The benefits and harms of dates for women. Sweet dates: benefits for women during pregnancy and lactation, harm for a slim figure


Most often, dates on store shelves are found in dried form. But from this they do not become less useful. This is one of the few products that does not lose its beneficial properties when dried.

Dates are very beneficial for women's health, especially during pregnancy and lactation.

Dates: benefits for women, their vitamin and mineral composition

Dates are small fruits of a date palm that are beneficial to the female body. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

The composition of dates includes Vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6 and PP. Due to this, the fruits of the date palm slow down the aging process, improve liver function, calm the nervous system, participate in metabolic processes and in the digestive tract, and activate the brain.

Date fruits are rich. magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron and phosphorus. This makes them indispensable in the diet to improve heart function, bone formation, increase hemoglobin, to improve brain function.

In the composition of dates in a sufficient amount present proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. The regular inclusion of dates in the diet replenishes the body’s energy reserves and cleans it of toxins and toxins.

The fruits of the date palm are used in folk medicine to relieve headaches and colds. The substances in the composition of dried fruits are similar to the structure of aspirin.

Also, infusion, which has a diuretic effect, is made from dried fruits. It is used to cleanse the kidneys and liver. Date alkaline salts reduce blood acidity, which is the prevention of kidney stones and gall bladder formation.

What is the use of dates for women

I must say that dates are useful not only for women, but also for men and children. However, they have a special effect on the female body. What is the use of dates for women?

Dates during pregnancy

Due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, dates are simply indispensable during pregnancy, when the unborn baby takes half of the nutrients from the mother. Expectant mothers are allowed to eat up to 10 fruits per day. This amount is quite enough for both the mother and the child to have enough nutrients.

Many women noted that dates can reduce toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy. However, you should not get involved in them, since in large quantities this product can cause digestive upset.

Almost always indispensable companions of pregnancy are edema and varicose veins. With regular use of dates, these problems can be avoided. The fruits of the date palm regulate the functioning of the vascular system and remove excess fluid from the body.

Another problem for pregnant and recently given birth women is constipation. Dates have a laxative effect and will easily replace any pharmacy drugs.

Pregnant dates are useful as stimulants to strengthen the muscles of the uterus. In the future, this will facilitate the course of labor and reduce bleeding after it. Many gynecologists recommend eating several dates fruits before childbirth in order to increase the tone of the uterus and facilitate the passage of the child through the birth canal.

Dates during lactation

Postpartum hemorrhage leads to a sharp decrease in sugar levels. Several fruits of the date palm can quickly fill this gap. Due to the fact that dates contain natural sugar, there will not be a sharp jump in insulin in the blood.

Dates have a beneficial effect on the production of breast milk. And their rich composition makes it nutritious for the child.

During lactation, a woman is more susceptible to various diseases and colds. You can also increase immunity by including dates in the diet. By the way, they are able to cheer up, which is important in the postpartum period.

Slimming Dates

Many women dream of removing a couple of extra pounds, but at the same time they can’t refuse to eat at all or strictly limit themselves to sweets. Nutritionists recommend replacing sugar with dates. They have a large amount of sucrose, however, it is completely processed and converted into energy, and not deposited on the hips in the form of extra centimeters.

Plant fiber dates allow you to "trick" the body, and it will feel longer full. This means that snacks in the form of sandwiches can be abandoned.

By the way, many women take dates to the office for a snack. Firstly, they do not need special storage conditions. Secondly, they allow you to quickly and permanently satisfy the feeling of hunger.

Dates can be eaten either as an independent product, or added to dietary salads, cereals and drinks. Due to their composition, even during the diet, the body will be full of strength and energy.

Dates: benefits and contraindications for women

Despite the rich vitamin and mineral composition, dates still have a number of contraindications. In which cases the fruits of the date palm can not be consumed:

• with diabetes (due to the high content of sucrose);

• with stomach problems (dietary fiber in dates is rough, so it will be difficult for a sick stomach to digest them);

• with frequent migraines;

• if there are kidney stones.

It is also important for women to know that dates adversely affect the condition of the teeth. After eating dried fruits, a plaque remains, which subsequently turns into caries. To avoid this, it is advisable to brush your teeth after each use of dates.

Natural sugar in fruits can, on the one hand, help you lose weight and, on the other hand, harm your health. There is a large amount of sucrose in dates, so it is better to refrain from those women who are obese.

The benefits of dates for women, how to choose and store them

The benefits of dates directly depends on their quality, so it is important to learn how to choose the fruits. Often, to give the beauty of the appearance of the fruit, they are treated with sulfur dioxide. It is not difficult to guess that such a product will not be the most useful. At least this will affect the digestive tract, but the consequences can be much sadder - the development of a stomach ulcer.

When choosing dates, pay attention to their color. Good ripe fruits always have a dark saturated hue. Several cracks on the surface are allowed. But if there are many cracks, this may indicate that the fruits are overripe or old. They will not bring the expected benefits.

If the fruits are purchased in dried form, then they should be only with seeds. Such dates retain much more useful substances.

Dried dates can be stored for several months at room temperature. But the container with them should be tightly closed with a lid. If desired, the fruits can be frozen. In this case, they will be stored for at least a year, but they will not lose their beneficial properties.

Before use, dates must be washed well. The skin is not worth spitting out, as it contains half the nutrients, including coarse fibers.


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