How to wipe your face with ice: the benefits and harms of the procedure. Method and recipes for the preparation of cosmetic ice


The ability of the cold to slow down the aging of the skin and heal it was known even to our distant ancestors. To test the effectiveness of the theory on yourself, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists. Today you will find out whether it is possible to wipe your face with ice and how to carry out the procedure to improve the condition of the skin at home.

Can I wipe my face with ice: the benefits of the procedure

The positive effect of ice on the skin is due to its ability to dilate blood vessels. Increased blood flow leads to renewal of the skin. Melting ice actively saturates the dermis with healing moisture, and the components that make up its composition heal and rejuvenate the skin.

Cosmetic ice, according to cosmetologists, shows high efficiency for the general improvement of facial skin and is used for:

• slowing down aging;

• smoothing wrinkles, folds and grooves;

• mitigation;

• nutrition;

• relieve inflammation and redness;

• pulling up and increasing elasticity;

• improved complexion;

• normalization of sebum production;

• Elimination of age spots and dark circles under the eyes.

Why wipe the face with ice: harm and contraindications for the procedure

Opponents of washing with ice note that cold can cause great harm to the skin. As evidence, they give the following arguments:

1. During washing with ice, the skin is subjected to severe stress. She becomes even more sensitive.

2. Spasm of the dermal vessels and the outflow of fluids in the tissues lead to metabolic disorders that occur in the skin.

3. Ice dries the skin, which can lead to redness and peeling. For this reason, wiping is contraindicated in people with very dry and hypersensitive skin.

4. The narrowing of blood vessels and the reduction of secretion of glands of external secretion is favorable only for oily skin. Dehydrated skin as a result of ice washing can lose elasticity and grow old early.

5. Ice wiping can trigger vasodilation. Therefore, the practice is contraindicated for owners of thin skin, in which blood vessels are located very close to the surface of the dermis.

6. Ice wash can cause insomnia.


You should refuse ice washing if you:

• sensitive skin;

• sinusitis;

• colds;

• increased body temperature;

• allergy to cold;

• migraine;

• the presence of herpes and wounds.

How to wipe your face with ice: recommendations and washing technique

To get maximum results from washing with ice, experts recommend using the following recommendations:

1. Wipe your face with an ice cube once a day. It is best to choose the morning hours for this procedure. This will facilitate a quick awakening and give a charge of vivacity and a positive mood. Evening washing with ice can lead to sleep problems.

2. To prepare fruit ice, use only filtered or non-gas mineral water. Never take tap water for ice.

3. Wipe your face with an ice cube with quick sliding movements along the massage lines along which the lymph moves. On one site stay no more than three minutes.

4. After the procedure, allow the face to dry naturally. In this case, all the beneficial components contained in cosmetic ice will have time to soak into the skin.

5. Ice wipe not only the skin of the face, but also the area of ​​the neck and décolleté.

6. Do not store ice in the refrigerator for more than 5 days.

7. Do not do the procedure immediately before going out.

8. To make rubbing your face comfortable, wrap an ice cube with a napkin.

How to wash with ice

After answering the question whether it is possible to wipe the face with ice, you need to find out how to do it as efficiently as possible. So, during the procedure should always adhere to massage lines. Washings are made with light, rounded movements without pressure.

First wipe your face with an ice cube, starting from the middle of the chin to the earlobes. Next, draw a line from the corners of the lips to the middle of the auricles. Draw a line from the center of the upper lip, continuing the movement of ice to the upper part of the ears. Then move to the same point from the wings of the nose. Start leading along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. Now - on the lower eyelid - to the bridge of the nose. Wipe the forehead from the center to the temples, the nose from the nose to the wings.

To fix the result after the procedure, after 15 minutes, apply a nourishing or moisturizing face cream.

For the procedure, you will need no more than one minute. While washing, treat every wrinkle. Always move from the center of the face to the periphery.

If the cosmetic procedure does not bring visible results, you feel severe discomfort and discomfort, then it is best to refuse rubbing.

Cosmetic ice: recipes

The method of making cosmetic ice is quite simple. The prepared liquid must be poured into molds and sent to the freezer. In a few hours, the miraculous ice floes will be ready.

Each refrigerator comes with special ice cakes. It is also very convenient to use silicone molds. They bend perfectly, so extracting the cube from the cell is not difficult.

There are many recipes for making cosmetic ice. Consider the most popular of them.

Mineral water.

This type of ice will retain all the beneficial properties of water extracted from natural sources. It can be used without harm to the owners of all skin types. The procedure will have a pronounced tonic effect.

Lemon juice.

To make lemon ice, take citrus juice and a glass of water in a 1: 2 ratio. This frozen drink is perfect for oily and combination skin. As a result of regular washing, skin is cleansed, age spots are removed, enlarged pores become less noticeable, oily skin becomes dull.

Watermelon Juice.

Watermelon ice is made from the flesh of a melon plant. Squeeze the required amount of juice and send it to the freezer. Cosmetic ice prepared according to this recipe will refresh the skin of the face, restore its freshness and rested appearance. The recipe is recommended for use by owners of normal skin type.


Pour a tablespoon of chopped mint leaves in a glass of boiled water. Let the herbal infusion cool. Strain and pour into molds. Peppermint ice has a refreshing and antiseptic effect. It perfectly fights irritations and tones the skin.

Aloe vera.

Dilute the juice from the fleshy leaves of the plant with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Freeze the resulting liquid. Aloe ice has a healing effect on the skin, which is prone to inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Washing with this ice will reduce the production of sebum, prevent the appearance of blackheads and make the skin more matte.

Bay leaf.

Take 3 bay leaves and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist a decoction in a thermos for a day. Pour into molds and freeze. Ice prepared according to this recipe is recommended for use with allergic skin. It will remove redness and peeling.


In 200 ml of water, boil 2 tablespoons of rice without adding salt. Throw it in a colander. Freeze the resulting broth. Rice ice helps get rid of age spots.

Essential oils.

Add 3 drops of pine and sandalwood essential oils to a glass of water. Stir and freeze the ice cubes thoroughly. This recipe is suitable for dry skin with the first signs of aging.


Brew a glass of natural coffee. Cool and pour over the tins. Grains are a powerful antioxidant that perfectly cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum, acne, acne.


Take 100 tablets of mummy per 100 ml of water. Stir well. Ice cubes effectively cope with wounds and rashes. This recipe will cleanse the skin and nourish it with beneficial substances.


Freeze strawberry juice in molds. The resulting ice cups can quickly protonate and refresh the skin of the face, as well as prevent premature aging.

Now you know if you can wipe your face with ice. If you follow the recommendations, daily washing with ice will get rid of many skin problems. After just a few uses, ice wiping will make your skin more beautiful and healthy.


Watch the video: Remove Dark spots & Hyperpigmentation, Close Large OPEN PORES, Damaged Skin repair ,RiceWater ice (June 2024).