7 ways to change the look for the coming winter


The monotonous rhythm of life, planned-guessed events, "blurred" tired reflection in the mirror awaken a desperate desire to change the surroundings? As they say, if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Take note of 7 simple and effective ways to transform.

Curls or surface

Straightening wavy strands or creating luxurious curls is a beauty that does not require any sacrifice, except for time and a little practice. With the help of irons with various nozzles, you can independently create a huge number of options for curls or perfectly smooth hair at home. Of course, if you do a perm or a straightening, the hairstyle will last much longer, but do not get carried away: frequent permanent curls spoil the hair structure.

Change colors

Fashionable dyeing using the ombre technique (a combination of dark and light shades of a natural color), coloring and highlighting of the strands will add volume to the hair and refresh the image. If you want to express individuality, you can apply the technique of screen dyeing (drawing) on ​​perfectly straight long laminated hair.

A haircut

Do not go to extremes when choosing a haircut option, as an unsuccessful haircut will not be easy to fix. It will be enough to give shape, focusing on beautiful and classic haircuts - a cascade or a square, but you can experiment with bangs (thick straight to eyebrows or long oblique).

Style storm

Tear down the familiar framework of your wardrobe and discover new style solutions for your image. If you are used to seeing in casual or traditional classics, surprise your friends with a bright unusual and feminine outfit. A blue jumpsuit with a pronounced waist corset will emphasize a slim figure, and a chiffon long tunic over a classic set of blouses and trousers with a thin vertical strip will veil some of the shortcomings of the ladies in full set.

Game of contrasts

Do not be afraid to combine bright and muted colors, even in the most atypical combinations: for example, a burgundy blouse with a long sleeve or a rich scarlet jacket complete with cropped straight trousers of matte milky-beige color and matching shoes. To make the color top look casual and lonely, add a small accessory (a silk ribbon on your handbag, a bow-tie or a bright lacing on the shoe) - this will balance the color proportions in the outfit.

Accents and nuances

One of the most memorable ways is to make a business card out of an accessory. Whether it will be original earrings or bracelets, scarves in an unusual design or glasses of various shapes, colors or in an expensive frame - you decide.


Properly selected makeup can not only complement a new image, but also create it. High-quality decorative cosmetics (tonal corrective means and a palette of shadows in harmony with the color of the eyes or with the top of the dress) can change beyond recognition - literally make you a different woman.


Watch the video: 7 Ways Petrolheads Prepare For Winter (June 2024).