The rate of weight gain in newborns is accurate numbers. Weight gain in newborns by month: table for girls and boys


For all parents, the happiest event in life is the birth of their little one. But at the same time, they have many reasons to worry - is the baby healthy, how did he eat, is he sleeping well, is he developing correctly.

And one of the main points that require special treatment is the norm of weight gain in newborns - weight gain in newborns by months (the table will tell mom and dad how much each gram the baby has collected corresponds to accepted standards). The numbers indicated in the table will tell young parents how much the baby should approximately weigh each month, from the moment of his birth.

What should be the norm for weight?

It’s not a secret to anyone that every baby is a tiny personality. Therefore, one should not be surprised that children are born with completely different parameters. The standard value of the first parameter is usually from 2.7 to 3.7 kg.

The initial weight of the peanut (this is the one with which it was born) depends on several factors:

- Some features of how the baby developed in the womb. Therefore, the weight that the baby will have at the end of the first month of life depends on the conditions that parents provide for full growth;

- sexual characteristics of the newborn; usually boys are born larger than girls;

- if a pregnant woman often experiences stress or she has chronic or acute diseases, later this will affect the weight of the born baby;

- if the expectant mother smokes and abuse alcohol, then there is a high probability of her giving birth to unhealthy children, who will subsequently poorly gain weight after birth;

- What are the principles and how well the expectant mother eats; if during pregnancy her diet will be high-calorie food, then the children will be larger;

- considering this situation in the plane of heredity factors, we can confidently say that if the future mother is large, then the baby will be large, and the miniature woman will give birth to a small baby;

And in order to find out what norms of weight gain in newborns are - weight gain in newborns by months, the table presented below will give comprehensive information.

What should be the weight parameters of babies at discharge?

After birth, the baby may lose some weight. There are good reasons for this, which young mothers should not be afraid of:

  • as the respiratory system begins to work, fluid gradually leaves the body of the newborn;
  • baby food system - in the first days of life, the little one eats colostrum in small quantities, so you just need to wait for the moment when he has a nutrition system and his mother starts to receive full milk;
  • there is a gradual adaptation of the crumbs to normal conditions, because after birth, he completely changes the environment, because of which he has some difficulties; the difference in weight can be about 10%.

Mom should not be too worried about the weight loss of their little ones. Everything will work out in the coming month.

How does a newborn gain weight?

So, the baby has been living for four whole weeks. During this time, he gains weight every week about 90-150 g. From the second to fourth months he gains a little more - 140-200 g in seven days. A little later, the increase decreases and amounts to 100-160 g.

By simple calculations, you can understand that by six months the baby’s mass is approximately doubled. In the second half of the year, weight gain slows down and by its first birthday the baby will recover approximately three times more than after birth.

All kids recover completely differently. Because of what is this happening and what can affect this situation?

There are several factors that mommies need to know about:

- baby's appetite,

- health

- the mode of the day of the baby and the mode and number of meals; if you feed the baby on demand, the weight will gain faster than if you feed him strictly by the hour;

- how active and mobile the newborn is;

- what type of infant feeding - breastfeeding or artificial feeding; if the baby is artificial, its mass will gain more quickly;

- what quality and how much milk mom has.

And by comparing all the factors, the young mother will figure out whether her baby is gaining weight normally.

Norms of how babies gain weight: what should parents be guided by?

So, indeed, all parents are interested in the norms of weight gain in newborns - weight gain in newborns by month (the table below is a little help to figure it out).

The question of the norm for mothers and fathers has been since the birth of their baby. But it must be borne in mind that the very concept of "norm" in relation to the weight of babies is very relative, although it cannot be ignored. To begin with, you should determine whether the baby is a baby, or being at the age of one month he is already fed with mixtures; and it is possible that he is on artificial nutrition from birth.

All this is very important, because it’s the artifical peanuts who receive the exact amount and composition of food they need in each bottle in each bottle. And the increase signs were calculated precisely with this in mind, because the past generations of babies, basically, grew up just on baby mixes. Large-scale studies were carried out by the World Health Organization (WHO), on the basis of which they subsequently compiled the necessary signs for weight gain in babies for months who were breast-fed.

In the table below there are approximate indicators of weight gain for babies up to a year. But here it must be remembered that each child is an individuality and the rate of weight gain can differ slightly from table numbers. After all, the table was compiled for kids-artists. And when receiving natural nutrition, the baby will develop as it was laid by nature. And its performance will depend on genetics and how feeding rules are followed.

Age by


The increase in boys in kilograms

The increase in girls in kilograms
















6 months - half a year


















one year



It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the more the peanut grows, the faster its weight will increase. For example, a baby born just a little taller than half a meter gains about 170 grams, and when it grows to 58 cm - about 210 grams.

Bust and shortage

After the birth of crumbs, his mother can face two problems - overweight or shortage. If the baby is not gaining enough weight, then first you need to determine whether it is feeding properly. Breast must receive milk as much as possible once a day and stay with her mother’s breast exactly the amount of time that he wants. Also, how much the baby pee can influence the weight. Baby diapers should be wet at least once every two hours.

In order for the baby to recover correctly, mother needs to establish a lactation process.

This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

- Mom needs to absorb more liquid (it can be anything - ordinary water and compote, teas and natural juices) so that more milk is produced;

- as often as possible to apply a peanut to the chest;

- pay considerable attention to night feedings, because night milk is the most high-calorie and the most nutritious milk;

- begin to introduce complementary foods with porridge.

Another problem is overweight. It is a pity that, to a greater extent, mothers begin to worry only when the baby is not gaining enough weight. But overweight is also dangerous if the pace at which weight does not decline after 6 months of age, and the peanut now weighs as much as a one-year-old baby usually weighs. After all, this may be the reason for the genetic heritage, however, it does not bother the endocrinologist to seem to. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that overweight can indicate problems with the health of the child.

If there are no special problems, then overweight can push the emergence of diseases.

To avoid complications, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

- It is better to remove the feeding at night, because the milk produced at this time of day is the most high-calorie;

- in the evenings, swimming should be organized, and it’s better to bathe not in an ordinary baby bath, but in an adult;

- you need to properly organize the diet of a nursing mother - she should not eat spicy, too sweet and fatty foods;

- Lure is introduced exclusively from green vegetables;

general health massage is required.

You must carefully monitor the weight of your little one. Mom should remember that the table is very arbitrary, and each baby develops strictly individually. Therefore, do not get hysterical if the numbers do not match.

And the main thing in all this is to provide the baby with normal conditions of development, which will help ensure that all of his indicators are normal. And in turn, this will be the key to good health of the baby and his good mood for every day.


Watch the video: 16 Facts about Months 1 through 3. Baby Development (July 2024).