Brazil - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Brazil - a country with a federal structure. It is the largest public entity in terms of the number of inhabitants and the size of the occupied area in South America. In the world ranking, Brazil ranks fifth in terms of these indicators.

The state is characterized by a large extent, which determines the diversity of climate and natural zones. The country shares its borders in the north with Suriname, Venezuela, Guyana, French Guiana; with Uruguay - in the south; with Bolivia and Peru in the west; in the south-west - with Argentina and Paraguay; with Colombia in the northwest. The eastern territory of Brazil is washed by the waters of the Atlantic.

In the Middle Ages, Brazil was a Portuguese colony, and this factor became decisive in the character of the formed local culture. Portuguese has become the only official language.

Catholicism is the predominant religion common in Brazil.

In Brazil, 201.1 million people live. Of these, white - 53.7% of the population, mulatto account for 38.5%, representatives of the black race make up 6.2%, the rest (Japanese, Indians, Arabs) - 1.6%. The trend of racial development is such that the white population gradually ceases to be in the majority, as evidenced by statistical studies of the last two years.

The currency in Brazil has changed several times. Initially, it was a Brazilian flight, then Cruzeiro, then Cruzado, and, finally, modern real. Currency changes have always been forced and associated with the inability of other economic measures to stop inflation. For two local reals at exchange offices they will give one German mark.

Brazil - the capital and major cities

The capital of Brazil is a city very close in sound. In the Russian version of the pronunciation, the names of the city and country are completely identical - Brazil (in some sources the capital is called Brasilia).

Brasilia is not the largest city in the state. It takes only the fourth place in the number of inhabitants (2.5 million people). Together with two other cities (Goiania and Anapolis), Brasilia is the country's most powerful economic center.

This city has become a capital city relatively recently, in 1960. This is the third capital city in history (after the period of the supremacy of Salvador, and then Rio de Janeiro). Now in the new capital are all government bodies. Thanks to the implementation of many grandiose construction projects in the postwar period, Brasilia was awarded the UNESCO list. Now the city is a world cultural heritage.

The capital of the state is located inland, on the territory of the Brazilian plateau. A place far from civilized centers was specially chosen for the city. Strategically, this approach was recognized as the most correct.

The largest cities in Brazil are: São Paulo with a population of 10.8 million people, Rio de Janeiro - 6.09 million, Salvador - 2.89 million.

Brazil - holidays and tours

A trip to Brazil opens up many opportunities for tourists. Traditional beach vacations are offered by local resort cities. The most visited of them were:

• Angra dos Reis (an international-class resort located near Rio de Janeiro). This city is recognized as the best place for family vacations. Well-equipped coastal areas are strewn with fine golden sand. This place is suitable for lovers of a comfortable stay away from noise.

• Ubatuba - Located near Sao Paulo. A well-organized transport connection allows you to quickly get from this quiet corner to the largest metropolitan areas of the country, including Rio de Janeiro. The resort has the largest number of hotels per capita.

• Buzios - located on a small peninsula north of Rio de Janeiro. The small village where the fishermen lived gradually turned into one of the best resort areas in Brazil. Summer, a year long, allows tourists to visit this place at any convenient time.

For excursion programs, a significant place is Rio de Janeiro. Here is a statue of Christ the Savior, known throughout the world. Its location is the top of Corcovado Hill, which means "hump". The statue is set at a height of 704 meters, and its own size is 30 meters.

For tourists, the preserved buildings of the colonial era are also interesting. Each big city has its own museum. Therefore, any excursion program in Brazil will be interesting and unforgettable.

For ecotourism, the Brazilian jungle is considered an appropriate option. Even here, deep in the woods, hotels have been built for wildlife lovers.

Ariau Amazon Towers is a hotel in the Amazon jungle. This building rises above the trees, and the hotel buildings are connected to each other by special bridges.

A safari in Brazil is one of your favorite types of entertainment. The opportunity to ride a jeep provides a tour called "Makuko-Safari." The journey passes through the forest to the old canyon Iguazu, which was formed as a result of soil erosion. The excursion program also includes a boat trip to the waterfalls.

Both Brazilians and visitors are keen on diving in Brazil. The island of Fernando de Norona, as well as the states of Bahia and Pernambuco, are the best places for scuba diving.

Brazil - Attractions

Most often, acquaintance with this country begins with the city of Rio de Janeiro. Although, of course, each state and each city has a sufficient number of interesting places for tourists.

The famous mountain, called the "Sugarloaf", offers a magnificent panorama of the city. Among the historical sites of interest are the Museum of Modern Art, the National Museum, the Historical Museum, the Museum of the Indians and many other cultural structures.

The Botanical Garden, located on the territory of the city, will be able to demonstrate literally all the plants that grow in Brazil in different climatic zones.

