Masks based on yeast for the skin, indications. How to make skin fresh with yeast face masks


In order for the skin on the face to remain young, fresh and toned for as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully care for it without sparing time and energy.

Many girls and women prefer home-care products for delicate facial skin, among them yeast face masks are not the least.

Thanks to the main component - yeast, the skin becomes radiant, soft, smooth and clean.

Minor Tricks for Using Yeast Masks

• It is generally recommended to use live yeast for use. If you need to knead a cleansing mask, you can take dry ones.

• Often, it is not advisable to use such a remedy for aging skin. The norm will be twice a week. For younger use is permitted daily.

• Before proceeding with the application, it is necessary to do an elbow bend test, as is done with many new products, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

• During the dissolution of yeast in liquids, it is necessary to stir them to avoid the formation of lumps.

• Instead of live or dry yeast, you can use drinking yeast, they are sold in a pharmacy and are often found already diluted. Such yeast is easy to use. Simply mix the prepared liquid with the necessary ingredients.

• When buying yeast, you should always look at the expiration date.

Who is recommended to use face masks from yeast

• Ladies with oily skin. Yeast also well eliminates the problem of contaminated pores and acne, also adsorb oily glimpses on the skin;

• With prone to rashes. If there are various rashes, acne and other inflammations, yeast face masks can become a panacea;

• With aging and slightly sagging skin. If the yeast is combined with the right components, then they can easily cope with small wrinkles, smoothing them noticeably. They also restore the outer layer of the skin well;

• For those whose skin is prone to unusual pallor. Yeast gives the skin a natural glow and dullness.

Yeast face masks are absolutely safe.

The most common and effective recipes for face masks with yeast

1. A yeast-based face mask that well prevents the appearance of oily sheen on the face

It takes time and patience to cook it correctly. And so for it you need to take half a pack of live yeast, they must be crushed and dissolved in water. In order for the mask to find the desired consistency, add rye flour in it in such an amount that it will have a density of sour cream. For lack of rye flour, you can use any flour that is found at home. Ready gruel should be poured into a glass dish and left to infuse for 3-4 hours. And then you can start applying. With gentle massage movements, apply the home remedy on the face, stand for half an hour and rinse with purified water at room temperature.

2. Masks made from yeast for the face are suitable for those who have uneven skin tone

The recipe for one of them is as follows: you need to take a quarter of a small pack of yeast (about 15 grams) and dissolve them in two tablespoons of homemade cow's milk. To make the mass resemble thick sour cream. Drive one egg into the mixture, drip 25-35 drops of olive oil into the mixture, the same number of drops of liquid honey and a teaspoon of any flour. Before applying the product, you need to cleanse the skin well with your favorite scrub, then you can apply the mask prepared with your own hands. Leave it on your face for 35-40 minutes. Wipe off the face with a cloth moistened with purified water.

3. A yeast face mask that is suitable for those who suffer from excessively oily skin

To prepare it, you need to mix two teaspoons of crushed yeast with warm water and add one teaspoon of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Apply on face and leave for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

4. Vitamin and yeast face mask

For this mask, one or two teaspoons of yeast diluted in fruit juice should be mixed well. For oily skin, pickled cabbage juice or potato juice is suitable. Combination skin will say thanks for the juice from gooseberries, grapes, as well as green apples. After the yeast is mixed with juice, you need to put the liquid in a water bath and wait until the fermentation process begins. After cooking, you need to take a semi-lying position and carefully put the mask on the skin of the face, closing your eyes for 10-15 minutes you can relax with your favorite music. Then rinse with water. Wash off oily skin with slightly cool water, with normal to combination skin at room temperature. Masks from yeast for the face with vitamins tone the skin and perfectly cleanse it.

5. Whitening face mask from yeast

It fights well with increased pigmentation, so it is well suited for those who have freckles on their faces, and who want to at least slightly lighten them and make them less noticeable. To obtain such a mask, you need to take one teaspoon of crushed yeast and dissolve them in a small amount of cucumber juice. Apply to the face, specifically to places where there are freckles, soak until it starts to dry out slightly and rinse with warm water. If the cucumber is not at home, then it can be replaced with lemon juice.

6. Another great anti-pigmentation maskThis is a mixture of dissolved yeast with hydrogen peroxide 3%. We mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and be sure to point, in places with freckles we apply the mixture. Stand for 10 minutes and rinse with water at room temperature. A mask that has the same composition as against freckles can easily be overcome with expanded pores contaminated with microparticles.

7. Means for sagging skin

You need to mix half a tablespoon of liquid yeast and liquid honey 15-20 good-quality drops, add a tablespoon of cabbage juice (you can grind it in a blender and strain). Mix the gruel and. Use this tool can be no more than 3 times a week. Rinse off with cool water.

8. For women after 35 years a mask with sour cream will be useful, you need to take one and a half tablespoons, add a pinch of crushed yeast and a little flour (so that the mass thickens). Wipe the mixture through a sieve and put a thin layer on the face. Soak for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. This mask perfectly smoothes fine wrinkles, but also well restores the skin, refreshes it and nourishes it.

9. This mask is suitable for use with any type of skin

To get it high-quality, you need to take half a small pack of dry yeast (about 25 grams), melt them in a water bath and mix with acacia honey. Grind the lumps (if any) and add 20-25 drops of apple juice. Again, mix well and put a thin film on the skin, leave to dry for 25 minutes.

10. One of the easiest recipes based on yeast, there is a mixture of them with fruit or vegetable juice. You need to choose it depending on the type of skin. Juice of cherry, green apple, lemon, raspberry, potato is good for oily. For dry skin, it is better to take juice from pumpkin, melon or apricot. You can also use the core of a banana.

11. Yeast mask for dry skin

Many argue that masks based on live yeast are suitable exclusively for those who have oily skin. This is not true! If you combine the foundation with saturated, oily components, you can safely apply it to dry skin. And so, to prepare such a mask, you need to mix 2.5 grams of live diluted yeast with liquid honey. Grate the mixture thoroughly with a kitchen fork and pour 25-30 drops of olive oil.

Such home-made remedies are certainly helpful. Thanks to them, the skin is noticeably smoothed, becoming fresh and radiant. But, like all skin care products, they have several contraindications.

• If the skin has only been exposed to a laser (such as laser resurfacing);

• Do not use yeast masks in the presence of any dermatological diseases of the skin;

Before using any new tool, many girls and women think about the right choice, about how to correctly apply and prepare it. It will be easy to cope with all this, following the recommendations given above.

Wanting to have well-groomed skin and the body as a whole, it is not always necessary to spend fabulous money on cosmetics or trips to expensive beauty parlors. You just need to learn how to cook caring for your beloved at home. In order for hand-made masks to bring only benefit, you must strictly follow the instructions for manufacture and use.

Masks made of yeast are popular in use not only for facial skin, but also for the whole body and hair.

Among such funds, you need to leave space for face masks made of yeast. Thanks to them, the skin will remain young and radiant for a long time.


Watch the video: YEAST infection on my face!? WTF. Skin Update (July 2024).