How to clean the carpet at home: salt, vinegar, soda, alcohol or sauerkraut? We clean the carpet quickly and safely.


The floor carpet, despite modern methods of warming floors, is still in demand, creating coziness and comfort in the house.

At a cost it is much cheaper than a warm floor with plastic water pipes laid under it. And the effect is almost the same: it is pleasant to walk on it barefoot, without slippers.

Such a natural floor covering, adopted many centuries ago, is also a great place for children's games.

How to clean a carpet at home: types of carpets and cleaning options

Carpets come in many forms: with and without pile. The lint-free include carpets, kilims, sumacs (with ornament) and their varieties. Often used pile carpets, less often - felt.

How to clean the carpet at home, without spending a lot of time and effort, extra money and nerves. Today, the "home" industry offers for this a lot of a wide variety of chemicals. However, there are quite simple methods that can be compared with folk recipes for various sores.

There are certain rules that you must adhere to when starting this work.

Experienced housewives do not recommend:

• clean carpets with hot water;

• use hard brushes;

• leave old spots;

• use chemicals for carpets made of natural fiber.

Many villagers ferment cabbage. It turned out that this is not only a healthy dish for the dining table. Someone once drew attention to the fact that sauerkraut is quite suitable for cleaning carpets. Over time, a recipe appeared on how to do this as efficiently as possible.

Take sauerkraut cooked without vinegar, sprinkle it on the carpet and begin to brush. Soon, the cabbage will darken, absorbing dirt. It is swept away with a broom, washed with a colander and used again. Having done this procedure several times, you will see that the cabbage has remained clean. This will indicate that now your carpet is free of dust and dirt. Having dried the carpet, it will be useful to walk through it with a vacuum cleaner.

Another recipe involves using ordinary table salt. The principle is about the same: the salt, which is best fine, of the Extra brand, crumbles on the carpet. We wipe with a brush and again sweep away with a broom. And so several times.

Some use wood sawdust and bran instead of salt to clean carpets, acting in exactly the same way as in the cases described above. There is another very simple but effective remedy - this is tea. After brewing it several times, sprinkle a thin layer of tea leaves on the carpet, which absorb particles of dust. Then wipe the carpet with your cheek or vacuum.

As you can see, cleaning the carpet at home is not difficult.

Tea or coffee spilled on the carpet can cause a lot of trouble. To prevent stains, immediately remove moisture with a dry cloth, and then wipe the stained area with a brush using a soap solution or shampoo. If it was not possible to do this immediately after contamination and the stain is still dried, then rub glycerin into it and leave it overnight. In the morning, take a brush and treat this place with soapy water.

Blood stains may appear on the carpet. They are easily washed off clothes with cold water. It must also be used when cleaning the carpet from such stains. If the spots have time to dry, they need to put a wet rag on them, which will soften and absorb blood. Then wipe the carpet with a wet brush.

Some young housewives get lost when they notice wax, paraffin or chewing gum adhering to it on the carpet, which is far from easy to remove if you don’t know how to do it right. To clean the carpet from them easily and simply, you need to freeze them using an ice pack.

A mixture of one teaspoon of laundry soap, the same spoon of wine vinegar and a liter of warm water has proven itself to be an excellent tool. This detergent can clean the carpet from stains formed from spilled lettuce, urine of a pet or child, chocolate, fruit. This should be done immediately while the spots are fresh.

If there is a cat or a dog in the house, then there is a need to clean the carpet from their hair. After walking along the carpet with a vacuum cleaner, it will be useful to wrap tape on your hand and gently check the surface of the coating with the sticky side: the wool remaining on it will stick to the tape.

How to clean a carpet with vinegar at home: step-by-step instructions

Vinegar is one of the most effective components used to clean carpets. How to clean the carpet with vinegar at home? There are at least five arguments in favor of using it:

• cheapness;

• wide availability;

• hypoallergenic;

• soft effect on the carpet;

• removal of dirt and stains.

One of the recipes based on vinegar can be called universal.

To cook it, you need:

• half a tablespoon of vinegar;

• one tablespoon of soda;

• the same spoon of washing powder.

