August 6: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on August 6th.


Holidays august 6

International Doctors of the World for Peace Day

This day is, in a sense, symbolic, celebrated on the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. The main goal is to remind the world of doctors in the fight to prevent war. The Doctors of the World for Peace organization appeared in 1980, separating from another well-known international organization. Since that time, large branches of Doctors of the World have formed in 12 countries: the USA, the Netherlands and Sweden. This day is a working day for the organization itself - instead of lush celebrations, doctors are focused on everyday work.

Railway Day

This day is a celebration in honor of the day of the creation of special military units for the operation and protection of the railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Military workers, conductors, and one telegraph company were formed, the total number of which was 4340 people. This was the beginning of the formation of military railway units.

They were charged with ensuring round-the-clock uninterrupted operation of the stations, maintaining the railway track in good condition, guarding railway crossings and bridges. During the war years, the railway troops and civilian railway workers were able to restore and build more than 130 thousand kilometers of railway tracks and over three thousand bridges.

Catholic Transfiguration

By transfiguration on Mount Tabor, the Lord Jesus Christ showed his disciples the Glory of the Godhead, so that during His sufferings and death on the Cross, they would not stop believing in the Only Begotten Son of God. To some extent, the Feast of Transfiguration is comparable to the Feast of Tabernacles. This connection is confirmed by the tradition of consecration of fruits during these holidays. In Christianity, this tradition has a special symbolic meaning. Nature, which has become frustrated since it entered through man into the world of sin, now awaits the coming renewal with man.

Jamaica Independence and Self-Determination Day

In ancient times, Jamaica was inhabited by Indians. Columbus, who set foot on her land in 1498, gave her a new name - Santiago and received the title of Marquis of Jamaica from the Spanish crown. Aborigines were dying of diseases and overwork, they preferred to drink poisonous cassava juice. Jamaica was declared independent in 1962.

Hiroshima bombing day

Anarchist events are held annually in countries around the world. The events that take place on this day show new generations the horror experienced by the victims of the disaster.

Memorial Day of St. Dominic

The Catholic Church with the name of St. Dominic connects the appearance of a common prayer on the rosary - the Rosary. According to legend, in 1214, the Rosary was handed over to St. Dominic with the appearance of the Virgin Mary.

August 6th in the folk calendar

Boris and Gleb

Roman and David, who became baptized in Boris and Gleb, are the first Russian saints to be canonized by the Russian Orthodox Byzantine church. They were princes, sons of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. The brothers were killed by their third half-brother Svyatopolk the Accursed in the struggle for power. Boris and Gleb are considered intercessors of the Russian land and heavenly assistants to the Russian princes.

On this day, peasants avoided field trips and meadows - there could have been a fire. The basis of this belief were numerous thunderstorms, accompanied by lightning, the time of which began just in August.
Women and children on Boris and Gleb began to pick cherry berries. Compotes were cooked from them, and berries were also harvested for future use in dried form.

August 6th in history

August 6, 1806 - The cessation of the Holy Roman Empire.

The German king Otto I, dreaming of reviving the empire of Charlemagne, founded the Holy Roman Empire in 962. The civil war of the Welfings and Hohenstaufen dynasties weakened the power of the empire. Since 1438, power was concentrated in the hands of the Habsburgs, who sacrificed national interests in the name of the dynasty. In 1519, Charles I, king of Spain, who united Spain, Germany, the Sicilian kingdom, the Netherlands, and Sardinia, was elected emperor under the name of Charles V. In the 16th century, the hopes of rebuilding the empire were destroyed by the reformation. On August 6, 1806, Franz II, who was the last emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, refused the crown, thereby putting an end to the existence of the empire.

August 6, 1961 - the second space flight in history, made by the Soviet cosmonaut German Titov

On August 6, 1961, astronaut German Titov at nine in the morning on the Vostok-2 spacecraft entered orbit and circled the Earth 17 times. After spending more than 25 hours in space, Titov proved that you can live and work there. The astronaut took the first photographs of the Earth, he dined for the first time in zero gravity, and was even able to sleep. German Titov was almost 26 years old at the time of the flight. He is the youngest astronaut to have traveled to space. Titov resigned in 1992.

August 6, 1026 - a temple was consecrated in Vyshgorod in honor of the faithful Boris and Gleb

On August 6, 1026, in the city of Vyshgorod near Kiev, the first temple was consecrated in honor of the Princes Boris and Gleb. The relics of the holy brothers began to be stored there, before that they were hidden in unknown places. since the temple was destroyed before the foundation as a result of raids by the Tatars. The day of Saints Boris and Gleb is celebrated by the Orthodox Church three times: May 15, August 6 and September 18 (according to the new style).

August 6, 1889 - the last boxing fight without gloves

Modern boxing is one of the oldest fist fights. The "Boxing Rules with Gloves" are the foundation of modern rules. But the "era of naked fists" lasted about 25 years. On August 6, 1889, the last gloveless competition was held between American athletes Mitchell Kiprivipp and John Salpivan.

Born on August 6

Tikhon Rabotnov - Professor Emeritus of Moscow State University, Soviet and Russian geobotanist and ecologist. He devoted more than 40 years of his life to work at the State Meadow Institute. Among the students of Rabotnov more than 30 candidates of sciences, he published more than five hundred scientific papers, was one of the most famous figures in the field of meadow cultivation and meadow science. The professor delivered his lecture course on the History of Geobotany to students under 94 years old, publishing parallel scientific articles.

Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955) - Nobel laureate, British bacteriologist. He graduated from medical school, and in 1906 joined the Royal College of Surgeons. Alexander Fleming is a pioneer of important substances - penicillin and lysozyme.

Knight Shyamalan (1970) - American screenwriter and filmmaker of Indian descent. In 1995, Shyamalan adapts the book of E.B., commissioned by Columbia Pictures. White "Stuart Little". In 1999, the cartoon was released and enjoyed success with children and adults. Her works also include The Sixth Sense, Invulnerable, Mysterious Forest, Signs, Girl from the Water, and others.

Yakov Kulnev (1763 - 1812 years) - Russian commander. He began to serve in 1785. Widespread fame brought him to participate in the Swedish war, in the battles of Orovays and Kuortan, as well as an expedition to the Åland Islands. Kulnev Yakov Petrovich died on August 1, 1812 near the village of Klyastitsy (Vitebsk region), not having lived five days before his forty-ninth birthday.

Pavel Demidov (1798-1840) - Russian entrepreneur, philanthropist and philanthropist. He was an honorary member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. From the donated capital, the Academy of Sciences appointed large and small Demidov prizes.

Name day on August 6

Anatoly, Athanasius, Boris, Gleb, David, Ivan, Hilarion, Christina, Nikolai, Roman.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).