What should be able to child in 5 months. All about the normal physical and emotional development of the child in 5 months.


Well done, sit down, "5"! However, no, do not sit down yet. Your baby is already 5 months old, but this skill is only being formed. It is not necessary to force him to sit down, but development should be helped without fail.

Let's see together what else your tiny Miracle can or cannot do, what age parameters exist for it.

What should be able to child in 5 months

Surprisingly: only about three dozen days have passed, and the baby is so strikingly different from the four months itself! He knew the delights of staying upright and often asks to be lifted, because he is incredibly attracted by the huge world around. Hearing someone's voice or an incomprehensible noise, the toddler instantly turns on him.

The baby confidently rests on her hands in the prone position, lifts and firmly holds the head. The movements are almost completely accurate when he wants to take a rattle. He is already mastering a new kind of movement: learning to hold large objects — a non-spill mug or a soft toy.

If you support under the arms, it is already quite firmly standing on its legs. On the flat surface of the crib, the baby turns over quite easily and turns around itself, so in a dream it is located in the most bizarre way, to the extent that on the pillow you can see pink heels instead of a snuffling nose.

Child development at 5 months is still based on congenital reflexes, but now they play an ever smaller role. If earlier the toddler smiled indiscriminately, now he will never confuse her mother’s smile. He learned to distinguish between timbre and intonation of voice. It is worth talking to the baby in a discontented, harsh tone, as he is sulking and whining, or even crying. In response to the gentle, cheerful tone of the crumb, he will smile with might and main, looking at you with his eyes wide open with unlimited adoration.

Have you noted with what keen interest he is watching how adults eat and what? And even trying to reach their food? This indicates that it is time for you and the pediatrician to think over the mechanism of introducing the first complementary foods and its menu. After all, the coming age of 6 months, according to WHO recommendations, is optimal for introducing a new type of food for infants.

The child is already able to perceive the world as more holistic and recognize objects already seen before. So, even if you partially hide a bottle of water under a towel, it will still recognize the usual source of drinking and reach out to it when it feels thirsty.

The activity of a little researcher in the knowledge of the material world knows no boundaries: he stretches his hands literally to all available objects. He really wants to touch everything, hold it in her hands, taste it. This is no longer at the level of instincts, but consciously, independently.

Attention: in no way case you can not punish the baby for curiosity, slapping his palms, as this will inhibit the normal development of mental processes.

Remember the Japanese system of education, where everything is possible for children and nobody says “No!” To them. But read more and you will understand that this is not about permissiveness, but about caution. Clearly knowing that a child should be able to be 5 months old, parents simply remove from the sight of the little Japanese everything that is fraught with danger. And what is left - please touch your health. What prevents us from adopting this wise experience?

The baby develops very quickly and it is important not to make a mistake, not to start comparing it with other peers: one girl’s little son is smacking a crouton, the other is almost on his own. And now senseless experiences and excitements begin.

Give an opportunity to the little boy and daughter to develop as they feel comfortable. And in order to feel calmer, compare the skills of the child with those indicators that are offered by famous pediatricians of the world. The age of 5 months is borderline for the formation of some skills. Therefore, you should be concerned and be sure to contact the pediatrician if the baby at this stage:

1. with great difficulty can roll over from the abdomen to the back without help (or not at all);

2. while lifting the palms from the supine position, still tilts the head and holds it uncertainly;

3. makes no attempt to rely on the fingers of the legs when it is held vertically;

4. hesitantly pulls the handle to the toy that interests you, often misses, trying to take it;

5. can not calm down and continues to cry, even if calm music begins to play or mum sings;

6. does not reproduce clear syllables like "ba-ba", "ha-ha";

7. not looking with a look called familiar objects or people, for example, in response to the question "Where is the grandmother?" not trying to find her eyes;

6. does not distinguish benevolent and dissatisfied tone (or facial expressions), does not stop crying when they begin to communicate with him.

Physical development of a child at 5 months

By this time, the weight of the baby doubled its weight, which he had at birth.

The average parameters (age indicators developed by WHO) to which the crumb should ideally correspond:

- the mass of girls corresponds to the range from 6.1 to 7.8 kg, and boys - from 6.7 to 8.4 kg;

- height of babies ranges from 61.8 to 66.2 cm, and babies - from 63.8 to 68.0 cm;

- head circumference of small beauties - 40.2-42.7 cm, and beauties - 41.4-43.8 cm.

In children, the depth of breathing gradually increases, because the lungs are developing. And at 5 months, the average respiration rate is 35-40 breaths per minute. The digestive organs are still immature, therefore it is still a little early to introduce supplements, only as an exception.

Do not forget that such indicators describe the "ideal" toddler, but in fact both the physical and psychomotor development of a child at 5 months is uneven and may differ from the above standards. Therefore, worrying because of any minor differences, you should consult with a pediatrician, watching the development of your son or daughter.

Charging with a child of 5 months

Exercise with infants should be a half hour of pleasure, causing him to associate with the game. Accompany all actions with a score that helps bring up a sense of rhythm. You can also include a pleasant, fun music. You will notice that if she pleases karapuz, then he will quite quickly begin to move her to the beat.

Swimming, massage, movement at this age to strengthen the central nervous system, the development of joints, muscles.

In the arsenal of already accumulated exercises, you can add new ones, aimed at developing emerging skills.

1. To strengthen the abdominal muscles, the development of the vestibular apparatus, the baby can be put his tummy on his open palms so that his thumbs are located on his lower ribs on the side. Legs with heels should rest against the holding chest. Raise the child in a horizontal position, imitating the flight of the aircraft. You can even puddle with a smile, depicting the hum of the engine. Watch as the body of the crumbs flex a little in the lower back.

2. For the development of the abdominals, to strengthen the muscles of the back and the front of the neck, an exercise in a kind of squat is recommended. Put the toddler back. Put the thumbs of your hands in your palms, he must reflexively hand over his fists. Keep the fingers around your wrists. Pull the knobs apart and pull them until they sit down. Raise the handles, connect them at the top, grab and hold in this position with one hand. At the same time, with two fingers, another from the back to the back of the spine. The child, following the reflex, straighten the back. After that, supporting the head with one hand, lower it back to the surface. It is performed no more than 1 time per day.

3. Still let your baby fall in the warm water so that he actively moves his arms and legs. Be sure to support him while under the back or tummy, and always talk to him.

4. Do not forget about fitball. On this big ball, swing it gently, so as not to frighten, while lying on your back and on your stomach. Control the surface temperature to make the crumbs comfortable. And sure ... you remember, right? Be sure to talk in a calm, even tone about what you are doing together.

5. Have you noticed that sometimes a baby, lying on the tummy, as if pulling on the handles? It is he who masters the intermediate skill - creeping up. Help him with this: put (put) in front of him an attractive toy at a distance a little more than the length of his elongated handle. You can put in turn and a little away from the crumbs. A ringing tumbler is good for these purposes - a bright color and a melodic overflow of sound rivets the entire attention of the child and he will begin to pull himself to her on the handles (crawl up). If at this time you put a tight roller under your heels, it will begin to rest against them and repel. So he gradually goes to the crawl.

To improve and develop further what a child should be able to do at 5 months, it takes a lot of time with him during the waking period. You are in such endless, but sweet heart cares, you will not even notice how he will stand on the threshold of six months - the age of big surprises.


Watch the video: 12 - 24 Months Old Baby Development - What To Expect - 2019 Update (July 2024).