Can I baptize a child on Easter? So significant for believing parents, and not only the question, is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?


The Easter week of the whole Orthodox world is considered one of the holiest of the year.

It is on these days that miracles of healing are performed and sacred ordinances are revealed to the inhabitants.

So is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Or is it worth the time?

The sacrament of baptism: is it possible to baptize a child on Easter?

Today, the entire Orthodox world strongly recommends that all newly made parents baptize their children in the first year of their life, preferably immediately after the fortieth day after birth. Why such a rush? After all, before under the totalitarian regime, children were not baptized at all?

Parents are in a hurry, because society has developed a superstition that if a child is not baptized, then he is vulnerable to evil forces. In fact, most parents do not even suspect that they bring baptism with them for a person.

A baptized man falls under the protection of the Orthodox egregor. Egregore is that Orthodox power of prayers and offerings that has been accumulating for centuries, and it is she who stands up for the protection of the child. In the old days it was customary to name babies by one name, and to baptize under another. It was believed that if the dark forces did not know the name of the baptismal baby, then they could not harm him.

Today, many occult practitioners consider these statements to be true, but insist that when parents independently baptize a child at an unconscious age, they make a life-long choice for him. The sacrament of baptism is performed without the conscious permission of a new person who has recently come to this world. But the customs and traditions of society are hard to overcome, so the only thing left for parents is to choose a suitable date for baptism. Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter, is the day suitable for this? We will answer this question below.

Can I baptize a child on Easter? What difficulties may arise

Easter is one of the happiest days of the year for Orthodox believers even because they come out of Lent and can afford a lot. On this day, families celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord and in all Temples from Saturday night begin to conduct services. Many parents who would like to christen a child on this day are faced with the refusal of clergy to provide such a service.

They can refuse their parents in the Church, arguing that they should not baptize a child on the Great Feast. In fact, all the Holy Fathers know that it is possible to baptize on any day, just the schedule of the Temple may not allow this to be done fully on Easter Sunday.

But why can a failure sound? It’s worth imagining for a moment the scale of the celebration of Easter. All the churches are crammed with parishioners, who even stand on the street, waiting for the turn to reach them in lighting Easter products. All the Holy Fathers are fully involved, so they just have no time to physically baptize.

Of course, if in the church shop parents are denied the baptismal ritual, arguing that the banal lack of time - it will cause outrage from the people. Therefore, it is easier to say what is not allowed. In many Temples, the Sabbath is chosen for the sacrament. On Easter week it is also a very convenient day, because on Saturday it is already possible to take a break from cleaning Thursday and the troubles of Good Friday.

Saturday is pre-holiday and is considered Easter, which is why many churchmen choose the best for the baptismal ritual. So, wondering if it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, parents should know what is possible only if they can convince the Father.

The difficulty is that in many cities the Church has become a commercial organization and in order to conduct ceremonies on a holiday, clergymen begin to ask the newly-made parents for a double tariff for carrying out the ritual.

But many esotericists and ministers of the Church believe that it is worth it. The baptismal ritual held on a large church holiday gives additional protection and strength to the child. This may seem very contradictory, but there are a number of arguments to this statement.

Is it possible to baptize a child on Easter: arguments for

So, Easter is a holiday dedicated to the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucifixion. On this day, there is an intensification of myrrh-streaming icons, the water sanctified on this day - for a long time keeps its properties. It is believed that miracles happen on Easter day, so you should carefully consider all events and signs in this period.

Can I baptize a child on Easter? It is possible, because the child will be baptized with blessed water, which has the most powerful energy in the year. This will allow you to wash away from the soul of the child all the sins of past lives and get a charge of health. Even for parents this day will be doubly special, since the Easter day fills the hearts of many with hope and faith, and this is so lacking in modern society.

If parents can convince the clergy to perform the ritual on this day, then they can profitably combine the Sunday Easter service with a wonderful ritual of the baptism of their child. Thousands of prayers of parishioners that day will be in defense of their child and their family. The sacrament will be significant, and it can be celebrated not only on the day of christening annually, but also on the day of the celebration of Easter.

But, if parents doubt the correct choice of the day for such a significant and significant ritual, then you should not convince them of this. Everything has its time. Many parents are more oriented in matters of baptism not on the Great Holidays, but on the days of the angels, and they are also right. Each family has the right to choose the day of baptism to their taste. But it is worth remembering that when asking a question whether it is possible to baptize a child on Easter, they will be given a clear answer "can." And then the choice is for the family. The most important thing is a festive and positive attitude in any circumstances. Peace and quiet in the soul.


Watch the video: Why We Baptize in Jesus' Name - David K. Bernard & David S. Norris (June 2024).