Braised cabbage with potatoes and minced meat - a combo for lovers of good food. Classic vegetable stew whip up!


An undeservedly forgotten cooking hit is stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat.

Each housewife wants to diversify the family menu with something new, to please her loved ones. What is not being done for this - all culinary entries are interrupted, surfing on the Internet begins. And the way out is very simple, only for some reason they always forget about it. It is worth cooking stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat and everyone will be full and satisfied. A dish at cost is inexpensive, "affordable" to any family. It is not difficult to prepare. But the end result is above all expectations. In addition to all the advantages, there is one more. The dish is variable - do not spoil it with any spices, unless, of course, pour a kilogram into the pan. Optionally, you can add almost everything, the main thing is to know the measure and not get carried away with a lot of additives - the true taste of the dish can simply be lost. And stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat, properly decorated, can be served without a doubt on the festive table. Guests also need to be surprised.

Braised cabbage with potatoes and minced meat (classic)

What will be needed:

• fresh cabbage - 1.5 kg;

• any minced meat (mixed "sounds" more interesting) - 800 g;

• potatoes - 700 g;

• carrot - 100 g;

• turnip onion - 120 g;

• vegetable oil;

• freshly ground black pepper;

• spices (if you wish - provencal herbs are recommended);

• salt.

How to cook:

1. Process cabbage, remove the top leaves. Cut the head of cabbage into 4-8 parts. Thinly chop with a half-stick.

2. Wash the potatoes, peel them, wash them again. Cut with a medium dice.

3. Rinse the carrots, peel, grind with a coarse grater.

4. Free the onion from the husk, cut into thin strips.

5. Place the prepared cauldron on the stove. If there is no cauldron, a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom will do. Pour in oil. Let it warm up. Put the minced meat and cook for fifteen minutes, stirring constantly.

6. After the specified time, add onions and carrots to the minced meat. Cook all together for a quarter of an hour.

7. After that, cabbage should be put in the cauldron. Cover with a lid and cook until the juice that gives the cabbage appears. Put potatoes in a cauldron and stew until cooked. A quarter of an hour before cooking, the dish should be salted, seasoned, add spices.

8. Stir well and bring the stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat to readiness. It is recommended to decorate the dish with sprigs of greenery.

Stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat with tomato juice

What will be needed:

• cabbage - 700 g;

• carrot - 100 g;

• potatoes - 500 g;

• minced meat - 600 g;

• tomato juice - 150 ml;

• water - 100 ml;

• salt;

• ground black pepper;

• spices;

• vegetable oil.

How to cook:

1. The first step is to process the vegetables. Then cut the onion into a small cube. Heat the oil in a frying pan, spasser the onion in it for 3 minutes.

2. Grate the carrots with a coarse grater and add to the onion. Cook for 5 minutes.

3. After this, add minced meat to the pan. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring regularly.

4. Chop the cabbage into thin strips. Add to the pan. Stir, cook for 5 minutes. Then add the potatoes, sliced ​​into a thin slice.

5. Add water, tomato juice, salt and pepper. Cover, simmer for a quarter of an hour over moderate heat. After that, stir and simmer for a quarter of an hour.

6. Remove the pan from the heat, put the stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat on plates and serve.

Stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat in a slow cooker

What will be needed:

• fresh cabbage - 800 g;

• minced pork - 600 g;

• potatoes - 700 g;

• carrot - 100 g;

• turnip onion - 120 g;

• water - 400 ml;

• sea salt;

• parsley (greens) - 50 g;

• pepper;

• spices.

How to cook:

1. Rinse and peel the potatoes. Rinse again. Cut into a medium dice or slice.

2. Peel the onion, cut it with a medium dice.

3. Rinse the carrots, peel, grind with a coarse grater.

4. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage, chop with a blender. If it is not there, simply chop with a thin straw.

5. In the bowl of the multicooker lay carrots, onions, pour water. Set the slow cooker in the "Extinguishing" mode. Time is 60 minutes. If desired, it is permissible to add a little vegetable oil.

6. After a quarter of an hour, pour the prepared cabbage into the bowl. Pour in another 200 ml of water.

7. When the vegetables are soft, add minced meat to the multicooker bowl. Cook another quarter hour.

8. After the timer remains 20 minutes, pour potatoes into the bowl, salt, pepper, pour another 200 ml of water, pour finely chopped greens.

9. Set the timer again in the same mode for 60 minutes. If the dish is cooked in a multicooker, pressure cooker, you need to halve the time and cook with the valve closed.

10. It is recommended to garnish stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat with bell pepper and fresh cucumbers.

Stewed sauerkraut with potatoes and minced pork

What will be needed:

• sauerkraut - 500 g;

• minced pork - 500 g;

• turnip onion - 200 g;

• chicken broth - 250 ml;

• vegetable oil - 150 ml;

• salt;

• spices.

