January 24: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 24

Saint Neophytos Day

Not far from Paphos is a beautiful and quite visited monastery named after St. Neophytos. This saint was born in the famous mountain village of Levkara, which at that time was famous for lace weaving, jewelry and silver objects. Many years ago, this saint decided to devote himself to worship. He began to prepare to accept monasticism. However, his parents wanted Neophytus to marry and continue the clan, but the guy made an irrevocable decision and after a while left home. He settled in a mountain monastery named after John Chrysostom, and after that he took tonsure. The saint loved to be in solitude, cultivated vineyards. He tried to spend these hours reading various prayers and theological teachings. In this he achieved the greatest success and knew from memory the entire Psalter. Soon, the neophyte came to the more experienced elders and asked to let him go, in order to prepare a place for solitude. The holy elders refused him, justifying the refusal by the fact that the Neophyte could not cope with the temptations and temptations that await him on the hermitage. Then Nephit went to the Holy Places located in Jerusalem and tried to find peace in the desert. Unfortunately, he did not succeed, and he returned to his homeland and wanted to sail by sea to Asia Minor, while there was a monastery settlement there. The conceived again was unsuccessful, but the saint still was able to find solitude in Cyprus. Jade found a natural cave, arranged it and settled in it. Later he was engaged in the construction of the church, then he spent all his time on the erection of a small monastery. It is interesting that not a single monk had the right to approach his cave, but at the insistence of Vasily Kimanos, who was bishop of Paphos, four years later, the neophyte nevertheless accepted one student, and then others. According to legend, in his first church, St. Neophytos made a gleam in the roof, and with pleasure enjoyed wonderful monastic singing. This was his only entertainment. When the saint was eighty years old, he gave his soul to God. The exact date of Naophyte's death is unknown. To this day, people in Cyprus go to the cave in which this monk once lived for a long time, and ask him for help in different situations.

January 24th in the folk calendar

Fedoseev day

This day the people dedicated to Theodosius the Great, who was the last emperor of Rome. During his reign, towards the end of the fourth century, unofficially forbidden cults of the Gentiles. However, perhaps this day also applies to other saints who were venerated earlier. Often this day was especially frosty, so people said that the unclean power that they drove out of the house at Christmas time is mischievous, but it still can not calm down, that’s what scares honest people. People believed that such frosts were not good, and composed all kinds of sayings on this subject. When these evil frosts came, it was a harbinger of the fact that heat would not come for a long time.

If it was warm in Fedoseyev’s day, it was believed that spring was already near. However, if the weather was already too warm on the street, the peasants were afraid, they said if there were warm days in January, it would not respond well. People were afraid of the spring of January, they said that the skinny winter was tenacious.

Historical events of January 24

January 24, 1606 Madrid became the capital of Spain

On this day, Madrid becomes the capital of Spain for the second time, for the entire period of its historical journey. King of Spain Philip III, published a manifesto on the transfer of the kingdom's capital, from Valladolid to Madrid. Officially, the reasons for the change of the capital were briefly and dryly reported: "The proximity of Valladolid to the Portuguese lands, as well as the king’s desire to have a capital in the center of the country, and not at its backyard." However, according to unofficial data, King Philip allegedly did not fit the wet climate of the former capital, and the weather in Madrid was more stable and dry. But most historians are inclined to believe that the transfer of the capital was the result of court intrigues surrounding the king. This is confirmed by the fact that a few years earlier, the capital was already transferred from Madrid to Valladolid, then the reason was the harsh Madrid winters, which the king allegedly did not tolerate and was often ill. January 24, 1606, Madrid for the second time becomes the capital of the state. It is noteworthy that the first capital of Spain was the city of Toledo, however, it was located in a too narrow valley, and the city simply had nowhere to grow. Therefore, King Philip II moved the capital to Madrid, which was located on a vast plateau, and had huge territorial opportunities for the growth of the city. The question of the return of the capital functions of Toledo has never been raised again. In addition, a very negative attitude towards the city developed, after the uprising of the Komuneros movement, Toledo became the center of the uprising. After the capital was relocated to Madrid again, the city developed so rapidly that its population soon exceeded 100 thousand people, which at that time was considered a fantastic figure. In the XX century, in 1936, the revolutionary government tried to move the capital to Valencia, but already in 1939, General Franco returned to Madrid the legal functions of the capital of Spain.

January 24, 1848 "Gold Rush in the Western USA"

The so-called "gold rush" occurred in California in the years 1848-1855. The impetus for the beginning of mass and uncontrolled gold mining was the case that occurred in the vicinity of the town of Koloma. Sawmill worker James Marshall found gold bars in the wheel of a water mill. The honest worker brought the find to its owner and together they carefully checked the metal, finding out that it was gold. Rejoiced at the find, Sutter, the owner of Marshall and the owner of vast agricultural land, wanted the valuable find to be kept secret, because if it became known about it, then Satter's possessions would be ruined. But, despite the efforts of Sutter, the news of the find could not be hidden, and soon hundreds of thousands of seekers of easy profit rushed to California. They searched for gold wherever possible in the rivers, and in the swamps, and in the mountains and in the valleys. The consequences of the gold rush were grandiose. In a matter of years, the village of San Francisco grew into a large city, schools and colleges, churches and cathedrals, roads, water supply and street lighting were built in California. In 1850, California was officially declared - the US state. A staff code of laws and regulations has been created. The state has actively developed: agriculture, mining and manufactories. However, there were negative phenomena of the "gold rush", firstly, because of the thirst for profit, the native inhabitants were squeezed out of their ancestral lands - the Indians, and secondly, the agricultural lands suffered, as the seekers of gold torn and uprooted everywhere.

