Just two cups a day reduces the risk of fractures by 28%.


Chinese scientists have found that drinking 2-3 cups of tea daily can prevent the development of osteoporosis. Tea is useful to people regardless of their sex and reduces the risk of hip fractures (which, as a rule, older people suffer) by 37%.

Also managed to find out that coffee does not have similar properties.

Scientists summarized the findings of 14 studies aimed at studying the relationship of nutrition and the risk of hip fracture. The results showed that lovers of pocaver suffered much less frequently from fractures of this particular part of the body. It was also found that 1-2 cups reduced the likelihood of fracture by 28%. It is curious, but that the more tea is used, the lower this percentage.

The high efficiency of tea in the prevention of fractures, scientists have associated with the presence in the drink flavonoids, which accelerate the growth of bone tissue. Important chemical elements included in tea - fluoride, calcium, etc. make the bones more durable.


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