9 reasons why men do not want to marry


From an early age, every woman dreams of a snow-white wedding dress, a fairy-tale prince carrying her in her arms to the altar, a harmonious and strong family ... And now, it seems, everything is going according to plan, before the dream is at hand, but only "prince "not rushing to the altar. Relations are good, there is love and understanding, but the bachelor man does not want to part with his position. And on the claims of the chosen one he answers with a sweet smile and evasive: "we are so good, after all ..." Why do men fear a legal marriage?

  • Freedom. For many men, the phrase "legal marriage" is associated with a cell. If your chosen one is a homebody, then this factor will not affect him in any way. In other cases, men are afraid of losing their freedom and prefer cohabitation or a relationship without obligation. Here it is necessary to use his own weapon: agree to a civil marriage and make the man feel that you still do not belong to him. Soon the owner's instinct will be felt.
  • A responsibility. Marriage is a very important step for both lovers. And if a woman by nature is ready to accept this responsibility with pride and honor, then a man will think seven times before going to the altar. Life presents different surprises, so in life you need a strong man. If at the beginning of your journey he already has doubts about himself, is it worth continuing this way?
  • Material failure. It is very important for a man to stand confidently on his feet in a financial sense. After all, by nature he is a breadwinner, the protection and support of his family. If he does not have confidence, then do not expect romantic proposals from him. However, material well-being can wait and earn over the years. Explain to your chosen one that if you are together, then the desired can be achieved much faster. Become a guide and inspiration for your man.
  • Parent word. It often happens that parents (sometimes friends) interfere in the relationship of lovers. As a rule, this is dictated by the housing issue or personal antipathy towards the choice of a son. If a man listens to the opinion of parents, then your chances for a wedding will melt every day. It will be difficult to live with the "mama's son", do you need one? If so, take it to "weakly", push for an independent solution.
  • Relationships on autopilot. If the relationship lasts a long time, and the cherished proposal has not been received, it is possible that everything is not so smooth in your relationship. Some men, eventually revealing all facets of the character of the chosen one, come to the conclusion that this is far from the woman they need in life. And while that one did not appear on the horizon, they, not wanting drastic changes, continue the relationship. Here you will calm and frank conversation.
  • The experience of the past. If a man has already been married, and this experience was not successful for him, the second time it will be very difficult to drag him to the registry office. Men need to move away from past loss and negative memories. According to statistics, second marriages are 60% more successful than the first. Show him a different relationship model, more reliable and harmonious.
  • Fear. Despite their outward manliness and strength, some men have certain phobias before marriage. Some are afraid to be rejected, others - to destroy the existing way of life. There are also men who believe that marriage may become colder, or in the future they may meet a woman even better. Men's fears and doubts are a reason to think whether you need marriage with such a man.
  • Does not like children. Another reason for men's reluctance to go down the aisle is dislike for children. A serious statement for the avid bachelor. However, as practice shows, in 85% of these men become loving fathers, in every way pampering their children. Therefore, you can make certain concessions and tricks to create a family with your beloved man.
  • Greed. The family is not only a responsibility, but also a constant financial investment. Therefore, some men approach the issue of marriage with economic counting. In the future, not to turn into a trembling maid, reporting for every penny, it is better to part with such a gentleman. Marriage with a meanie is doomed to failure.


Watch the video: Why Do Men Cheat? (June 2024).