Three-day diet: a great start to a healthy diet. Is it easy to maintain a strict three-day diet?


The three-day diet was invented more than two decades ago. However, it has stood the test of time and to this day remains extremely popular.

This "super fast" diet, that is, it helps to lose weight in a very short time. Thanks to her, you can get rid of as much as 5 kg. Not bad, agree. Especially if you remember that it will take only three days to comply. When on the nose is the birthday of a friend on whom you would like to shine with a slim figure, then such a diet is exactly what you need.

General nutritional guidelines for a three-day diet

The three-day diet involves switching to low calorie nutrition - But this is precisely what is the key to weight loss! The total calorie content of the eaten foods should not exceed 900. The usual required daily calorie intake is much higher - 2200-2700 (though this number can be different depending on age, weight, lifestyle). The three-day diet is deliberately unbalanced, and its goal is to upset the status quo.

By the way, it will help not only reduce weight, but also reduce cholesterol, improve metabolic processes, relieve toxins and generally remove all unnecessary from your body.

This diet has its drawbacks - when a person observes it, his body loses fluid, not fat, so dropped pounds can quickly return.

Now we list the foods that can be consumed during a three-day diet:

  • hen;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs
  • cottage cheese;
  • juices;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • juices;
  • buckwheat;
  • fig.

They should all be consumed in small quantities, carefully counting how many calories are in them. Juices are preferably diluted in half with water.

From bananas, grapes, dates and figs have temporarily refuse. The same goes for potatoes. It is strictly forbidden to eat these fruits and vegetables during the three-day diet!

More from the diet will be necessary exclude white bread, pastry, sweets, butter, fried and smoked dishes. Seasonings that excite appetite and contain extra calories (for example, ketchup, mustard horseradish) will not be able to eat. Nuts, chips, carbonated sugary drinks, and even more so alcohol, will also have to be temporarily forgotten.

While following this diet categorically banned sugar. At first it’s hard to get used to unsweetened tea or coffee. However, gradually these drinks will begin to seem delicious. Continue to drink them without sugar after the end of the three-day diet. It is very useful!

Also have to refuse to use salt, because it is it that prevents the removal of water from the body.

Dairy products such as yogurt or kefir are allowed, but only in moderation and provided that their fat content does not exceed 1.5%.

Before bedtime preferably eat fruit. Preference should be given to citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamin C.

During the three-day diet can not do without a lot of water. On the day it should be drunk at least 1.5 - 2 liters and it should be non-carbonated. Water should be drunk in small sips to feel its taste. But there are limitations. The fact is that the metabolic processes in our body begin to slow down somewhere at 5-6 o’clock in the evening. Therefore, you should not drink water later than this time of the day, otherwise the next morning you may simply not recognize yourself in the mirror due to severe facial edema.

Before you go on a three-day diet, it’s worth consult a doctor, since it can be observed only for those who have no problems with the intestines and kidneys.

Three-day diet: the best menu

Since this diet lasts only three days, it can be turned into fasting days by choosing a separate type of food as the basis.

1 option

For example, the first day is best devoted to fruit. They can be eaten up to one and a half kilograms, dividing equally into 3 receptions. At the same time, it is advisable to drink tea or coffee for a second breakfast, and juice in the afternoon.

Her the second day it is desirable to make vegetable. It is necessary not to be too lazy and to prepare several salads in advance; some vegetables for them can be cooked. The size of the daily portion should be 1.0-1.5 kilograms. Vegetables must be consumed without salt, seasoning or oil. For lunch and afternoon snack, you can eat the same as on the first day.

The last day of the diet is protein. Tired of fruit and vegetable food, you can finally enjoy meat. The daily diet should include 500-700 g of chicken fillet or the same amount of veal or beef. Dishes for lunch and afternoon snack are traditional.

Such a menu is very useful, because the food is obtained separately, and it also helps to quickly lose weight. However, eating the same thing several times a day is not an easy test for the psyche.

Option 2

If you can’t do it, then use another option for a three day dietwhose dishes are the same every day.

Here is his menu:

  • immediately after waking up, eat boiled egg, brown bread (1 piece) and drink a glass of juice.
  • for lunch, enjoy low-fat fruit yogurt.
  • at lunch, try buckwheat or rice soup, and drink a glass of coffee.
  • eat an apple for a mid-afternoon snack.
  • For dinner, eat raw vegetable salad and low-fat beef (not more than 150 grams).
  • going to bed, you can drink mint tea, rosehip infusion or kefir.

All dishes of this variety of a three-day diet are easy to prepare, but, in contrast to its unloading option, are more diverse.

3 option

Also the basis of a three-day diet you can take a traditional healthy diet menu and make only “cosmetic” changes to it by removing some products or reducing their portions.