January 24, 2009 massacre in Portland (USA)

Late in the evening, in one of the nightclubs in Portland, there was a tragic incident that resulted in the deaths of two people, as well as seven more visitors to the club were seriously injured. Erratic firing was arranged by 24-year-old Eric Ayala, after which he shot himself. On January 24th, Ayala drove up in her car to the Zona nightclub, which is located at the intersection of 4th Avenue Main Street. At the entrance to the club, Eric smoked a cigarette, after which he opened a chaotic and promiscuous fire on a group of young people standing at the entrance to the institution, after which he shot himself in the head. Ayal was taken to a nearby clinic with a severe brain injury, but he could not be saved, he died without regaining consciousness. As it turned out later, Eric Salvador Ayala was unemployed and lived on social benefits. In addition, the investigation established that the deceased criminal suffered from a severe psychotic illness and was constantly taking antipsychotic drugs. In addition, it also became known that Ayal regularly used narcotic substances.
The investigation failed to establish the true motives of the crime, most likely the cause of such a brutal act was Eric's disease, weighed down by drug addiction.

January 24, 1961 strategic bomber crash near Goldsboro

On January 24, 1961, a B-52G bomber carrying two thermonuclear bombs exploded in the air and fell to the ground with debris. The flight was carried out in the framework of the "Caroll" project. At midnight, the bomber flew to the point where he was supposed to meet with the air refueling. But when approaching, the pilot of the refueling aircraft informed the crew of the bomber about a fuel leak from the area of ​​the right wing. The refueling process was canceled and the aircraft departed into the waiting area, over the coast of the ocean. After entering the waiting area, a bomber pilot reported that fuel loss intensified. The plane lost almost 17 tons of jet fuel. Ground headquarters ordered the plane to land immediately at Johnson's airfield. But the ship continued to collapse and at an altitude of three kilometers, the crew lost control of the aircraft. Separate parts of the vessel flared up and exploded. Part of the crew managed to eject, three pilots died. The wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over 5 km². Thermonuclear warheads separated from the ship at an altitude of 3000 meters. One parachute opened at one charge, and it landed intact, besides special safety elements worked in the device, and the bomb did not explode. The second nuclear charge collapsed in the air, and its debris fell into the swamp area. Parts of the bomb went to the ground to a considerable depth; during searches, it was possible to extract a tritium container and a plutonium capsule from the ground. However, the uranium detonating core and other parts of the device could not be removed from the swamp bog. The territory where the dangerous parts of the thermonuclear bomb remained were bought by the US Department of Defense. Now this area is surrounded and strictly guarded.

Born on January 24

Frederick II the Great (1712-1786), the great king of Prussia

The great monarch was born on January 24, 1712 in Berlin. Friedrich’s childhood passed in very difficult conditions, his father, King William I, lived only in the army and dreamed of raising his children in a military spirit. From an early childhood, the boy was trained as an ordinary soldier, but Frederick did not like military affairs, he was drawn to art, philosophy, dance, etc. The prince showed a keen interest in the sciences, wrote the famous work "Antimacchiavelli", he sharply criticized the policy of his father, his despotism and uncompromisingness. From the tyranny of his father, the prince once tried to leave for England. Enraged, William I ordered the arrest of Frederick and imprisonment under house arrest. Further, his father married Frederick to an unloved girl and sent him to live away from the capital of Prussia. In 1740, Frederick finally became king and began a grand transformation and reform in his country. The king ordered the conduct of trials not in closed session, but in public. He declared tolerance in the state, began to actively develop the national economy and at the same time strengthened the statehood of Prussia. In his free time from the performance of his duties, the monarch wrote, historical memoirs and read a lot. He spoke ten foreign languages, collected canvases by great artists, and wrote musical works. The people called him the philosopher king. He contributed to the opening of a public library in Berlin. Having inherited a strong army from his father, Frederick took part in numerous military conflicts of that time. He won a number of major military victories, as a result of which, during his lifetime, he was called the Great. However, the reputation and image of Frederick was significantly spoiled by a long war with Russia. The victories of the Russian troops in the Prussian-Russian conflict posed a direct threat to the very existence of the Prussian state. Empress Elizabeth Petrovna almost destroyed both Prussia and her king. However, after her death and the coming to power of Peter III, happy times began for Frederick. Indeed, the crazy Peter admired Frederick and signed a peace with him on conditions that were not favorable to Russia. After the overthrow of Peter, Empress Catherine the Great ascended the Russian throne and relations with Prussia changed dramatically. Ekaterina Alekseevna conducted a tough but wise policy towards Prussia, and her victories in numerous wars frightened the elderly Frederick. He was frankly afraid of the Great Russian Empress.

