The meaning of the name Vitaliy


Name Vitaliy has Latin roots and means "vital". This name may sound too soft for a man, but for many years it has been stably popular, for every thousand newborns there are up to 15 boys named Vitalik. As a rule, the bearers of this name justify its meaning and have a great taste for life.

Vitaliy - character traits

Little Vitalik is often considered a sissy, since he is always near his mother and is distinguished by obedience and affection, and in school - diligence and the ability to adapt to the situation. Playing with other children, he loves the company of kids more, and treats them with care and good nature.

Vitaliy loves music, often knows how to play chess. He is characterized by stubbornness and laconicism, he loves animals, often he has a dog, usually a thoroughbred, which he takes good care of. Vitaliy is also keen on cars, behind the wheel he is transformed, becoming more witty, and he, as a rule, knows how to dismantle, assemble, and repair his iron horse. He is distinguished by great sociability, not a petty and kind person, cheerful and sometimes too trusting.

Vitaly has an enviable sense of purpose and a flexible mind, as well as worldly cunning. If he needs it, he will be able to get rid of any bad habit and any character traits that interfere with him. In the professional field, he will be able to achieve success in the field of engineering, design, as well as in teaching, if he teaches children physics or geometry. Vitaliy can also become a talented businessman and leader, but, by virtue of his character, he will not be able to withstand competition with cruel and dishonest people. Vitaly is not a money-grubber, having reached average prosperity, which allows him and his family to live comfortably, he ceases to look for ways for further enrichment. However, when the situation changes, he does not hesitate to start working hard again.

Vitaly's wife should be not only his beloved, but also his friend. Vitaly has a great temperament, he is not indifferent to female beauty and charm, but he keeps restrained in public with his wife, even dry. As a rule, he does not change his wife, as he values ​​her love and his family.

Vitaliy - name compatibility

Vitaly will have the most successful marriage with Catherine, Zinaida, Antonina, Clara, Lydia, Veta, Nina, Maria, Nadezhda, Polina, Tamara. Family life with Aurora, Zoe, Anastasia, Veronica, Victoria, Maya, Lily, Margarita, Ruslana is unlikely to be happy.

Vitaliy - famous people who wore this name

Among Vitaliev there are many famous people who have achieved success in various fields of activity. Christians honor the memory of the holy martyr Vitaly, who suffered for the faith at the beginning of the III century. Other famous people who bore this name: writer Vitali Bianchi; physicist Vitaly Goldansky; Climber Vitaliy Abalakov; writer Vitaly Zakrutkin; actor Vitaly Doronin; artist Vitaly Goryaev; physicist Vitaly Ginsburg; Oceanologist Vitaly Bogorodsky; radio physicist Vitaliy Zverev; thermal physicist Vitaly Ievlev; geologist Vitaly Kovalsky; historian and economist Vitaly Zhurkin; theater historian Vitaly Wulf; writer Vitaliy Korotich; hockey player Vitaly Davydov; artist Vitaly Komar; electronics engineer Vitaly Aristov; actor Vitaly Solomin; boxer Vitali Klitschko and others.

Vitaly - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Vitaliy - Aquarius;
- patron planet - Mercury;
- color mascot - purple;
- totem animal - tiger;
- totem plants - poplar, violet;
- stone mascot - sapphire.


Yana 04/14/2016
Vitali can control their feelings, habits, desires - and therefore their life. These are very useful skills, you can achieve a lot, and most importantly - happiness and prosperity. And while driving, Vitali really become different, so important, all-knowing, sophisticated life)))

Eva 04/14/2016
Vitali, indeed, is not a fan of publicly pouring out and generally somehow expressing his feelings for a woman. And in simple conversations with friends, they avoid this topic, preferring it to work. Vitali have a variety of hobbies, are fond of technology.

Gulya 04/14/2016
I like in Vitali that they are not crazy about finances. They will not cast away the simple joys of life, deprive themselves of rest. They know how to earn money, you can hardly meet poor Vitaly))) In general, they have a practical mind, but they also need love no less.

Kristina 04/14/2016
Ha! As I read that Vitaly at the wheel all at once transformed. becomes witty - a smile from ear to ear !!))) So this is true! In life, after all, Vitali is not so confident in himself, despite their frequent, external manifestation of self-confidence.

Alena 04/14/2016
I really wanted to read about Vitaliev. In my life, I had several relationships with men with this name, and all relationships ended somehow not very well. I found the answer for myself - Vitali sissies !! And I really do not like this.


Watch the video: How to pronounce Vitaliy RussianRussia - (June 2024).