Panaritium toe: treat at home or run to the doctor? The principles of treatment of panaritium toe at home


Absolutely everyone at least once in his life hit the fingers of his lower extremities. It is very important to immediately treat the wound with antiseptic drugs, otherwise the purulent process may begin to progress. This process is called panaritium of the toe, the treatment at home of which must be dealt with at the initial stage.

Causes of pathology

The progression of the disease originates in the soft tissues of the fingers of the lower extremities after the infection penetrates them. This is observed when a path to the deeper layers of the epidermis is formed due to:





splinter hit.

Not only a foreign object, but also an infection gets under the epidermis:

all kinds of bacteria;



They are the primary cause of the appearance of a purulent island-inflammatory process.

The skin of an adult is thicker than that of a baby, therefore less susceptible to damage. It is important to monitor what the baby is playing with. Even the smallest abrasion must be treated with an antiseptic. This will help prevent the development of pathology in the child.

Sometimes pathology can occur in newborn babies. Most often observed in the periungual region. The disease appears due to improper processing of the nail plates. If the baby has a felon of the toe, treatment at home should be started as soon as possible. In a young body, the infection progresses extremely quickly. If you do not start a timely cure, then the result may be the most unforeseen, up to the loss of finger mobility.

The risk of progression of pathology increases in the case of fungal infections of the feet. Quite often, the island-inflammatory process is noticed due to an ingrown nail plate.

Cure folk remedies

Alternative treatment of pathology is effective if a purulent inflammatory process does not start. For home treatment, panaritium of the toe, you can use the following recipes:

Beet. Red beets must be grated and mixed with 50 grams of homemade sour cream. The resulting mixture must be applied to the affected area and apply a bandage on top. Previously, the toe must be steamed in a warm bath with the addition of potassium permanganate. This product helps to stop the inflammatory process, to stop the penetration of infection.

Onion. Take a small onion to peel and wash. Cut into two equal parts and put baked in the oven. After that, it will become soft. If there is no oven at home, then the onion can simply be boiled in milk. You need to buy only homemade. After the manipulations, attach the bow to the sore finger and rewind with a bandage. The healing suspension should be changed every 5 hours. This method helps to ripen the bladder with purulent contents as soon as possible and go out of the purulent mass.

Castor oil. Home treatment for panaritium of the toe can be done using castor oil. It helps to speed up the process of abscess and pus exit. Before using the product, the bottle must be heated under running hot water. To carry out the procedure, take a cotton swab and moisten it in the contents of the container. Apply the swab to the affected part of the skin and tightly wrap it with a bandage. Change the dressing after 2 hours.

Aloe. This healing plant helps in the treatment of such an ailment. From a houseplant, you need to cut the largest leaf. Gently peel the skin along with the thorns from its upper part. Grind the pulp until juice is formed. This side of the plant is applied to the sore spot. Thanks to this procedure, the island-inflammatory process can be reduced.

Calendula. To cure the disease should prepare tincture of calendula. In 2 tablespoons of grass pour 0.200 ml of alcohol and leave for a day. Add 0.100 ml of tincture to a hot bath and soar your feet for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Celandine. Treatment at home panaritium toe is very effective with celandine. 1 tablespoon of the plant pour a liter of boiling water. Boil the mixture for 15 minutes over low heat. The resulting product is used for baths. Perform the procedure three times a day until the moment of full recovery.

Eucalyptus. Very effective in the purulent process. Used for baths, but first you need to get a decoction. 4 teaspoons pour a liter of water and put on fire for 10 minutes. Wait until the broth cools down and do the foot baths.

Garlic. When curing a pathology, it is effective to use garlic. It very well draws pus and is characterized by antiseptic action. For the procedure you will need a small head of garlic. It should be cleaned and grated. Received 50 grams of the drug pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Leave the medicine for half an hour. Add tincture to the bath and soar your feet. Thanks to such manipulations, pus will come out in a couple of days.

A decoction of birch buds. Such a tool perfectly disinfects the dermis of the legs and removes all the symptoms of the disease. To prepare the medicine, birch buds and water are taken in equal proportions. Put the mixture on low heat for 30 minutes. After the broth pour into the bath and soar your feet.

Mix 7 ml of fir oil and 3 ml of Vishnevsky ointment. Apply the resulting mixture to a bandage and apply to the affected area. Apply compression paper on top and bandage for 7 hours. After this period of time, apply a new dressing.

There is another effective recipe with hot pepper. Cut off the pepper leg and remove all seeds. Pour medical alcohol into the product and dip a finger into it. Leave it there until the pain is tolerable. Repeat manipulations three times a day.

These recipes are the most effective and safe for health.

Home treatment

If treatment is started when only redness appears, then only a conservative method of therapy can be dispensed with. To do this, it is recommended to immerse the affected toe three times a day in warm water with salt. For 1 cup, add 1 tablespoon of salt. After such manipulations, a compress is added with the addition of Dimexide. This drug is pre-diluted with boiled liquid in a ratio of 1: 4. Soak a cotton pad with the resulting medicinal solution and attach to the affected area. You can use not a cotton pad, but a piece of gauze.

On top of gauze, you need to sprinkle a little dry Ampicillin. It is possible to use these medicines if there is no allergic reaction to them. A small piece of polyethylene is applied over the medicine and the entire compress is rewound with a bandage. Wear suspensorium until another bath with salt is added.

In the event that the disease causes severe pain and prevents sleep, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. Autopsy of the abscess occurs only with the help of surgical intervention. If pus has accumulated under the nail, then the plate is also removed.

Infant disease treatment

It is necessary to start treating an illness in an infant as soon as the first signs of the disease have arisen. In this case, surgical intervention can be avoided. If you suspect a felon, it is recommended in any case to consult a surgeon. Only a highly qualified doctor will be able to determine the exact diagnosis, stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment at home. Panaritium toe in infants should be treated only with gentle baths and means. This is due to the tenderness of the skin. The most acceptable way is the use of a soda or salt bath. Also effective and harmless will be compresses with aloe.

Panaritium of the toe is a very dangerous disease that can cause a number of complications. With illiterate and untimely treatment, finger mobility can be lost. Therefore, before starting treatment for panaritium of the toe at home, it is necessary to consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Paronychia Management (June 2024).