Cake with jelly and fruit: a colorful dessert for tea! Options for cakes with jelly and fruits, berries, cottage cheese and cookies


You can make a cake with jelly and fruit from milk, kefir or water, with layers of sand or waffle cakes. Everyone chooses the fruit filler to their taste - fresh fruits, quick-frozen, canned or dried.

Serious cooking preparations such jelly recipes do not require, and a novice hostess will cope. Moreover, you can take cakes not only from baked houses, but also from ready-made stores. To make the cake colorful and appetizing, you must strictly follow the recipe suggested below.

Jelly and fruit cake - general principles of preparation

To prepare jelly, you can take gelatin powder or in the form of plates. In the first case, gelatin is soaked for longer, about half an hour. But if you take quick-setting gelatin, then you just need to dissolve it in hot water or by heating cold water. In the second case, gelatin swells in a quarter of an hour, it will also need to be slightly warmed up.

In addition to fruits in jelly cakes, ground nuts give an original flavor. It is advisable to purchase soft types of nuts: cashews, walnuts or pecans. In walnuts, before grinding and introducing in jelly, you need to remove the dark skin. To do this, they simply need to be fried in a dry pan.

Instead of fresh fruit, for the preparation of such cakes, you can take canned fruit. It is better to lay them a little chopped directly on the cake, and only then pour the jelly mass. In turn, it is advisable to add the syrup from the selected canned food to the jelly mass, so the cake will turn out even more delicious.

Cake with jelly and fruit - a classic recipe


• 1 liter of milk;

• 100 ml of cold water;

• 1 g of vanillin or 1 tsp. vanilla syrup;

• 50 g of gelatin;

• one glass of sugar;

• A pound of fresh fruit.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin powder with cool boiled water. Stir and let it brew.

2. Rinse and peel the fruit. Mangoes, apples, pears, plums, grapes, peaches or apricots are suitable. Only ripe soft fruits or berries are needed. Peel or peel them, depending on the type of fruit selected. Cut into small pieces.

3. Heat the milk. If an ultra pasteurized product is taken, do not boil it. And bring ordinary milk to a boil and cool a little.

4. Introduce vanilla and sugar into milk. The latter will quickly dissolve in a hot environment.

5. Mix hot (but not boiling water) milk with gelatin. Mix. Strain through a sieve.

6. Put the fruits in the jelly dish. The cake will be more interesting if you lay out at the bottom of the silicone form a multi-colored pattern of pieces.

7. Gently pour the picture with gelatin milk and allow to cool on the table. Then send to the refrigerator for complete solidification.

8. After 3-4 hours, the cake can be pulled out of the mold. Put a dish on it and turn it over. Slowly remove the form. If it doesn’t work out well, hold the cake pan in warm water. But make sure that no liquid spills into it.

Cake with jelly and fruit on a waffle cake


• one cake (Viennese waffle);

• half a liter of cream;

• 2 tbsp. l gelatin powder;

• 150 ml of water;

• a glass of sugar;

• a pinch of cardamom;

• 1 g of ground anise;

• two peaches;

• two apricots.

Cooking method:

1. Mix gelatin powder with water and leave for a quarter of an hour. If not powder is taken, but plates, they swell a little longer.

2. Pour sugar, cardamom and star anise into cream. Put to heat. Do not bring to a boil.

3. Remove the cream from the heat and add to the gelatin. Stir so that the swollen jelly grains disperse. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.

4. Rinse and peach fruits and separate from the seeds. Cut the pulp into thin slices.

5. Take a cake mold - not curly, with a flat bottom. Put the wafer cake on the bottom. The diameter of the cake and the bottom of the mold should match.

6. Put slices of fruit on the cake and pour over the creamy mass.

7. Place on the refrigerator shelf for 3-4 hours.

8. Pull out carefully from the mold and serve.

Homemade cake with jelly and fruit cake


• 50 g margarine;

• 20 g butter;

• 200 g of sugar;

• one egg;

• 1.5 tbsp. wheat flour (premium);

• 5-6 g of baking powder;

• 1 g of vanillin or extract;

• 5-6 ripe plums;

• a pinch of dry mint or lemon balm;

• 20 g of gelatin;

• glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Grind soft margarine with sugar (100 g) and an egg. Add flour and baking powder. Knead the dough.

2. Grease the baking dish with butter thoroughly. A cake will be prepared in it later, so choose a detachable or silicone mold. From these it will be easier to pull out the finished cake.