Nastasya Kinsky (1961 ...), German actress

Nastasya was born in West Berlin, on 24.01.1961, in an acting family. After graduating from the Berlin acting school, Nastasya first appeared in films in 1975, in the film "False Movement". In 1976, Nastasya met with director Roman Polanski, who invited the actress to star in the film "Tess." To better adapt to the role, Kinski lived for several months in a Norman village, which allowed Nastasya to deeply comprehend her future role and uniquely embody it on the screen. The role in this film describes the difficult fate of a young woman in a catastrophic situation for herself. For her role in Tess, the actress received the prestigious Golden Globe Award. This painting brought Kinski fame and worldwide fame. After this picture, the actress starred in dozens of paintings. Since the 90s, Kinski often starred in Hollywood films. The directors Roman Polanski and Andrei Konchalovsky had a huge impact on the creative path of the actress. Thanks to the cooperation of the actress with these outstanding directors, Nastasya Kinsky, became known throughout the world. In cinematic circles, she is perceived as an actress with great authority and weight.

Valery Obodzinsky (1942-1997), pop tenor

Valery Vladimirovich was born on January 24, 1942 in Odessa, during the Nazi occupation.
At one and a half years old, he almost died from an enemy bullet. The artist’s childhood memories are painted in gray tones: hunger, cold, oppression, etc. As a teenager, he got involved with a gang of thieves, and since he sang and played the double bass well, he was used as a distracting object while the gang robbed the audience. After leaving school, Valera worked as a stoker, and later as a cult worker on a tourist boat. In the 60s, he entered the Tomsk School of Music, after graduation he began to work in the local philharmonic society and perform solo concerts. In 1961, Valery married, two girls were born in the family, Angela and Valeria. In the 60s, Obodzinsky became a fairly popular singer in the country. His famous songs were "These eyes are opposite" and "Witchcraft" and many others. Obodzinsky’s concerts were sold out, and his records diverged in millions of copies. At that time, Obodzinsky practically had no competitors on the stage. Only a little later, when the star of Muslim Magomayev shone, Obodzinsky began to fade into the background, because the fame and popularity of Magomayev was not inferior, and sometimes surpassed the glory and popularity of Obodzinsky. He was criticized a lot, especially for the fact that his songs did not carry political propaganda coloring, but mainly related to the love and life of a simple person. He was banned and was not invited to television. Gradually, he left the stage and washed down a lot, began to work as a watchman in some kind of factory.In the last years of his life, he was his faithful admirer and companion, who pulled him out of alcohol dependence and looked after him until his death.

Yuri Bashmet (1953 ...), outstanding Soviet conductor, People's Artist of the USSR

Born on January 24, 1953 in Rostov-on-Don, the family soon moved to live in Lviv, Ukraine. There, Yuri graduated from regular and music schools, and in 1971 he entered the Moscow Conservatory in the alt department. Then he studied at the same conservatory as an assistant. Even then, in his youth, Bashmet was spoken of as a talented artist. In 1972, Yuri bought the alt of the eminent Italian master, which he plays, to this day. Since 1976, Bashmet began his own concert activity, he performs not only in the USSR, but in Europe, the USA, Japan and Australia. The whole world recognizes the brilliant talent of Yuri Bashmet. Since 1985, he began to be engaged in conducting in parallel. In 1992, Bashmet created a unique ensemble, without which it is impossible to imagine world musical art. Yuri Bashmet gives solo and orchestral performances. Famous world orchestras will be honored if Yuri Bashmet will take part in their parties. His repertoire is a mixture of styles and eras, modernization and processing of many classical musical works, recognized as an outstanding achievement of Bashmet. In 1991 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. At the moment, he is engaged in educational and teaching activities.

Dmitry Ushakov (1873-1942), Russian philologist

Dmitry Nikolaevich was born on January 24 in Moscow. Received early education at home from tutors, later studied at the gymnasium and gymnasium. Dmitry’s main hobby was his native Russian language. He conducted research in the field of linguistics and dialectology, spelling and orthoepy, and studied the history of the Russian language. In 1911, he published the book "Russian Spelling", in this work, the author analyzed the differences between spelling and pronunciation in Russian. He first recognized the need for reform of the Russian language. During the revolution, Ushakov became an active supporter of the reform of Russian speech. The revolutionary events in Russia significantly changed the appearance of the Russian language, expanded its vocabulary. In the 20s, at the initiative of Lenin, the scientist began working on an explanatory dictionary of Russian speech. It took a scientist six years to create a four-volume dictionary of the Russian language. The dictionary contained about 90 thousand words and dictionary entries. In the 30s, Ushakov worked at the People's Commissariat of Education and was in charge of the Russian language study department. He also studied the languages ​​and scripts of the peoples of the USSR. Ushakov was a major teacher and organizer; after himself, he left a large number of students.

Birthday January 24

Mikhail, Fedor, Stepan, Vitaliy


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