Proper watering in the spring is an excellent strawberry crop in the summer. When, how and how to water strawberries, how to feed it


Strawberry is always a long-awaited berry, it combines the benefits and great pleasure of the type, taste and aroma of ripe berries. I want to grow this capricious beauty large, sweet for the joy of myself and the children. It seems to some that it is too difficult to please strawberry bushes, others frivolously believe that it is enough to plant strawberries, and she will grow herself. The right approach is in the middle.

A plentiful harvest and a decent quality of berries, largely determines the irrigation of strawberries in the spring. It is important not so much to do this often, but correctly and on time. In the spring, the success of the future crop is laid, watering at this time ensures growth and fruiting for the entire season. To understand which watering will be correct, it is enough to know the answers to such questions:

1. When to water?

2. How to do it right?

3. What is the best way to feed when watering?

The first watering of strawberries in spring: when to start?

Different climatic conditions suggest different periods, but it is not difficult to determine the beginning of irrigation. In cold climates, this is usually the beginning of May, in warmer latitudes - the end of April. Anyway, you have to navigate individually, observing the moisture of the soil. If it dries up - it is time to water it, if the spring is rainy, the beds are swampy - it is worth covering the strawberries with a film from excess rainfall.

Before the first watering in the spring, it is recommended to remove the mulching layer that covered the bushes from frost. Together with mulch and old leaves, most of the overwintered pests are removed, the soil warms up faster, the growth of roots and new leaves accelerates.

The important "when?" in spring strawberry irrigation - what time of day is it better to do? Strawberries are watered in the morning. If in the summer this is associated with the danger of leaf burns, in the spring with possible night cooling. Low temperatures and high humidity can cause root rot and plant diseases.

How to water strawberries in spring

It would seem that there is nothing easier than watering. But strawberries have features, ignorance of which can ruin the painstaking work of an inexperienced gardener.

How to water correctly? Here are the basic rules:

Water temperature. Strawberries do not tolerate cold watering. The optimum water temperature is not lower than 15 °. It should be heated, or defended in containers in the sun.

Amount of moisture required for plants changing during the season. When spring planting of young bushes, watering is carried out in small portions (about 0.5 liters per plant) three times a day. When the strawberries take root, water less often, every other day. At average air temperatures, one watering per week is enough, in the heat you have to water every morning. The average consumption of water is 10 liters per 1 m².

In the period of active growth sprinkling is applied to the bush, this favorably affects the growth of the outlet and provides large healthy leaves. When the first flowers appear, spraying is replaced by watering on the soil. At this time, it is important to provide moisture to the roots, access to them air.

Loosening after each watering or rain, it gives the necessary breath to the roots, retains moisture. The formation of a crust on the surface of the bed should not be allowed.

Mulching allows you to keep the earth loose and moist for a long time without significant effort. As mulch is used in needles, straw or sawdust, overlaying bushes with a layer of up to 4 cm. This technique inhibits the growth of weeds, facilitates the maintenance of beds.

Black film fit, very popular today, requires special irrigation. Drop watering provides each bush with the necessary amount of water, saves the gardener’s strength and resources.

Features of spring watering if strawberries grow under a black film

Watering from a watering can of strawberry plantations is a physically difficult matter, and from a hose it is not always appropriate. During flowering and berry growth, irrigation irrigation is completely excluded. And watering from a hose at the root, erodes the soil, exposes and damages the root system. The best solution for strawberries is drip irrigation. At the same time, water is supplied to each bush, the soil is always moist, loose. Such irrigation is irreplaceable when growing strawberries under a black film.

When grown under a film, the irrigation system is mounted before planting. Since a high-quality film lasts several years, before the first spring watering, you should carefully study the moisture content of the soil in the beds. Overmoistening is as dangerous for strawberries as drying out.

Even if the ground in other parts of the garden requires watering, more moisture may have accumulated under the film. Or vice versa, a little spring rain, watering other crops, will not be enough for beds under the film.

Everything is much simpler with agrofibre, it has a porous structure, water freely penetrates through it into the soil. Watering is possible both by sprinkling and drip. Earth "breathes", does not overheat.

Black film and agrofibre can reduce water consumption by 5 times and significantly reduce the frequency of irrigation. With drip irrigation, it is strawberries that get water, weeds in rows between rows do not receive watering, they grow much less.

Determine if strawberries need spring watering

The root system of the strawberry bush is in the upper layers of the soil. The length of the roots rarely exceeds 15 cm, because the plant is not able to take moisture deeper. For normal nutrition, the strawberry bush needs moist soil, but not waterlogged.

It is important to maintain a reasonable balance when watering. If winter was snowy or spring rainy, do not rush to water strawberries. Sufficiently moistened earth, if you squeeze it in the palm of your hand, becomes a solid lump, does not crumble, slightly gets your hands dirty. Check the soil to a depth of 25 cm, if the humidity is normal, watering the beds is not necessary.

1. Excessive watering in spring during growth can produce chic, but pampered, fragile leaves and peduncles. Even a slight morning cooling can cause serious damage to such plants.

2. Waterlogging during flowering and berry growth leads to a watery taste.

3. "Overfilled" beds are more often affected by gray rot, fungus and pests.

Combine strawberry watering and top dressing in spring

Spring watering is well combined with top dressing, restoring the strength of the bushes for abundant fruiting.

With the first watering make nitrogen fertilizers, for good growth of roots and aerial parts of plants. Ammonium nitrate is added to water for irrigation at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 sq. m. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you can get excellent, beautiful bushes without berries. If you use organic fertilizers (bird droppings, manure), it is unnecessary to use mineral nitrogen fertilizers.

Second time it is worth feeding strawberries along with watering just before flowering. Now we use potassium sulfate at the rate of 20-30 g per 1 sq. m. Potash fertilizers in this period are well combined with nitroammophos in the ratio of 1: 4. Wood ash can be planted in the soil during cultivation, when irrigated it will become an excellent fertilizer, reduce soil acidity.

Iodine, added to the water for sprinkling before flowering, it will protect plants from rot and pests (May bug, wireworm). Add 30-40 drops of iodine to a bucket of water.

Potassium permanganate - Good foliar top dressing for strawberries. You can add 2 g (at the tip of the knife) potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water for spraying and watering. It is good to alternate with boric acid in the same proportions. When sprinkling with such top dressings, the number of flowers and ovaries noticeably increases, the soil is disinfected.

Complex fertilizerscreated specifically for berry crops are always on sale. They contain all the necessary elements, they are easy to use and store.

Spring strawberry care determines the future harvest for the entire season. Proper watering in the spring will provide you with excellent berries in the summer. Strawberries will delight in quantity, quality, taste and aroma. Good luck on the strawberry beds!


Watch the video: How to care for strawberries (July 2024).