How to make a slime without starch and glue: an environmentally friendly toy. A few simple recipes for lizun toys without glue and starch


You've probably already seen Ghostbusters - this was one of the most popular summer moviegoers. In the full sense, this film cannot be called a premiere, the first version of this film was released in the 80s.

It was then that there was the first boom of lizunov. This unusual toy, the prototype of which is considered to be the cute eponymous ghost from the cult comedy, actually first appeared in the USA in 1876, under the name Slim, and quickly won the hearts of the kids. With the release of the remake of The Hunters, interest in lizuns has grown again to heaven.

Children again began to actively buy lizunov. But we all know for sure that you can make a wonderful analogue of this toy at home. Every mother wants her child to play with toys made from safe materials. And there is an alternative to chemical slimes; the toy can be easily made at home from improvised, safe materials. Consider how to make a slime without starch and glue.

How to make a starch-free slime from detergents

For this recipe you only need shampoo and dishwashing detergent or shower gel. It is desirable that the liquids be the same color and do not contain any particles. These funds are often available with a margin in each house, so the slime of them can always be done at the first request of the child. They are safe, and the child can also participate in the cooking process. We take the funds in equal amounts and mix thoroughly in a suitable container (you can take a plastic jar of yogurt or sour cream with a lid). Then the mixture is placed in the refrigerator for a day. The toy will be ready the next day. Please note that it must be stored in the refrigerator.

How to make flour slime without starch and glue

At the heart of yet another method of making a slime is a paste familiar from childhood. You will get the most environmentally friendly and safe mucus, you just have to dye it in green color for greater similarity to a shy lead. To create a slime you need to take the following components: hot (not boiling water) and cold water, flour, dye. In a bowl, move two cups of well-sifted flour, ¼ cup of cold and hot water; mix the mass well, add a few drops of the dye to the finished mixture and mix again. If the dye is safe, then even the smallest children can play with such a slime.

You can take food coloring, or you can use natural - for example, pour beetroot juice instead of water. The main thing is that the dye you choose does not get your hands dirty and everything around. The finished mixture must be put in the refrigerator for several hours to solidify.

Plasticine slime

Consider another option, how to make a slime without starch. We again use the simplest and most accessible components - plasticine and edible gelatin. Manufacturing technology is also quite simple. First, prepare the gelatin - in a metal container, dissolve the gelatin in cold water and leave it for an hour to make it swell. Then we heat the mixture on fire, almost bringing to a boil, do not forget to stir all the time so that there are no lumps in the liquid. The resulting solution is allowed to cool slightly. Now let's do plasticine. We’ll knead one hundred grams of plasticine and warm it by hand, mix it with 50 ml of water, mix the mixture and introduce the prepared gelatin into it. Once again, soundly knead the resulting material, so that a homogeneous mass is obtained, and put it in the refrigerator until it cools completely. The slime is ready. This slim will be more durable than the previous ones, but take care of the wallpaper - it will be almost impossible to remove traces from it.

Polyvinyl alcohol slime

How to make a slime without starch? Use polyvinyl alcohol and borax powder. In order to make a lizun, we prepare a solution of polyvinyl alcohol. Pour dry alcohol powder into water and cook in a metal pan for forty-five minutes (water / powder proportions are indicated on the alcohol packaging). The solution is cooled, then we introduce a borax into it, in proportion to one part of alcohol, three parts of borax, add dye and mix well. In the process, the mixture should thicken and turn into a slime.

In the manufacture of this slime, you need to be very careful and it is better not to allow children to work, chemicals in a free state are dangerous to their health. But then to make such a slime it will be interesting to an older child.

Useful tips for making lizun

Handing the child a lizun, it is necessary to ensure that the baby does not take it in his mouth, does not eat a piece. After the game, you must wash your hands. Slim must not be allowed to get onto the wallpaper or upholstered furniture, otherwise greasy, heavily washed spots can bring you a lot of trouble. Fleeces, threads, hairs quickly stick to the lizun, it can be cleaned with alcohol. Between games, store the lizun in the refrigerator in a sealed jar or bag. The toy can be used within a week, after this period the slime must be discarded. Pay attention to the quality and safety of the dyes used, whether they leave marks on hands and clothing. It is better if the child plays with a lizun in apron.

Components for the manufacture of slides can be purchased in shops for creativity, pharmacies, hardware stores.

You can also include sparkles, flavors, bright plastic granules, even small figures. There are a lot of options, each time you can get completely different slogans. So you can experiment with the consistency by slightly changing the proportions of the components used, so you get a more or less sticky slim. The field for experimentation is huge. But no matter what recipe you make for the slime, the toy will surely delight your child!


Watch the video: Dish Soap Shampoo and Salt Slime , No Glue, No Borax, No Liquid Starch Slime (July 2024).