All these components are mixed in one liter to the extent of hot water. Powder is added and the mixture is sprayed over the entire surface of the carpet, which is then cleaned with a cloth.

Second wayhow to clean the carpet with vinegar at home is considered specialized. The composition prepared according to the proposed recipe is also intended for stain removal. To do this, you will need:

• one tablespoon of vinegar;

• a teaspoon of ground soap.

All this is poured into one liter of water and stirred. The composition is applied to the stain (it is advisable to do this while it is fresh) and after some time the carpet is cleaned with a sponge or soft brush.

If the spots on the carpet are dry, you can apply this option: dilute vinegar in four to five parts of water, apply to the dirt. After that, pat dry with paper towels. When everything is dry, turn on the vacuum cleaner.

Those who used these recipes respond very well to the cleaning properties of vinegar-based formulations: the carpet looks like new.

You can prepare the solution very simply: a liter of water is poured into a small basin into which a tablespoon of vinegar is added. Wetting the brush in the solution, we clean the carpet. When cleaning the carpet with vinegar at home, it is better to use rubber gloves so as not to damage your hands. After cleaning, the carpet can be dried outside.

Knowledgeable people advise against using vinegar to clean artificial fiber carpets.

How to clean a carpet with soda at home: step-by-step instructions

Each housewife has baking soda in the kitchen. Cleaning the carpet with it is not only a simple and affordable way, but also effective.

Before you start cleaning the carpet with soda, you need to check whether it will change the color of the carpet. To do this, select a small area. If the color has not changed, then you can proceed to the procedure for cleaning the entire carpet.

To clean the carpet with soda at home, you need to dilute half a glass of baking soda in about five liters of warm water. Using a spray bottle, spray the solution all over the carpet. If you do not have such a device, then you can otherwise evenly distribute the liquid on the carpet, but do not wet its surface too abundantly. This is especially important if the carpet is long pile.

In thirty to forty minutes, soda will do its job:

• will clear of pollution;

• eliminate odors;

• enhance the color scheme of the carpet.

After completing this cleaning process, use a vacuum cleaner.

How else can I clean a carpet with soda at home? This can be done in a dry way. To do this, you simply need to sprinkle it evenly on the carpet and gently rub a soda into the carpet with a dry cloth. After some time, soda can be collected with the same vacuum cleaner. The effect achieved in this case will be practically the same as with the first method.

Baking soda is convenient because it is always at hand, and completely harmless, which can not be said about chemicals.

How to clean a carpet at home and not ruin it

When starting to clean the carpet, you need to remember how it can be cleaned, and how not.

There are special funds for these purposes, sold in stores, and there are no contraindications. You can clean carpets with washing powder, dishwashing detergents, soapy water, a mixture of starch and salt, shampoos, soda, vinegar solution.

Carpets must not be cleaned with bleaching agents or detergents intended for cleaning toilets and sinks, chemicals not diluted with water, or detergents for cleaning the vehicle interior.

In order not to spoil the carpet when using the dry cleaning method, it is important to vacuum it several times. Such a thorough treatment will completely remove soda or other adsorbent powder from the pile coating.

After wet cleaning, be sure to dry the carpet or other flooring of this type. To speed up the drying process, use old newspapers or wide, clean sheets, crushing them with their own weight.

Often advertised on tv "Vanish". Well, he certainly will not do much harm. Use it. To clean the carpet with this shampoo, remember that the carpet cleans the foam, not the liquid itself. Read the instructions carefully. The recipe is as follows: one cap of shampoo is poured with 9-10 caps of warm water, all this is whipped to a thick foam. You can do this with a sponge. With it or with a brush, foam is applied to the carpet. In the process of slow subsidence, the foam absorbs dirt. For quick drying open windows. Then vacuum the carpet thoroughly.

Carpets have many advantages. But their ability to attract and accumulate dust makes them regularly look after them. Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner at least once a week. In winter, it is useful to knock out dust in the snow. And using the above methods of carpet cleaning, you will extend the life of this useful and necessary product in the house, making your life more comfortable.


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