The meaning of the name Ilona: origin and history. What awaits a girl named Ilona in life: character, family relationships and fate


What does a person’s name mean? This is a kind of pass ticket to life.

The meaning of the name Ilon is quite interesting. The origin and history of the name of Ilon is also ambiguous.

The meaning of the name Ilona

Scientists still shrug, they can not single-handedly determine where the name Ilona came from. Most likely it has one root with the ancient Greek name Elena. It is believed that the name Ilona means "light, bright." This girl has an ambiguous character and a huge desire to help people.

Also, the name Ilona is interpreted as Greek "torch", "moon". The girl is happy dreamy and pensive. The meaning of the name Ilona changed depending on the continent on which it was used, and the stress in the name also changed.

The origin and history of the name of Ilon

The ancient Greek origin of the name Ilon, to which the majority of the scientific world is inclined, introduces a certain mystery into it. Ilona was not one of the goddesses, the name was practically not mentioned in manuscripts and was little used in Europe in the Middle Ages.

It began to gain popularity among Catholics, who celebrated Ilona’s birthday in parallel with Elena’s birthday. And Elena was considered one of the great martyrs elevated to the rank of saints.

Ilona's zodiac sign is Leo. This determines her strong-willed character and desire to be the first in everything. But her desire to prove her case sometimes transcends all boundaries. She needs to restrain her emotions, so as not to quarrel with her loved ones completely. She is very wayward.

The character and fate of Ilona

The character and fate of Ilon are quite complex. The girl is not looking for easy ways to solve problems, she always one step ahead of the competition, but at the same time it’s quite hard going through any conflict with loved ones.

The number of this girl is 1. Therefore, she is almost always the first in everything. She is quite cheerful, but if she feels falsehood in relation to herself, she immediately stops communicating. She is doesn’t think twice about making a decision, a lot of things come to her mind with lightning speed.

She is loves extreme situations and creates them herselfliterally out of the blue. This is good at work, but it is very difficult for her chosen one to perceive in her personal life. He is pretty long time with a decision to start a serious relationship, because he sees in his partner an eccentric person.

In the financial sector, Ilone don't get involved in business, she not only will not be able to develop it, but will ruin the work already begun. And all because Ilona is too eccentric, and rarely when she compromises with other people.

If Ilona finds someone's advice sensible for herself, she will make every effort to realize someone else's idea better and better. She often envy bright appearance and the ability to attract energy to yourself. She likes to listen to other people's complaints in order to gain important life experience. But she should not trust important things and secrets, she can use it against you at any moment of time.

Demonstrating his innocence, Ilona often aggressive and even nervous. It is increasingly attracting attention with ambiguous actions that cause the desire not to get closer in communication, but rather to stop it altogether. Defending your point of view in personal relationships is not always necessary. Sometimes it is worth taking the side of a man in order to reach a compromise.

She refuses the help of friends and relatives, grows up quite early and becomes an individualist, a rebel. It can affect a man’s heart and break it just as quickly. At the same time, Ilona herself quite difficult to perceive a breakup.

Appearance and luck Ilona

What does the name Ilona mean? This is the light. Outwardly she pretty attractive and it’s hard for her to say that she is deprived of the attention of men. She has incredibly expressive eyes that attract with their depth. Appearance is as bright as character. But, as he is changeable, so is her mood in appearance. She is bright and extraordinary, then a simpleton with a soul for plowing.

Ilona is pretty lucky she is recklessbut in moderation. He likes to travel and seek new emotions. To do this, she needs very little - a little free time. Ilona also loves any creative profession, she is ready to visit all the extraordinary circles. It is almost impossible to captivate her with routine and household chores. She is very tired of work and goes into himself.

Men are quickly ignited by the flame of passion for Ilona and just as quickly disappointed in their chosen one. She is not strong not only in matters of life, but also in matters of raising children. She simply does not see the point of wasting her precious time, which is allotted to her rightfully. Ilona is very fond of social receptions and large-scale parties. She is always in the spotlight.

She herself can organize such events, while, apart from something shameful, adopt other people's ideas for the event. She is can easily become a passionate lover a married man, but this will not add to her happiness. She will only be temporarily happy.

Ilona is always in search of what would light her soul. She is quite emotional, so often she is moping in the fall and spring. She lacks warmth, but she compensates for her active communication and attention of the opposite sex. If Ilona wonders the idea of ​​creating her own business, she should do it in parallel with the main work, otherwise she will work at a loss

What does the name Ilona mean? A torch that can burn the heart and soul of anyone, so men are in no hurry to associate their fate with Ilona. Ilona taunts those men who literally run after her - she doesn’t even want to hear about romance and eternal love. But when such cavaliers disappear from her life - she is very upset.

Having gained a little experience of life, Ilona is looking for just such a relationship, but fate will no longer give her such an opportunity. She constantly delivers chores to her loved ones, while they are madly in love with her. Choosing a creative profession, Ilona does not fail, and will provide himself with frequent trips and positive emotions.


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