens, add to the ear. Ready soup is served hot.

3. Trout ear with celery and tomatoes


• trout (fillet, abdomen and bones);

• 3 potatoes;

• carrot;

• celery root;

• one juicy tomato;

• 2 onions;

• salt;

• a mixture of white and black pepper;

• vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. Prepare the broth: fish bones, abdomen spread in cold water. The boiled water is drained. The fish is re-filled with water and put on boiling.

2. Potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into small cubes.

3. Chop one onion.

4. Celery is cut into cubes, carrots - with the thinnest straws. Half of the celery and carrots are left for the broth.

5. Onions, the rest of the carrots, as well as celery are fried in vegetable oil over low heat until cooked.

6. In boiling fish broth add carrots and celery root, which were left in advance. Also lay one onion. Boil the ear over low heat.

7. Bones from the fish fillet are removed. Cut the fish into large cubes.

8. Tomato peeled, cut into large cubes.

9. Tomatoes are added to the finished sauté. Stir, turn off the gas.

10. After 30 minutes, potatoes are added to the fish broth.

11. After 5-8 minutes, add the fish fillet.

12. After another 7-8 minutes, fish bones, carrots, celery and onions are taken out.

13. Send fried vegetables with tomatoes to the ear.

14. Almost finished dish, salt, pepper. Add chopped garlic. The soup is ready.

4. Trout, pike perch, shrimp and mussel ear


• trout;

• zander;

• mussels;

• Tiger chrimp;

• onion;

• several juicy tomatoes;

• 30 grams of wine;

• vegetable oil;

• a teaspoon of tomato paste;

• half a teaspoon of sugar;

• half a clove of garlic;

• sprig of fresh basil;

• salt;

• ground black pepper;

• 250 milliliters of water.

How to cook:

1. Onions are peeled, chopped coarsely.

2. Turn on maximum fire. Sliced ​​onions are fried in vegetable oil.

3. Tomatoes are washed, cut into large pieces.

4. Pour wine into the fried onions. After evaporation of the alcohol, tomatoes are added. Leave on fire for 2 minutes.

5. Add tomato paste, sugar. Mixed.

6. Add all pre-washed and prepared seafood. Stew for about 4-5 minutes.

7. Pour in water, covering seafood. The ear is left for 10 minutes.

8. Salt, pepper.

9. Add chopped garlic and basil. The soup is ready.

5. Trout ear with rice


• 6 trout steaks;

• 6-7 potatoes;

• onion;

• one carrot;

• 100 grams of rice;

• salt;

• black pepper;

• Bay leaf;

• one egg.

How to cook:

1. The rice is washed. Pour into a pot of boiling water.

2. Peel and rub the carrots.

3. Finely chop the onion.

4. Carrots with onions are added to the rice. If desired, vegetables can be pre-passaged.

5. Peel the potatoes. Cut into strips. Sent to a pot for cooking.

6. The cleaned trout is cut into portioned slices.

7. Shortly before cooking, put the fish in a pot. Salt and pepper. Add a bay leaf.

8. Beat the egg with a little cold water. After boiling the broth, the egg is poured. Cook for three minutes. The soup is removed from the heat.

9. Wuhu insist about half an hour. Served to the table.

6. Trout ear with cream


• trout;

• half a kilogram of potatoes;

• juicy tomatoes;

• onion;

• fresh carrot;

• 500 milliliters of cream with a fat content of 20%;

• fresh herbs;

• salt;

• ground black pepper;

• vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. The washed and peeled trout fillet is cut into small pieces.

2. Potatoes, onions, carrots are washed, peeled. Onions are very finely chopped, carrots are rubbed, potatoes are cut into medium-sized cubes.

3. Tomatoes are peeled. To facilitate the task, tomatoes are placed in boiling water, and then in cold. Peeled tomatoes are cut into small pieces.

4. For cooking fish soup take a large pan (optimal volume - 3 liters). Pour some oil. Fry the onion until golden in a pan.

5. Add carrots to the onion. Fry until soft.

6. Tomatoes are added to the pan. Fry a little.

7. Pour a liter of cold water. Heat the water and let it boil.

8. Add potato slices and salt to boiling water. Cook for about 20 minutes.

9. Stack chopped trout.

10. Pour the cream. Cook until the potatoes are cooked for about 5 minutes.

11. The ear is seasoned with fresh herbs. Soup is served at the table.

7. Trout ear with millet


• two liters of water;

• one large head (or three small);

• 2 onions;

• 2 potatoes;

• salt;

• black pepper; cumin, turmeric, coriander;

• carrot;

• butter;

• 5 tbsp. l millet;

How to cook.

1. Rinse the head and lower it into a pot of water. Bring to a boil, put peeled, but not cut onion.

2. Stew soup for half an hour, take out the head and onion. Throw the onion, cut the trout.

3. Pour washed millet, bring to a boil.

4. The second onion and carrots are crushed and sautéed in butter.

5. Diced potatoes are put in the broth, and fry is sent here.

6. Add salt and spices to taste. Bring potatoes to readiness.

7. Put the trout, mix. After the next boiling, turn off the gas.

8. Serve the trout ear after the soup has infused for 10-12 minutes.

9. If desired, you can season the trout ear with millet sour cream or heavy cream. Dill and parsley will decorate and diversify the dish.

Trout Ear - Tips and Tricks

• The most delicious ear is obtained from fresh rather than frozen fish.

• Ear is more satisfying if you add cereals, vegetables.

• To make the broth beautiful, cook the soup on low heat. The broth should languish, not boil and simmer.

• Greens will add new taste and freshness to the trout ear.

• Do not digest trout, prolonged heat treatment spoils the taste of red fish.

• To add new flavors, use not only trout, but also other fish for cooking.

• Usually vodka is added to the ear, but you should not use this ingredient when cooking trout fish soup - it will ruin the taste of the soup.

• From the fish fillet you get a diet soup, if you use the head, gills, bones - satisfying.

• Trout ear tastes better when cooked on the first broth. A simple transfusion of the broth into another pan will help get rid of the bones that have gone to the bottom.


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