Scientists have proven that depression is contagious


Scientists from the United States believe that depression and mental disorders can be considered contagious diseases along with the flu and the common cold.

Specialists from the American Psychological Association have proven that depression and the depressed state that accompanies it are contagious. Therefore, being close to a person who is inclined to perceive reality in black colors is very dangerous. Psychological disorders and pain can be transmitted even to incorrigible optimists. But the familiar atmosphere and communication with positive-minded and cheerful people returns peace of mind very quickly.

Junior college students agreed to participate in the testing. Scientists believe that a person of this age is most susceptible to the influence of surrounding people. Experts observed 206 students who lived in pairs. Three months later, participants who lived with a depressed person complained of a deterioration in their emotional state. Respondents living in the neighborhood of a cheerful and positive person, on the contrary, became less depressed.

A repeated experiment conducted six months later confirmed the result, and this allowed psychologists to argue that depression is a contagious disease. Also, the study proved that the level of depression is not a constant. It is able to change in accordance with changes in society, which can be successfully used in the treatment of depressive conditions.


Katerina 09/09/2016
Interesting. Since depression has the property of being transmitted to humans like the common cold virus, it means that you need to be able to control yourself. Thank you for the article!

Vladimir 08/07/2016
Once again I am convinced of the mediocrity of psychologists! out of a hundred there may be one real !!!
on what basis are such "deep" conclusions made !!!? a man was planted with a depressive subject and he became infected! Yes, here you can hang yourself with longing !!! But nothing to do with the infection! Our bureaucrats took over the experience of washing the state treasury! But they are still far away from ours - the little things work are small!
The good thing is that these conclusions deeply do not care! they only benefit professors and students — they pay well for it — and who got the cream from this project got special benefit !!! I suggest recruiting 2,000 students and conduct this experiment! Is it so !!! 10% of the project I take for the idea! stop throwing me later.


Watch the video: Gary Slutkin: Let's treat violence like a contagious disease (May 2024).