Ku-ku! Good morning everyone with UCU (Morning Exercise Complex)! With a morning set of gymnastic exercises - a hundred years without worries!


To get up in the morning too lazy? Morning Exercise Complex (UCF) will make your day!

The morning set of gymnastics exercises are exercises that help activate the body for awakening. They contribute to the normalization of metabolism, increase overall vitality without antidepressant drugs, improve blood circulation, develop endorphins necessary for all of us to enjoy communication, strengthen muscles and improve the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems, in general, the conclusion: it is recommended to perform morning exercises without exception, everyone! Do not overwork while doing exercises, enjoy every movement!

Morning exercises - rejuvenate the spine with healthy movements

We all have an antenna, our frame, our reliable support - we are talking about the spine, and with a flexible and strong spine you will give young odds even in old age. A healthy spine is your youth. Maintaining joint mobility and flexibility of the spinal column, avoiding the development of osteochondrosis, leveling up posture and acquiring graceful movements is not difficult if you start taking care of yourself in time, performing the morning set of gymnastic exercises.

Exercise number 1 - knead the calves and keep the royal posture

When you wake up, do not immediately break out of bed, take a deep breath, then exhale and allow yourself to lie down a little more. But try not just to lie down, but to begin to stretch your muscles.

Lie flat on your back, stretch your whole body, make circular movements in your feet - your day starts perfectly without a doubt!

Continue to lie down, enjoy good morning and do the following exercises: without raising your leg, pull the right heel away from you, and put the toe on yourself, fix the position for 5 seconds, then relax your leg. Repeat the same exercise on the left leg, and then on both legs at once.

Each exercise is recommended to be performed 5 times. After this exercise, you will immediately feel improved circulation in your legs.

Now you can get up, ventilate the room, and begin a more active gymnastic complex of exercises.

Exercise number 2 - easy breathing and a fresh head always

Take position number one, feel like a warrior who is invincible: stand upright, heels and socks together, keep your back straight, pull your buttocks up, pull your stomach in, your arms are lowered down along your torso, your gaze is directed forward.

If you feel dizzy in the morning, take position number two: keeping your back straight, sit down on a chair, hands freely on your knees, legs together, feet flat on the floor.

Perform a series of short breaths through the nose (10-15 times). Try to focus on exhalation so that it is slightly longer than the inhalation. At the same time, the shoulders remain motionless. After this exercise, the blood circulation of the brain cells improves, the lungs are cleaned, the blood is saturated with oxygen, you will feel the heat spread throughout the body - you are ready to move on to the main complex of morning gymnastic exercises.

Exercise number 3 - the swan neck of all conquer

You can perform this exercise both in position number one and in position number two. You can close your eyes. Try not to raise your shoulders during the exercise and do not overly zealous.

Attention! Before performing these exercises, consult your doctor if you have ever had an injury to the cervical spine. If you experience any discomfort, stop the exercise. So, slowly turn your head from side to side, briefly fixing the position at the extreme points. Follow 5 sets on each side.

Then lower the chin to the chest, fix the position for a short while, and then tilt your head back, again locking the position for a few seconds.

The breath is deep, even, calm. These movements are also performed 5 times on each side.

After that, go to the rotational circular movements of the head: 5 circles clockwise, 5 circles counterclockwise. All these exercises help improve blood circulation and, in addition, prevent the appearance of a second chin.

Exercise №4 - arms are stronger, shoulders are wider

Take position number one. We perform a useful exercise for the respiratory and nervous system. Clench your fists by hiding your thumbs inside your palms. Imagine that you have oars in your hands and you are in a hurry to cross the river on a boat, take a sharp breath with your nose, hold your breath and start rowing - 5 rotational movements of the hands with your hands forward and the same amount in the opposite direction, after which you will also exhale sharply through the nose. Now bend your arms at your elbows and increase the amplitude of your movements - perform 5 times forward and backward. Watch your breath and do not go astray. And finally, we will do the same, using our hands completely from the fist to the shoulder. Feel how the shoulder blades warm up and the chest works, feel the freedom of movement. After this exercise, a special surge of vigor is felt.

Exercise # 5 - Slim Waist Helps Admire Captures

We will rebuild the position number three - feet shoulder width apart, put our hands on the belt. We try to maintain a flat back and perform alternately tilts left and right, back and forth. We do traditional 5 approaches on each side. This gymnastic exercise helps to maintain a thin waist, makes back muscles more elastic, and has beneficial effects on the abdominal organs.

Exercise number 6 - beautiful hips

This exercise came to us from yoga, do it and you will have beautiful hips and legs. Stand in position number one. Put your hands on your belt. With your right foot, take a step forward and bend it in the knee 90˚ (the knee should be located exactly above the heel). The left leg is extended, the emphasis on the toe, the heel looks up. Keeping balance, raise straight arms through the sides and try to connect your palms above your head, your back is straight, with your crown reaching up. Take 3 deep breaths, then return to the starting position. Do the same on the other leg.

Variant of exercise: if you find it difficult to put your hands together over your head, leave them on your belt and try spring swaying in half-squat for three counts, and for four counts return to the starting position.

This gymnastic exercise is aimed at improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, and also contributes to the pumping of the outer and inner thighs and the strengthening of the calf muscles.

Exercise No. 7 - training the vestibular apparatus to resist everything

We get into position number one. With an inhalation, we carefully rise high on the toes, while trying to maintain balance and a straight back, with an exhalation we go down, but do not touch the heels of the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 times. This exercise is quite meditative and calm, it feels especially good when you synchronize breathing with movement.

Recommendations for performing exercises from the morning gymnastics complex

So, we examined a whole range of morning exercises to help you set up your day. Realize that when you open your eyes, a whole beautiful day is open before you with new achievements and achievements. Let us rephrase the classic and say: morning exercises are submissive to all ages.

Add new impulses to your morning that will help you become a more energetic, healthy, joyful and active person. No wonder the morning complex of exercises from childhood is known to us under the name “morning exercises” - from the word charge. Performing these simple exercises, you will feel cheerfulness, joy and fortitude for the whole day. To make morning exercises even more useful, it is recommended to perform them in the fresh air or, if possible, with an open window (window) so that there is an influx of fresh air.

You can practice in any clothes, but, based on my personal experience, I note that gymnastics in comfortable, free, clean clothes and barefoot bring great pleasure.

After performing gymnastic exercises, check the pulse - at any age, it should not exceed 110-120 beats / min.

A contrast shower at the end of the gymnastics will be very helpful - it will further improve your well-being and awaken your appetite. Be healthy!


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