3. Put the mold with the dough in a hot oven and bake at a temperature of 180-200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

4. Then let the cake cool well. It is better to leave it for 5-6 hours.

5. In the meantime, rinse the plums and remove the seeds from them. On a blender, grind the pulp in mashed potatoes. Mix with sugar, lemon balm and vanilla.

6. Mix gelatin with water in an enamel bowl. Stir and let it swell for 15-20 minutes. Put on fire and heat until the grains dissolve. Be sure to stir and stop boiling. Cool the mixture a little.

7. Straighten the gelatin in a plum puree through a fine sieve. Stir and leave to cool naturally. Then you can hold it a little in the refrigerator.

8. Put still liquid prune-gelatin puree on the cake and put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake with jelly and fruit without baking


• 400 g of cookies "Jubilee";

• 50 g butter;

• 100 ml sour cream;

• 100 g of cottage cheese;

• 1-2 kiwi;

• 1-2 pears;

• 50 g of gelatin;

• one glass of granulated sugar or powder.

Cooking method:

1. Cookies crumble into crumbs, you can use a blender or a spoon. Mix with soft butter.

2. Cover the cake pan with foil and bottom and sides.

3. Put the cookies on the bottom and tamp them so that the base for the cake comes out.

4. Thoroughly mix sour cream and cottage cheese with sugar (take only 100 g). You can wipe the mixture through a sieve. Lay on the base and level. Put the mold in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.

5. In the meantime, fill the jelly with water in a volume of 150 ml. Stir and leave to swell.

6. Peel the kiwi and pears. Arrange the pulp in two bowls, in one kiwi and in the other pear. Also, individually grind fruit in mashed potatoes.

7. Mix gelatin again and heat on a stove until a homogeneous liquid structure. Do not boil. Cool slightly and divide into two equal parts. Mix one part with kiwi puree and the other with pear puree.

8. Now get the mold with the base of the cake. First pour one fruit puree with jelly. Put in the refrigerator.

9. When the first jelly hardens, pour the second up. Remove again to solidify.

10. Then put a plate on the mold and flip the mold. Take her off. And then carefully remove the layers of food foil from the cake.

Cake with jelly and fruit on sour cream


• a pound of cottage cheese;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 25 g of gelatin (instant);

• two apples;

• 100 g blueberries;

• 150 g of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cottage cheese mixed with sour cream and half the specified amount of sugar. Beat with a blender until gently homogeneous mass structure.

2. Mix gelatin with water (60 ml) and heat until it is completely dissolved. Strain.

3. Prepare the apple pulp and blueberries. Grind in mashed potatoes. Mix with sugar.

4. Stir the curd and fruit-applesauce. Add cooled gelatin and beat for a couple of seconds until smooth.

5. Cover the mold with cling film or foil. Put the cooked mass. Top out.

6. Put in the refrigerator, and after 4-5 hours get the finished cake. It remains only to pull it out of shape.

Cake with jelly and fruit pulp


• 500 g of fruit pulp;

• half a liter of fat cream;

• 300 g shortbread cookies;

• 25 g of gelatin;

• a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Gelatin pour 90-100 ml of water. After a quarter hour, mix and heat. Spill through a sieve.

2. Grind cookies to small crumbs. You can grind using a rolling pin, a blender or just pass through a meat grinder. Both store and home-made cookies will do.

3. Turn the fruit pulp into a mashed figurative mass.

4. Mix the cream with sugar and beat with a mixer until lush cream. Use a spatula to mix the cream with fruit puree.

5. Put the cooled jelly into the cream. Mix gently.

6. Pour one third of the jelly into the mold. Put on the top shelf of the refrigerator until it hardens.

7. Sprinkle crumbs from cookies and pour a second layer of jelly. Wait for solidification again. Then another layer of cookies and a layer of jelly.

8. When the cake is completely ready, remove it from the mold and serve. Do not keep warm for a long time, otherwise the dessert will begin to melt.

Jelly and Fruit Cake - Tips and Tricks

• To make it easier to remove the jelly cake from the mold, you must first cover it with a layer of greased food foil or film.

• If liquid jelly in the recipe is poured onto cake, it must be cold in the state of the first stage of solidification.

• Want to make a cake of kefir or ryazhenka? Beat it with fruit or berry puree and add diluted in water and cooled gelatin. After hardening, your cake will have a sweet and sweet taste.

• Products from his recipe are suitable for decorating a finished cake. If it contains pineapple slices, they can be used to decorate the top of the dessert.

• To cool the jelly well out of the mold, it must be held in hot water.

• Gelatin in dishes can be replaced with regular agar-agar.


Watch the video: No Bake Biscuit Cake with Pudding Recipe. HappyFoods (June 2024).