Soup with rice - step by step recipes of a hearty dish. Cooking soups with rice step by step on chicken, meat, seafood


Rice soup is not necessarily the usual pickle, fish or kharcho. Rice can be added to any light soup, it will make it much more satisfying and nutritious.

Selected step-by-step recipes will tell you in detail how to cook a light soup with rice on chicken broth with cabbage, meatballs or seafood.

General principles for preparing soups with rice according to step by step recipes

• The question of choosing rice for soup is not a matter of principle. Both long grain and round grain cereals can be used. Soups with steamed rice are sometimes cooked, but their taste is significantly different, since such cereal has a specific smell.

• To make rice soup remarkably tasty, and even seemingly appetizing, you should adhere to some rules. First of all, rice needs to be sorted out - only whole, well-polished grains leave. Impurities in the form of husks and stones are removed, crushed and spoiled, dark or with black specks of grains are also chosen. After, the processed cereals are thoroughly washed in running cold water. To do this, pour the rice into a colander and wash it, mixing it with your hands until crystal clear water flows from it. This is done in order to rinse off the powder from the figs formed during grinding. If the rice is not washed, then this fine dust will greatly cloud the broth.

• Rice quickly comes to readiness and therefore for soup it does not need to be soaked in water in advance.

• There are many variations on such a popular subject as rice soups. The step by step recipes describe in detail how to cook a dish with raw cereals, or boiled rice separately. At what stage, and after which components, add it to the soup so that the seeds do not boil. The main thing that you should not forget, if the soup is cooked without potatoes, then the finished rice should be half as much as liquid. If vegetables are added to the soup, then even less.

• Soups with rice, the step-by-step recipes of which are described below, are not recommended to cook in large volumes and it is advisable to do this almost before use. During long-term storage, rice swells, and after repeated heating, it boils even more. Soup not only loses taste, but can also turn into porridge.

Cabbage Soup with Rice: A Step-by-Step Recipe for Easy First Chicken

Step by step recipe for light rice soup. Despite the fact that the dish is prepared on a broth, it can be considered dietary, although it will remain quite nutritious. The soup is not seasoned with vegetable roasting, in order to reduce calories, the skin is removed from the chicken. Fresh cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes increase nutrition.


• one large leg;

• two tablespoons of round-grain rice;

• a small carrot;

• 200 gr. fresh white cabbage;

• large onion;

• medium-sized tomato;

• two small potatoes;

• chopped dill - 1 tbsp. l .;

• 1.5 l. drinking water.

Cooking method:

1. In cool water, wash the ham, chop off the lower cartilage at the legs, remove the skin. Rinsing again, put in a 2-liter pan. Fill the leg with water (1.7 l.), Put the pan on the fire. When heated, foam will appear on the surface of the broth, which must be carefully removed. When boiling, its residues mix with the broth, which can lead to its clouding.

2. Peel the carrots, remove all the husks from the onion. When it boils, lower the vegetables into the pan, reduce the heat so that the surface of the broth is only a little worried and close the pan. Cooking for forty minutes. Occasionally we lift the lid to control the process. If you cook the broth with intense boiling, it can turn cloudy and a significant portion of the liquid boils away.

3. While preparing the base of the soup, prepare the vegetables. We clean and cut potatoes into thin sticks, chop the cabbage. Removes the skin from the tomato, cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes.

4. As a rule, flour settles on rice grains during polishing; if such rice is put in a transparent broth, it may become cloudy. Pour the cereal into a sieve and rinse until completely clear water drains from it. At the end of the process, leave the cereal in it so that all moisture comes off. The ingress of raw water into the broth is undesirable.

5. Check the chicken - pierce the meat with the tip of a knife. If the blade comes in easily, take out the legs and set aside to cool. Pepper the broth, taking the sample, add and drop the cabbage into it. After boiling with a slight boil for five minutes, put it in a pot of cabbage with potato sticks, add rice, stir well and bring to a boil. Then, reducing the heat, cook until the vegetables are soft.

6. Once the potatoes are soft, add the dill and slices of fresh tomato. Boil the soup for five minutes, then turn off the heat and serve.

Easy meat soup with rice: a step by step recipe for the first with meatballs

A hearty, aromatic, easy-to-cook soup with rice and meatballs. In a step-by-step recipe, it is boiled in water, with small meat balls. Stuffing is prepared from lean beef, so even small children can be fed with soup. Water can be replaced with bone broth.


• three large potatoes;

• small onion;

• rice - 2.5 tbsp. l .;

• 200 gr. lean ground beef;

• half a medium carrot;

• four tablespoons of highly purified oil;

• a small leaf of laurel;

• a third of a teaspoon of dried parsley.

