Masks for hair density


The dream of any woman is to have thick beautiful hair. From them you can create a chic hairstyle, braid a rich braid or effectively dissolve it on the shoulders. Unfortunately, nature does not reward everyone with such a decoration. The rest have to sadly sigh or build up missing strands in salons and hairdressers. It is unlikely to turn hair that is rare from nature into thick, even if you use the latest developments in the cosmetic industry. But to correct the situation is quite realistic if you regularly make masks for hair density, additionally feeding hair follicles with vitamins and nutrients from the outside.

Masks for hair density: principle of operation and recommendations for use

Thickness masks can be made for any type of hair. If you add special ingredients to them, then you can simultaneously solve a couple of problems, for example, get rid of dryness or fat content. To do this, masks for the density of oily hair should be selected with components such as rye bread, sour milk, yeast, alcohol tinctures, mustard to dry the scalp. And dry - with vegetable oils, yolks, honey, glycerin, on the contrary, to moisturize the skin.

Every day, a person loses 30 - 100 hair, which is considered the norm. If you start making nutritious masks for the density of hair, then the roots will strengthen, the life expectancy of each hair will increase, their loss will slow down. The structure of the hair will become thicker, making it appear thicker. On the head, in addition to the functioning hair follicles, are sleeping, i.e. those from which hair does not grow. Due to the additional influx of nutrients during the application of the masks, dormant bulbs begin to wake up and become active, throwing out hair sprouts. Therefore, there are more hairs on the head, from which the general head of hair looks thicker.

Masks for hair density are applied to the scalp with light massaging movements. The duration of one application is an average of 40-60 minutes. In order for the pores to open better and the nutrients penetrate deeper into the hair roots, the head with the mask must be insulated. The hair is first covered with a plastic bag or hat, and wrapped with a towel on top.

How to make thick dry hair: nourishing masks

1. For thick hair, masks are effective, which include ground nuts - pine nuts, almonds, peanuts, or peanut butter. Cedar is considered especially effective. It must be rubbed into the roots and kept, covered with a warm cap, 40 minutes. The course is two months (2 times / week). If you use dried fresh nuts (not fried) instead of butter, you need to grind them in flour or powder, add a little milk to get a thick sour cream, apply to the roots. Hold for 2 hours.

2. Take a large spoonful of natural honey, cognac and burdock oil, mix with the yolk. Distribute by roots, easy to rub. Cover with a warming cap. Wash off with shampoo after an hour.

3. Peel half the avocado, mashed, add the yolk, a tablespoon of brandy and olive oil. Rub into the roots, wrap. Hold for 40 minutes.

4. Combine in one dish the yolk, glycerin and apple cider vinegar (1 tsp each), aloe juice and castor oil (1 tbsp each). To stir thoroughly. The mixture for the mask is distributed over the scalp, rubbing into the roots. Cover hair from above with a film and tie up with a towel. In this form, keep 40 minutes.

Nutritious masks for thick hair

1. Prepare an infusion of nettle or St. John's wort: pour a large spoon of grass with boiling water - 150ml, let it brew, strain. Mix two large spoons of warm infusion with dry yeast (1 tablespoon). Keep warm so that the yeast comes up. Then combine with yolk and burdock oil (2 tablespoons), mix. Apply to the scalp, cover with a film and a warm cap from a towel. Keep an hour. The regularity of using the mask is in a day or two. The duration of the course is 12-15 procedures.

2. In a glass container, mix 1.5 cups of cognac (or vodka), honey and sea salt, cover. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place (at room temperature). This amount should be enough for 12-14 masks. Store the finished mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to the roots for an hour, wrapping a cap. Then wash off the mask without shampoo, just warm water. Applications should be done every two days. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks.

3. Mix a tablespoon of natural honey, aloe juice and lemon. Rub the resulting balm into the scalp. Wrap up, keep 40 minutes.

4. Combine a large spoonful of sea buckthorn oil with three tablespoons of almond (burdock, olive). Massage the oil over the head, rubbing gently into the skin. Cover with a warming hat or cap for one hour. Apply for 10 weeks every 3-4 days.

Nutritious masks for the density of all types of hair

1. Prepare a herbal decoction of chamomile, nettle or hypericum. Why pour a tablespoon of dried herbs with a glass of water, bring to a boil, insist until it cools down. Mix ½ cup strained broth with yolk and a spoonful of natural honey. Rub the resulting balm into the roots, keep under the hood for 40 minutes.

2. An effective tool for the density of hair is a mask of yolk with cocoa. It helps even in severe cases when bald patches appear on the head. Mix the yolk of a home egg with a small spoonful of cocoa and ½ cup kefir. Rub a part of the mask (about a third) into the roots. When the mass dries, rub another portion, then, after a while, one more. Tie your hair with polyethylene, insulate with a towel, hold for an hour. Repeat every 3 days. The first results will be noticeable in a month and a half or two.

3. Combine the yolk, cognac and burdock oil (3 tbsp each). Mix to a homogeneous consistency, you can whisk. Drive fingertips into the hair roots, moisten the remaining mixture. Cover your head, keep warm for one hour.

4. Vitamin mask. Stir the yolk with kefir and aloe juice (1 tbsp each), an oil solution of vitamins A, E (1 tsp), a small spoon of castor oil and one ampoule of vitamin B6. Distribute the composition over the hair roots, gently rubbing it into the skin. Leave for 40 minutes, covering with a film and a towel. Mask applications should be performed once a week.


Watch the video: I Went from Thin to Thick Hair in Just a Week (July 2024).