Here is the menu:

First day For breakfast, we eat an egg and brown bread and drink coffee with a little milk. For lunch, drink juice and 200 g of mineral water. For lunch, eat two boiled carrots, parsley and soft cheese (up to 100 g). In the afternoon we are content with low-fat yogurt. For dinner, please yourself with a sandwich with chicken and green salad. Going to bed, you can still enjoy your favorite fruit.

For breakfast the second day eat two tablespoons of rice flakes diluted with water or a small amount of skim milk. We wash their coffee. For the 2nd breakfast we manage one mandarin. For lunch, we eat buckwheat soup, a slice of bread and 1 cucumber. For a mid-morning snack, we enjoy fruit fat yogurt. For dinner, eat a sandwich with a piece of boiled beef and a salad of grated carrots and beets. Before going to bed, do not forget about the apple.

For breakfast on the third day prepare yourself an omelet with 1 egg and eat it with 1 bread. For the 2nd breakfast we drink a glass of juice. For lunch, eat grained cottage cheese, dill, 3 radishes and bread. In the afternoon we are content with a bag of instant soup. For dinner, we use boiled fish, a glass of boiled broccoli and bread. Before going to bed, drink mint tea and eat a handful of cherries.

4 option

Another three-day diet menu offers on her first day to cleanse the body. For breakfast, prepare a fruit smoothie from an apple, 3 plums and kiwi. At lunch, we drink the broth (obtained as a result of the process of preparing chicken fillet). Ginger juice must be added to it (one teaspoon is enough). Our afternoon menu includes pear and fruit yogurt. For dinner, you will have to be satisfied with tomato juice. True, you can drink it as much as two glasses.

For breakfast on the second day of the diet, we prepare applesauce for ourselves. You can bite it with honey (one teaspoon). Our lunch should consist of a vegetable salad - a mixture of boiled zucchini, carrots and red pepper. In the afternoon, we feast on a delicious red apple. For dinner, prepare a salad of spinach, onion and bell pepper, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt or kefir.

For breakfast on the third day, we prepare a fruit salad of plums, pears, grapes and apples. Salad dressing will be natural yogurt. For lunch, we gladly eat mashed soup of tomatoes, broccoli and herbs. In the afternoon drink a glass of fresh apple-orange juice. For dinner, prepare a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers. Dressing for him will serve as low-fat kefir.

Important notes for the three-day diet

A week or two before the start of the three-day diet, you need a little reduce your usual diet, so that the transition to it is not very sharp, and stress for the body is less noticeable.

Meal must be shared into five uniform parts. This will make it easier to endure an acute hunger.

Never Do not skip breakfast. Having refused it, you can get so hungry for the next meal that it will not be easy to restrain yourself. Dinner is necessary 3-4 hours before bedtime.

There is a need for everything that is allowed by the diet. Need not to be lazy and clearly follow the established schedule. Then, in three days of strict adherence to the diet, 5 kilograms will leave, and the body will be cleaned.

We must try to make the amount of food eaten as large as possible. To do this, meat or fish should be cut into thin slices, and vegetables and fruits into small pieces. Such self-deception can also be achieved if food is put on small plates. You need to eat slowlyso that the brain on time, or at least without a big delay, receives a signal that the body is already full.

Preferably drink less tea and coffee. It is much more beneficial to use herbal drinks from chamomile, mint or lemon balm. They have a calming effect on the body and make it easier to survive a three-day diet.

Water must be drunk half an hour before meals, as well as always when there is a feeling of hunger. She will help to survive until the next meal, drowning cravings for food.

A three-day diet (like all fast diets) is poor in protein, minerals, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, the use of multivitamins is mandatory when it is followed.

If a diet supplement exercise then the result will be significantly better. But here it is important not to overdo it with loads - after all, a three-day diet is very low-calorie, because of which the body lacks energy. In the morning, it is enough to do a small workout, and in the evening - go out into the fresh air and walk at an average pace of 40 minutes.

Cleansing enemas will help to improve the result.

An important success factor is also the psychological attitude. Experts recommend talking with the body, convincing him of the usefulness of the food eaten. Such training will make the diet more effective and will stimulate the body to process calories, and not accumulate them for the future.

Very important throughout the three-day diet keep calm, calm and poise, and also try to avoid additional stressful situations. Therefore, it is best to start it on Saturday.

A three-day diet cannot be extended. Repeat it without harm to health is possible no earlier than a week later.

It is a three-day diet that can prompt you to reconsider your diet and, thanks to proper nutrition, gradually get rid of extra pounds. It can be the starting impetus that will give rise to a difficult and lengthy process of complete weight loss.


Watch the video: I Ate One Meal a Day For a Month, See What Happened to Me (July 2024).