Why dream of a new year?


New Year's holidays both in life and in night dreams mean change, move to a higher level, revision of previous installations. Dreams in which the new year has dreamed often mark the subconscious desire to change themselves and everything around. Sometimes bright night visions can visit us in the winter, and this is explained by the usual desire to take a break from the hustle and bustle, to be with loved ones and loved ones, but it happens that the new year is not the season - this is also an interesting sign. What to expect from New Year's dreams? This will help to understand the dream books.

New Year dreamed, what does this mean?

Often, the new year is dreaming of a bright streak in the dreamer's life. Some psychologists explain such pleasant dreams by the subconscious desire for change in a particular area of ​​life. You can list some general predictions marked by different dream books:

  • good dream - in the near future, fate will please the sleeper with material and moral enrichment;
  • young married A good New Year's dream for a couple promises family happiness;
  • celebrate a holiday in a circle of good company - to lucky coincidence of circumstances;
  • celebrate the New Year away from loved ones - hint at the necessary changes in yourself and the revision of views in relation to the environment;
  • don't feel joy - to stress in family relationships;
  • be alone on holiday - to stagnation in affairs caused by the dreamer's apathy;
  • get hurt or burned during the celebration - the dreamer inserts a stick in his wheels;
  • new year in the circle of strangers - unexpected, but pleasant changes.

In search of the right interpretation, which is right for you, you should remember what exactly dreamed, at what time of year, who was next to you in a dream during the New Year's fuss, what was your feeling in a dream? These details will help in more detail to predict possible changes in the near future.

Celebrate the new year in a dream - interpretation of the dream

The interpretation of the dreamer itself is of decisive importance. What feelings the dreamer remembered - so will the predictions.

In Miller's Dream Book The dreamed holiday is marked by pleasant changes in the near future, including financially. Feel apathy during a celebration in a dream - to tension in relationships with relatives.

The interpretation of the dream book from A to Z promises happiness to a young couple, one of whom dreamed that he pouring champagne on New Year's Eve. Dress up herringbone - by the end of the unsuccessful period in reality. Celebrate the holiday at a ball or party - to an unexpected offer, from which you should not refuse. But to celebrate the new year alone on a cold street - to skirmish with loved ones. Celebrate in a bar or restaurant - to possible theft.

Gypsy dream bookforeshadows an early opportunity to bring working or creative plans to life.

Meanings of dreams

Why dream of a new year and gifts? Accepting pleasant gifts in a dream means that pleasant changes will happen in the near future, especially for married couples. But strange or unpleasant gifts promise possible diseases.

What dreams of the new year as a quiet holiday in a narrow family circle? Interpreters predict a large purchase, useful for all family members.

If the new year dreamed not at home - what to expect? To meet a holiday in nature means that the dreamer can open up new opportunities that affect creative or career growth, the main thing is to be more careful with unreliable people.

Celebrating the new year abroad is a forerunner of the fact that it will be difficult, but possible, to embody the plan.

If the dreamer dreamed that he celebrates the new year in the workplacethen you can wait for a raise. But you should be careful, because a masquerade or a lot of alcohol is a bad sign, promising omissions or adventures. Dream books explain that receiving gifts from colleagues is a sign of the dreamer's excessive selfishness.

If the dreamer saw on the New Year's table too much boozeInterpreters advise to reconsider their priorities; perhaps they are preventing us from moving in the right direction.

What dreams about preparing for a new year?Dream interpretation from A to Z explains the dream in preparation for the holiday joyful events that will soon make themselves known in real life.

If getting ready had a dream poor table for the new year, the dream book recommends the dreamer to stop making unnecessary purchases or borrow money, otherwise it can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Why dream of a new year out of season?The authors of the dream books often agree that a good dream about a holiday, not having dreamed on the eve of a new year, is a precursor of pleasant changes. To see a dream in summer, spring or autumn means that there is a big family event ahead or a change of residence. Unexpected things can happen.


Watch the video: New Year Dream (June 2024).