The suitcase house has started its page on the social network


The suitcase house, which caused a great resonance in Red Square, acquired its own page on the Internet.

The suitcase, registered on Twitter under the name Bag_on_rs, actively publishes photos and communicates with other users.

Here are some posts from the microblog:

"Hello country, I was sprinkled with snow at night."

"I'm tired here. I want to go to Gorky Park."

"I don't want to be a suitcase - I want a chuck chuck and all that jazz."

We remind you that this suitcase, installed near the Kremlin at the beginning of the month, was intended for the exhibition "Soul of Passions". The organizers planned to extend the exhibition until mid-January. But the appearance in the center of the capital of such a pavilion was sharply criticized by politicians and public figures.

In this regard, it is planned to solve this problem as soon as possible. First of all, attempts are made to slightly cool the ardor of the public, which will allow the house-suitcase to stand on, and if it doesn’t work out, then they will take it apart.


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