How to cook:

1. Rinse cabbage, squeeze.

2. Onion to process and cut into a small cube.

3. Pour oil into a saucepan, heat. Add minced pork, fry.

4. Add cabbage, onions and spices, chopped into small pieces. Pour in chicken stock. If this is not the case, it is permissible to replace it with vegetable broth.

5. Cover the saucepan with foil, bending the edges so that steam does not escape. Move the container to the oven. To languish there an hour.

6. After an hour, remove the saucepan, carefully remove the foil so as not to burn yourself. Arrange the stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat on plates and serve.

Stewed sauerkraut with potatoes and minced meat for children

What will be needed:

• minced chicken or rabbit - 400 g;

• fresh cabbage - 600 g;

• turnip onion - 150 g;

• fresh tomatoes - 150 g;

• olive oil.

How to cook:

1. Process cabbage. Cut as small and thinner as possible.

2. Rinse the carrots, peel, grind with a fine grater.

3. Peel the onion and punch into porridge in a blender.

4. Put the chopped vegetables in a saucepan and pour in water. It should be on par with the products.

5. The stewpan should be moved to the stove. The fire must be strong. Upon boiling, fire to moderate. Stew until half-cooked cabbage.

6. Stuffing, which was thawed in advance, add in small pieces to vegetables - just pinch off a little bit, but do not throw all the stuffing at once.

7. Bring the contents of the stewpan to a boil again. Throw the fire to a minimum and cook on.

8. Salt, add chopped tomatoes, mix. After a quarter of an hour, remove the stewpan from the stove. Braised cabbage with potatoes and minced meat is ready, you can put it in plates and delight children.

Stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced chicken

What will be needed:

• potato - 400 g;

• fresh cabbage - 400 g;

• minced chicken - 300 g;

• turnip onion - 150 g;

• vegetable oil - 50 ml;

• salt;

• ground black pepper;

• coriander (to taste);

• parsley (greens) - 20 g;

• dill (greens) - 20 g.

How to cook:

1. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into cubes.

2. Remove the top leaves from the cabbage. Cut the head out. Chop thin straws.

3. Fry minced chicken with hot lean oil in a skillet or saucepan, adding chopped onions.

4. When the forcemeat changes color to white, put potatoes, cabbage in a bowl, pour water so that it reaches half of the products. Boil over moderate heat. Cook for half an hour. After half an hour, the stewed cabbage with potatoes and minced meat is ready.

5. When serving, sprinkle the dish with a mix of chopped dill and parsley.

Stewed cabbage with potatoes, minced meat and tomato paste

What will be needed:

• pork is not very oily - 600 g;

• turnip onion - 150 g;

• carrot - 100 g;

• fresh cabbage - 600 g;

• potato - 600 g;

• vegetable oil - 60 ml;

• tomato paste - 80 g;

• zira - 3 g;

• lavrushka;

• salt;

• ground black pepper.

How to cook:

1. Pre-process the meat: rinse, dry with a kitchen towel. Then cut the middle whetstone.

2. Heat the oil in a saucepan. Fry the pork over high heat without a lid. It will take 4 minutes.

3. When the pork takes on a golden color, add cumin, lavrushka and salt. Mix. Cook for 6 minutes. Then move the pork to a cauldron or a saucepan with a thick bottom.

4. The fat remaining from roasting meat should be used to pass onions and carrots. Onions need to be cut into a thin slice, carrots - grate with a coarse grater. Pass for 6 minutes, stirring regularly.

5. Add meat to the sauté. Add 250 ml of water. Place on low heat and cook for 25 minutes under the lid.

6. During this time, you should process the cabbage. Cut into a large piece, salt and grind by hand, so that it gives juice.

7. In a stewpan, heat the oil, lay the cabbage. Fry a quarter of an hour at maximum heat under the lid, constantly stirring.

8. When the cabbage reaches half ready, add tomato paste to the stewpan. Cook another 5 minutes. Add cabbage to the meat. Simmer together.

9. Then add potatoes, diced or chopped. Cook for half an hour. Potatoes are allowed to pre-fry until half-cooked - the taste will be more interesting, but the dish - calories.

10. Cook the contents for a quarter of an hour. If the potatoes were fried previously, then the time should be reduced to 7 minutes.

11. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour. Serve sprinkled with chopped herbs.


1. Do not use young cabbage - it will turn into porridge.

2. Stuffing is better to use mixed. Turkey meat stuffing sounds good.

3. It is optionally permissible to add bell pepper, some zucchini. Pre-fried eggplants look great in the dish.

Experiment, and everything will be fine - and the family is happy, and you will receive moral pleasure.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. August 11, 2019 (July 2024).