What to do if your eyes watery: the main causes of tearing. Teary eyes: what to do and how to treat


Tearing is a fairly common problem, which can signal a variety of disorders in the lacrimal glands and cornea.

It can occur for various reasons, but one thing is important: such a symptom cannot be ignored, because it is not the norm.

This article will describe in detail what needs to be done if the eyes are watery and what medications are most effective in this case.

What to do if both eyes watery: causes of the symptom

Most often, watery eyes begin for such reasons:

1. Stress. Despite the seemingly, at first glance, incompatibility of the nervous system and inflammation in the eye, it is the psychosomatic manifestations that very often become the root cause of constant tearing in people.

It is important to know that it is impossible to cope with this with eye drops, so you need to contact not an ophthalmologist, but a neurologist so that he prescribes neurodynamic or sedative drugs.

2. Allergic reaction may be accompanied by increased tearing. Typically, an allergen in this case is such irritants:

• honey;

• nuts;

• chocolate;

• Strawberry;

• cosmetics;

• a bite of an insect;

• animal hair;

• fluff.

In some people, the allergy has a seasonal course, that is, it worsens in the spring or summer. Her symptoms are:

• redness of the eyes;

• sore throat;

• itching in the nose, throat and eyes;

• swelling of the face;

• severe damage to the cornea (in advanced cases, it can lead to visual impairment);

• heavier breathing;

• shortness of breath.

If an allergic reaction occurs, it is very important to consult a doctor on time, otherwise strong manifestations of this condition can provoke anaphylactic shock.

3. Foreign body contact in the eye can also cause tearing. This is caused by the fact that the body thus exhibits a protective reaction for the speedy disposal of an excess object.

If the caught object is not taken out of the eye for a long time, that its mucous membrane becomes inflamed. This condition is also dangerous in that even a small midge or lint can scratch the surface of the cornea, causing terrible pain and burning sensation in humans.

To pull a foreign body out of the eye, you need to carefully move it to the corner of the mucous membrane of the eye. This should be done not with hands, but with a soft cloth, so as not to bring infection into the eye even more. After that, simply remove the foreign object. If it’s not possible to do this on your own, and the eye continues to hurt, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

4. Incorrectly selected glasses (contact lenses). Immediately before buying these visual aids, you should always consult a doctor so that he accurately indicates the parameters of glasses or lenses. Otherwise, a person can pick up glasses that are too magnifying for themselves, which will cause eye strain and tearing.

In addition, the material from which they are made, as well as the disinfecting solution in which they are stored, play an important role in choosing lenses. If these accessories are of poor quality, that after the first day of wearing they can easily cause irritation and redness of the eyes.

5. Injury to the cornea. This means injury (bruise, bump) or burn. The latter usually occurs with direct exposure to ultraviolet rays, which can occur during welding, visiting a solarium or taking sun baths.

6. Severe migraine. It can cause lacrimation with headaches, when a person's intracranial pressure is disturbed. If the eyes watery for this reason, then their treatment should be comprehensive (aimed at relieving headaches and tearing).

7. Inversion of the eyelids. In this state, the lacrimal openings will not come into contact with the lacrimal canals, therefore, the released fluid will not be absorbed. This pathology requires treatment, otherwise, otherwise a person may have vision problems.

8. Eye contactthat caused inflammation and lacrimation. This can happen when swimming in an open pond in which there are pathogenic bacteria.

9. Violation of the production of tear production.

10. Narrowing of the lacrimal openings. Trauma, prolonged inflammation or spasm can provoke such a pathology.

11. Excessive load eyes may also cause lacrimation. This can be provoked by reading while lying down or watching TV for a long time.

Additional causes of lacrimation may be:

1. Pathology of the lacrimal sac.

2. Various diseases of the nasal sinuses, which gave a complication to the eyes.

3. Age-related disorders of the ocular system. This is due to the fact that in people over the age of 50, the eye muscles weaken, which leads to keratoconjunctivitis.

In addition to tearing, people with this problem can also suffer from itching, burning and eye fatigue. Sometimes they have photophobia.

4. An acute deficiency of vitamin A and B12. Vitaminosis can occur with improper nutrition and frequent adherence to restrictive diets.

It is important to know that vitamin A is a very important trace element that ensures the normal functioning of the eyes. With its shortage, a person develops xerophthalmia. This disease disrupts the cornea, which leads to inflammation and transparency. Thus, the cornea gradually dies away, and the person's vision disappears.

Signs of vitamin deficiency are:

• photophobia;

• decreased vision;

• tearing.

Teary eyes with a corneal injury

Traumatic factors, even minor ones, disrupt the integrity of the eye tissue: cornea and conjunctiva, which is manifested by edema, redness, pain and burning, a sensation of a foreign body in the eye. To restore eye tissue after injuries, agents with dexpanthenol, a substance that has a regenerating effect on tissues, in particular the Korneregel eye gel, have proven themselves well. It has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5% *, and its carbomer, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

Very watery eyes: what to do and how to treat

In order to get rid of tearing, it is first necessary to identify the cause that triggered this unpleasant symptom. You need to talk to the therapist, ophthalmologist and neurologist.

The most effective medications for tearing are the following drugs:

1. Tetracycline ointment. It has pronounced antibacterial properties, therefore it is effective against eye infections.

2. Hydrocortisone. This drug has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. It is usually prescribed for itching, allergies, and burns.

3. Erythromycin ointment has an antimicrobial effect. It also restores protein synthesis, stopping the development of infections.

4. Eye drops Artelak Balance are prescribed for tearing, burning and eye fatigue.

What to do if your eyes watery: useful tips

To quickly eliminate lacrimation, you must adhere to such tips:

1. When tearing in bright sunshine, wear sunglasses.

2. For allergic lacrimation, it is recommended to use anti-allergic eye drops (Opatanol, Kromofarm).

3. With purulent discharge from the eye, antibacterial drops should be used, since, most likely, these are manifestations of microbial conjunctivitis.

4. With tear, which caused an eversion of the eyelids, the most effective treatment is eyelid surgery. The rehabilitation period after such an operation takes several weeks.

5. In case of malabsorption in the lacrimal canals, lacoprosthetics can be performed. It is aimed at restoring patency of the tear ducts.

6. If tearing is caused by a lack of vitamin, you should enrich your diet with these products:

• carrots and juices from it;

• cream;

• olive oil;

• sour cream;

• pumpkin;

• bell pepper;

• persimmon;

• apricots;

• black currant;

• rose hips;

• spinach;

• blueberries;

• tomatoes;

• liver;

• eggs;

• a fish.

These products are rich not only in vitamin A and B12, but also in vitamin E, C, PP. With their regular intake, you can restore the work of the lacrimal canals and improve vision.

Teary eyes: what to do to prevent this

To prevent tearing, it is important to adhere to such preventive measures:

1. Try to minimize eye strain and do not watch TV again.

2. Eat a balanced diet.

3. Avoid stress.

4. If you are prone to allergies, avoid contact with the allergen. You can also pre-drink antiallergic drugs to reduce the risk of allergies.

5. Before buying lenses or glasses, you should always consult a doctor.

6. Treat nasal diseases that can cause eye tear complications.

* 5% - the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol among ophthalmic forms in the Russian Federation. According to the State Register of Medicines, State Medical Devices and Organizations (Individual Entrepreneurs) engaged in the production and manufacture of medical devices, as well as data from manufacturers' open sources (official websites, publications), April 2017
There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions or consult a specialist.


Watch the video: What causes watery eyes? (July 2024).