Iguazu Falls are considered a real wonder of the world. They are located on the borders of three states, but from the territory of Brazil opens the most bewitching view.

The huge city of São Paulo impresses with skyscrapers. They are made of glass and steel. This city is the modern industrial center of Brazil, there are 10 automobile factories here. The economic breakthrough that turned the provincial town into an industrial metropolis was made thanks to the development of coffee making.

In the capital of the country, the city of Brasilia, literally everything is interesting for tourists. From the time of design (the city was built in the form of an airplane), to its modern design. The capital combines the latest technologies and buildings skillfully blended into the natural landscapes.

The city of Manaus is the most environmentally friendly city in the world. It is located on the banks of the great Amazon. From here excursions begin, introducing this mighty river. An especially impressive night cruise. Crocodile eyes look spectacular among the night darkness in the light of a flashlight. Lovers of tickling nerves will be pleased with such a trip.

In the Amazon you can ride on ships. The travel program also includes boating (canoeing) and piranha fishing.

Brazil - weather (climate)

Brazil is always hot. In the western part of the Amazon, a humid equatorial type of climate prevails. There is always a lot of rainfall (from 2000 to 3000 mm per year), and if we compare the average temperatures by months, it turns out that they differ by only 1-2 degrees. Therefore, we can say that summer never stops here.

The central part of Brazil is located in a zone of humid subequatorial type of climate. There is two times less celestial moisture here, droughts quite often occur in these areas.

In the eastern territories of the country, the trade winds prevail. It is moist, hot, drought happens regularly, but its period is short.

Brazilian seasons are the opposite of seasons in Europe. In the hottest time, average temperature indicators are in the region of +32 degrees. In the cold period, the heat will subside somewhat, but it only ceases to be debilitating (+24 degrees).

The water temperature on the coast all year above 25 degrees. The best time to visit this country is April - September. These months are not too hot, although it often rains.

Weather in Brazil now:

Brazil - cuisine

In Brazil, each area has its own traditional set of dishes, which are prepared most often.

So in Bahia, Vatapa is popular. It is prepared from chopped mollusks with grinded fish. All this is cooked on coconut juice with the addition of oil.

Here the pig’s liver is also stewed in an original way - together with the blood of the animal. Tomatoes, onions and peppers are added to the roast (Sarapateu).

Another dish is salted shrimp (Caruru). They are consumed in combination with hot sauce (hot pepper mixed with a kiabu plant).

In the Amazon, the residents most like to cook "pato no tucupi" - a duck cut into pieces and cooked in sauce with herbs and spices.

In Rio de Janeiro, the feijoade became popular - black beans with dried meat, smoked sausage, pork, garlic, pepper and bay leaf. The ingredients mix and languish over a fire. Treats are served on a large platter.

Brazilian vodka - cachaca, is distinguished by crystal clearness and high strength. It is consumed with lemon juice, ice and sugar.

Brazil - carnivals

Being in Brazil and not seeing the local carnival means that the trip was wasted. The carnival, held in Rio de Janeiro, is known throughout the world. This is a magnificent bright sight for which every citizen of the country is preparing.

Officially, the holiday begins on Friday, before Ash Wednesday. Representatives of all local samba schools demonstrate their abilities and skills here. Carnival in Rio is one of the largest world holidays.

The event is organized annually by the Ministry of Tourism. It joins forces with the Samba School League. Also, all TV companies conducting live broadcasts throughout the country are directly related to the event.

For each samba school, a specific theme is chosen for presentation, in accordance with which the site is designed. Then a presentation is created - a performance program. Brazilians can earn money all year to prepare their holiday costume. The event turns out truly magnificent and spectacular. Chic outfits attract attention to each platform. Two similar sites simply do not exist. The fantasy of the participants is limitless.

The winner of this procession - one samba school, is awarded the main cash prize. However, for the participants of this colorful contest, the title they are awarded is much more important - "School of a special group."

In addition to dancers, the group includes musicians and singers. An important role is assigned to the driver of the platform - cars must be controlled exclusively by hand in order to avoid unpleasant accidents.

Ash Wednesday is the moment of truth. On this day, the number of points is calculated and the winner is determined, who is honored with salutes and universal glee.

Brazil - visa application

Since 2010, a provision has been adopted on visa-free entry to Brazil for Russian citizens. You can stay in the state for 90 days. A second trip is possible no earlier than 180 days after leaving Brazil.

To visit the country, you must present a valid passport, a document confirming the availability of a sufficient amount of currency, and a ticket for the return flight.

Brazil - Embassy

The Brazilian Embassy is located at 54 Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street in Moscow. Tel .: 7 (095) 363-03-66.

Brazil map


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