Cooking method:

1. After peeling potatoes, cut tubers lengthwise into plates, then cut into cubes or cubes.

2. Stuffing, adding salt, spread in a bowl, pepper a little, knead thoroughly. Having moistened our hands, we form small round meatballs. In size, they should correspond to the size of a small walnut.

3. Pour 1.5 liters of drinking water into the pan. It is advisable to take a two-liter container, so that after the introduction of all components, the soup does not overflow. We place the pan with water for maximum heating, wait for boiling.

4. Dip the potatoes in boiling water. As we form, remove the foam rising from the potato and wait for boiling again. At the first sign of boiling, reduce heat and cover the pan.

5. We wash the rice. This must be done carefully until clean water comes off. Well-washed cereal creaks slightly if it is slightly squeezed in a fist. Put the rice in a pan, after five minutes after the potatoes. We continue to cook, not letting the soup boil, until half-cooked potatoes and cereals. With rapid boiling, the rice can burst, which will only cloud the broth.

6. Cooking vegetable frying. We cut onions into small cubes. Pouring oil into the pan, chop the onion and put on a small fire. Passing, stirring constantly, until transparent. About three carrots, add to the onion when its pieces become "glass". Fry until the carrots are completely soft and the vegetables get a pleasant goldenness.

7. To the potato that has reached half-preparedness, lower the meatballs and the lavrushka. Add fire, wait for the boil. Foam will rise from the meat, remove it as it forms. Put frying in boiling soup, reduce heat. Cook for ten minutes without boiling - meatballs from meat are cooked quickly. At the end, add salt and dried parsley (dill) to the soup.

8. Let the soup stand for at least a quarter of an hour, then serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Delicious Rice Soup: A Step-by-Step Seafood Recipe

A step-by-step recipe for a delicious, easy-to-make soup with seafood rice and vegetables. As a basis, you can take both water and chicken broth. On chicken, the soup will be more saturated and nutritious. Chicken meat is not used in the soup, therefore, it is better to cook the broth on the wings or neck of the bird.


• mussels, squid, shrimp or ready-made set “Sea cocktail” - 400 gr .;

• 250 gr. fillet of large sea fish;

• green beans - 300 gr.;

• two small stalks of celery;

• 400 gr. tomatoes in tomato juice;

• a small onion;

• garlic;

• a glass of rice;

• two liters of water, and better - low-fat chicken broth;

• 3 tablespoons of soy, brackish sauce;

• refined oil;

• a mixture of herbs (oregano, thyme, parsley) - 3 tsp;

• dry chili pepper (ground).

Cooking method:

1. Put the seafood in a bowl or colander, defrost, then rinse thoroughly. To speed up the process, you can briefly fill with water.

2. We sort the rice, remove impurities in the form of litter and unusable, spoiled grain. Pour the sorted cereals into the pan and rinse thoroughly. Then, pouring cool water, add a little salt and put on a strong fire. Immediately after boiling, reduce the temperature and cook until tender. We cook without boiling intensively, without covering. Before boiling, we try to stir often, and after as little as possible. Cook rice until tender, about twenty minutes. Then we recline on a sieve or colander, and, rinsing with warm water, carefully decant its residues.

3. Peel two small garlic cloves and onion. Peel the canned tomatoes. Green beans, if frozen, scald with boiling water. We wash the celery stalks and fish, dry. We cut the stalks of the beans into parts, celery - in small slices, fish fillets in small pieces.

4. In a pan, preferably with a non-stick coating, pour 2 full tablespoons of oil and place on a small fire. Finely chop the garlic and onions, pour into the warmed oil. Stir frying for 5 minutes. Finely chop the tomatoes, put them in the onion, simmer the whole mass for two minutes. We spread beans and celery to vegetables. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, add the fish and simmer everything together under the lid for at least a quarter of an hour.

5. Boil two liters of purified water. If there is a light chicken broth, it is better to cook soup on it. We put fish stewed with vegetables in boiling liquid, add soy sauce, add spices and lavrushka - one small sheet. Put the thawed seafood and dried rice in a saucepan, add salt to your taste and wait for it to boil. After lowering the heat, boil for one and a half minutes, remove from the stove, let stand for some time.

Tips for making rice soup according to step-by-step recipes - tips from experienced chefs

• Long-grain rice is less starchy. If you cook soup with it, just rinse the cereals. After washing, it is advisable to boil round-grain rice until half cooked, and then rinse again.

• Boiled rice is placed in the broth almost at the end, when the main components of the soup managed to reach readiness. If this is done earlier, the rice will boil into porridge, the soup will turn cloudy, and the taste of the dish will also suffer.

• Using steamed rice speeds up cooking. But it is worth noting that such cereals can change not only the taste, but also the aroma of the soup, since it has its own stable taste and specific smell.


Watch the video: BETTER THAN TAKEOUT - Easy Egg Drop Soup in 2 Ways 蛋花汤 (June 2024).