Face bio-reinforcement: is it too soon or too late? How is bio-reinforcement performed and to whom


What woman does not dream of preserving her youth and beauty as long as possible? But with age, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, wrinkles, sagging and sagging skin appear. To correct the oval of the face, there is no need to lie down under the surgeon's knife.

Now there is a good alternative to surgical facelift - bio-reinforcement. What kind of procedure is this, and what problems does it help to cope with?

Face bio-reinforcement is a cosmetic procedure designed to restore the original facial contour. The essence of the procedure is to create a skeleton of the face by introducing bioinjections. Under the skin, each person has a layer of connective tissue, consisting of a special protein - collagen. The older a person, the less collagen is produced by his body. Collagen fibers are stretched, which leads to sagging skin. In order to stimulate the production of collagen, special preparations are introduced under the skin according to a certain scheme, which make cells work harder and renew themselves. As a result of this work of cells, a new connective tissue is formed, which will become the skeleton of the face, designed to support sagging skin.

Indications for bio-reinforcement may be as follows:

• double chin, fuzzy and blurry oval face;

• sagging and sagging skin;

• drooping corners of the mouth, eyes or eyebrows;

• deep nasolabial folds.

The target age group is from 35 to 50 years old. It is in this age period that you can achieve the best result. After the onset of 50 years, the effect of the procedure may not be, since at this age it is more difficult to start the process of cell renewal.

Used drugs

For this procedure, preparations containing hyaluronic or polylactic acid may be used. These funds are designed to increase the production of elastane and collagen, as well as accelerate metabolic processes occurring at the cellular level. The acids used are compatible with human tissues and dissolve over time. Depending on the age-related changes in the skin and the problem to be solved, the procedure can be carried out in several stages. The cosmetologist will inform you about the number of stages and the interval of the procedure.

Hyaluronic acid bio-reinforcement

Hyaluronic acid has a surface effect. This acid is able to attract water molecules, which helps to moisturize the skin and fill the intercellular space. In addition, it activates the process of collagen and elastane production, thereby strengthening the skin. The drug is evenly distributed in sagging areas of the skin and creates the necessary frame.

Bio-Reinforcement with Polylactic Acid

Unlike hyaluronic polylactic acid penetrates deeper into the layers of the skin. The drug is recommended for use by patients with serious age-related changes in facial contours. Polylactic acid also activates collagen production. As a result of the fact that the substance penetrates into the deeper subcutaneous layers, the effect is more pronounced compared with the use of hyaluronic acid.

How is the procedure carried out?

The bio-reinforcement procedure begins with a consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor will evaluate the condition of the skin, discuss possible contraindications with you, and tell you how to prepare for the procedure. If the procedure is possible, it will take place as follows:

1. Cleansing the skin with an antiseptic.

2. Drawing on the face of the scheme according to which the drug will be injected.

3. Anesthesia. Anesthesia is carried out using special creams or gels.

4. Removal of anesthetic residues.

5. Conducting subcutaneous injections.

The duration of the session can take from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. After injections, blisters may appear at the injection sites, which will resolve within 2 to 5 days. Also, small edema of the face and small hematomas are not excluded.

For the procedure to be successful, take seriously the choice of a cosmetologist. Choose a highly qualified specialist. Before you trust a doctor, make inquiries.

During the day after the procedure, it is forbidden to touch the injection site. Also, during a two-week period, it is not recommended to use cosmetics, visit the bathhouse, sauna and pool, physical activity is prohibited.

Contraindications to bio-reinforcement:

• pregnancy and lactation;

• various diseases of the blood coagulation system;

• taking medications designed to thin the blood;

• the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes;

• purulent-inflammatory formations on the skin;

• autoimmune diseases;

• allergic reactions;

• diabetes.

If there are no contraindications, then, most likely, bio-reinforcement will take place without undesirable side effects, and the result, in the form of rejuvenation, will be achieved very soon. The skin will be more elastic and toned, unwanted wrinkles will be smoothed out, the oval of the face will be more clear. Remember that the procedure should be carried out only by a highly qualified cosmetologist who knows the bio-reinforcement technique. Be beautiful!


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