Headache in children


Headache in children in the form of unpleasant sensations that occur in the area from the eyebrows to the neck, today the phenomenon is not uncommon. Parents who give their child a pill from their heads and calm down make a big mistake, because such painful feelings are found in the list of symptoms of more than 50 diseases. And although in most cases they are not a manifestation of a serious impairment of health, parents should pay attention to them, and in case of repeated repetitions, they must show the child to the doctor.

The classification of headaches is extensive. Children most often suffer from tension and migraine headaches, which can be either episodic or chronic, lasting a fortnight or more for several months.

Types of headache in children

In the smallest, this condition leads to crying, increased arousal, sleep disturbances, vomiting, gushing regurgitation. From the age of one and a half years, babies are already able to show the place, which is a hotbed of pain, to complain about fatigue and feeling unwell.

The clinic of migraine is quite specific in children, which is manifested by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting; one-sided localization of pain and its pulsating nature; significant improvement in well-being after a short period of sleep and other symptoms.

Ways to treat headache in children

Treatment is determined by the nature and frequency of attacks, as well as their causes. The effectiveness of treatment depends, first of all, on the correctness of the diagnosis. If the child has headache symptoms, parents should seek qualified medical attention. The doctor will determine its type by examining the medical history and symptoms and asking the necessary questions for making a more accurate diagnosis. If structural disorders of the central nervous system are suspected, a more serious diagnosis may be prescribed, for example, in the form of magnetic resonance imaging.

Parents should try to alleviate the condition of the child, using painkillers for children. The use of "adult" drugs is not recommended, especially for young children. Parents should remember that it is absolutely unacceptable to use aspirin for children under 15 years of age for this purpose, since this can cause Reye's syndrome, a rare but deadly disease in infants.

If a painful condition is caused by depression or stress, you can try to help your child with the help of Eleutherococcus, Schisandra, which is added to morning tea. It should be said that tea with lemon, it is desirable to often include in the diet of a child suffering from pain in the head. Migraine also requires the exclusion of chocolate, nuts, cheese and other products that can provoke a headache. To relieve tension headaches, it is helpful to consume foods high in calcium.

During treatment, it is advisable to keep records of provocateurs of pain (poor sleep, refusal to eat at a certain time, use of certain foods and additives, environmental factors, or stressful situations), in order to subsequently learn to avoid them and speed up treatment.


Watch the video: What Every Parent Needs to Know about Children and Headaches (July 2024).