Diabetes in men: the first symptoms and signs. Diabetes in men: causes and treatment


Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system in which a sick person disrupts the exchange of fluids and carbohydrates in the body. This leads to malfunctioning of the internal organ, which is responsible for the production of a very important hormone - insulin. Thus, a chain reaction starts - without insulin, the body does not turn sugar into glucose, which is why it accumulates in the blood. About the treatment and signs of diabetes in men - later in the article.

Diabetes in men: causes

The following factors are identified that can affect the development of diabetes in men:

1. Obesity. With excess weight in a person, pressure on the internal organs increases, which leads to a violation of their functions. Moreover, due to obesity in a man, the metabolism in the body is severely impaired.

2. The defeat of the body by infectious diseases that caused complications in the digestive system.

3. Chronic inflammatory processes (including purulent ones) can give impetus to the further development of diabetes mellitus.

4. The hereditary predisposition of a person to this disease. Moreover, very often diabetes is detected in close blood relatives.

5. Very much overwork and stress can affect the development of diabetes mellitus. A disease in this condition can develop in 1-2 months, especially if at the same time the man will suffer from excess weight.

6. Frequent lack of sleep.

7. The presence of stones in the gallbladder. When the bile ducts become clogged, the acid enters the pancreas, leading to a violation of its functions and general destruction of the organ.

8. Some serious diseases that can affect cells that respond to the normal production of insulin. This usually refers to pathologies such as pancreatitis, pancreatic oncology.

9. Severe viral diseases that give impetus to the development of diabetes. These include rubella, hepatitis, flu, and chickenpox. As you know, adults are more difficult to tolerate viral diseases, so they have quite serious complications on their body.

10. Age-related changes in the body. According to studies, every year after forty people become more and more prone to diabetes.

11. Long-term treatment with certain drugs. It is especially dangerous to conduct therapy without a doctor's prescription with an uncontrolled dosage of drugs. In addition to diabetes, such actions can also cause stomach ulcers, impaired liver function and other dangerous complications.

12. Frequent intake of alcohol in large quantities negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs, and the pancreas is no exception.

13. Improper nutrition, especially the consumption of salty, spicy and acidic foods. Also this includes the intake of non-natural foods that contain artificial preservatives.

There is an opinion that excessive consumption of sweets leads to diabetes. In fact, this is not entirely true, because as can be understood from the above, many different factors can lead to this disease. As for the intake of sweets, they can affect the weight, which in turn will increase the risk of developing diabetes.

Diabetes in men: signs and types

Today, there are two separate forms of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus of the first form is considered insulin-dependent. Usually young people suffer from it. At the same time, the disease itself is difficult, with frequent complications.

This type of diabetes cannot be cured. It can only be controlled and not started.

Type 2 diabetes is usually diagnosed in people over the age of forty. It responds well to treatment, but is also not completely eliminated.

The symptoms of this disease, as a rule, develop gradually, so few people immediately respond to them, which is a mistake.

The following first symptoms of diabetes in men are distinguished:

1. A strong feeling of dry mouth, which does not go away even after drinking.

2. Frequent jumps in weight. In this state, a person can lose weight dramatically or vice versa, gain extra pounds.

3. A noticeable increase in urine output per day.

4. Poor and prolonged healing of wounds.

5. Increased itching of the skin and dryness of the epidermis.

6. Propensity to sweating and severe weakness.

7. Great thirst. At the same time, a person can drink several liters of water per day and still not feel any relief.

8. Visual impairment.

9. Increased heart rate and heart pain.

10. Headaches.

11. Sometimes there are signs of nephropathy and numbness of the hands.

As a rule, these signs indicate the development of diabetes. When they appear, you must immediately take tests and conduct a thorough diagnosis.

Diabetes in men: treatment

The main objective of the treatment of diabetes of any form is to lower blood sugar and normalize metabolism in the body. Also, the attending physician must necessarily direct the therapy to the prevention of complications and the relief of symptoms from the patient.

The traditional treatment of diabetes in men is selected for each patient individually, depending on the form and neglect of the disease, as well as symptoms. Typically, therapy involves the following:

1. Prescribing insulin injections is used for patients with the first form of diabetes. As a rule, such therapy is very long and sometimes a person needs lifelong administration of insulin.

2. The purpose of sugar-lowering drugs to normalize the patient’s blood sugar level.

3. Diet therapy is mandatory in the treatment of diabetes, regardless of its form. At the same time, alcohol, sweets (cakes, sweets, sugar, syrups, cakes, etc.) should be completely excluded from the menu. Fresh white bread and savory foods are also prohibited. Instead of sugar, you need to switch to its substitute - fructose.

The basis of the diet should be cereals, soups, vegetables and fruits (not sweet). At the same time, a sick person needs to eat often, but not in large portions, in order to normalize weight and prevent obesity.

In addition, physical activity is good for the patient's condition. It should be moderate, but occur regularly.

Diabetes treatment for life. In this case, the patient needs to be regularly observed by a doctor and take tests.

One of the most common complications of diabetes is diabetic neuropathy, which is manifested by pain, burning, numbness of the extremities. It is associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the nervous tissue. The use of thioctic acid preparations, in particular, Thioctacid, which is available both in Thioctacid 600T ampoules and in the tablet form of the quick release of Thioctacid BV, can help to correct these processes, it does not contain impurities - lactose, cellulose, starch, propylene glycol. It restores carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body, and normalizes physiological processes in the nervous tissue. Normalization of metabolism in nerve fibers allows you to effectively eliminate autonomic disorders and pain in diabetic neuropathy, prevent the development of further complications associated with damage to nerve tissue, and restore nerve fiber.

Diabetes in men: prevention

Prevention of diabetes in men consists in complying with the following doctor's advice:

1. Normalization of weight and prevention of obesity.

2. Proper nutrition.

3. A complete rejection of bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol).

4. If there are problems with jumps in blood pressure, you should constantly monitor it and, if necessary, be treated with hypertensive drugs.

5. When symptoms similar to diabetes mellitus appear, you should consult a doctor and diagnose as soon as possible. The sooner treatment is started, the less harm the disease does to the body.

6. After forty years, you need to regularly undergo a routine examination with a doctor and take a blood test for sugar level. This should be done at least once a year.

7. Avoid severe stress and emotional stress. You need to learn to control your emotions. If necessary, consult a psychologist and take sedatives.

8. It is forbidden to self-medicate, and to take any medications without first appointing a doctor.

9. It is important to treat those diseases that can lead to diabetes in time.

10. It is useful to engage in vigorous activity. At the same time, any sports are suitable, the main thing is that they are regular and make a person move. This will not only reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes, but also normalize weight and improve heart function.

As for the prevention of diabetes mellitus of the first type, unfortunately, in most cases it cannot be prevented, since the disease causes a genetic predisposition and viruses. Despite this, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition can delay or reduce the likelihood of type 1 diabetes.


Watch the video: What are the symptoms of diabetes? (July 2024).